Saving Nine: The Fight Against the Left’s Audacious Plan to Pack the Supreme Court and Destroy American Liberty - book cover
Politics & Government
  • Publisher : Center Street
  • Published : 07 Jun 2022
  • Pages : 240
  • ISBN-10 : 1546002200
  • ISBN-13 : 9781546002208
  • Language : English

Saving Nine: The Fight Against the Left’s Audacious Plan to Pack the Supreme Court and Destroy American Liberty

The left's partisan push to pack the Supreme Court with liberal justices has fully migrated from the fringes into the mainstream of Democratic politics.

It wasn't long ago that liberal icons, including the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, were against the idea of overhauling the court for political gain. But now, in the Biden era, more and more powerful Democrats are getting behind the cause, claiming the high court is broken and actively dismantling our democracy. Even Joe Biden-who once called court-packing a "bonehead idea"-gave in to the progressive wing of his party, appointing a committee to examine "reforms" to the court after being sworn in as president.
What changed? Mike Lee, a respected member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, reveals the answer to that question and warns of the dangerous norm-shattering precedent that would be set by politically motivated attempts to turn the Supreme Court into just another partisan weapon. 

Editorial Reviews

"More timely than you ever dreamed of."―Sean Hannity

"Outstanding...couldn't be more timely. Saving Nine, by certainly one of the smartest people in Congress, one of the most accomplished Constitutionalists as far as I'm concerned, and a dear friend. I encourage you to get it. It's so prescient...a terrific book."―Mark Levin

"I highly recommend it."―Jesse Kelly

Readers Top Reviews

APRudy KishJames Lee
A very timely book from an insider who knows the subject well
Saving Nine explains so much more than how to stop Joe Biden from packing the Supreme Court. It explains what happened when President Roosevelt tried this in 1937, and (more importantly) why Americans are still suffering from what happened when the Supreme Court succumbed to his intimidation tactics. We’re seeing some of the same things happening today, and can’t afford to go down that road again.
Pen and Paper
Every American who loves the Constitution should read this book.
ToddJeannie Bear
The court packing advocated by today's liberals is simply a way to create an autocratic government. You would have control of all branches of government effectively destroying the democracy. All checks and balances would be removed. Additionally, if, an unlikely if, a different party were to come into power of the executive and legislative branch, they would simply pack more judges on the court. We would be in this endless loop of adding judges which would essentially make the judicial branch irrelevant. Our governing system isn't perfect, but it is the best out there. Court packing would be a major blow to our republic. In addition to outlining why court packing is so detrimental to the country, Senator Lee passionately covers the history of the court and its role in government. It is essentially there to tell if laws are Constitutional or not. Being political is not it's role. When I read something like this, I'm continually amazed how well the Founding Fathers and early leaders put our governance model together. Again, while not perfect, it got a lot of things right that are standing the test of time and shouldn't be altered.

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