Slaughter of the Mountain Man - book cover
  • Publisher : Pinnacle
  • Published : 30 Nov 2021
  • Pages : 352
  • ISBN-10 : 0786040599
  • ISBN-13 : 9780786040599
  • Language : English

Slaughter of the Mountain Man

In this action-packed western from national bestselling authors William W. Johnstone and J.A. Johnstone, mountain man Smoke Jensen sets his sharpshooting sights on an unhinged outlaw who's carved out his own kingdom in the West-and declared war on the United States...
Johnstone Country. Come visit.
He calls himself The King. Once a respected professor, he was ruined by scandal. Now, he rules his own "country"-an area of western territory where an army of outlaws enforce his laws. Any town he claims as  his own must pay "taxes," collected from bank, stagecoach, and train robberies. When he learns that President Rutherford B. Hayes and General William Tecumseh Sherman are venturing into the far west on a tour of the nation, The King devises a plan to kidnap America's leaders and expand his empire.
But The King didn't reckon that Smoke Jensen had already staked his claim on the frontier. Traveling with the president's entourage, the mountain man is not about to let this bloodthirsty, evil tyrant endanger his commander-in-chief and threaten American liberty...

Readers Top Reviews

Slaughter of the Mountain Man by William W. Johnstone and J.A. Johnstone is another good western about Smoke Jensen. This time he gets involved with a man who wants to be king over a part of the United States? We have the usual stuff about train robbers, bank robbers and on the other side Smoke who gets in the midst of all things crazy. It is as usual a good western and gives a couple of hours entertaining reading. I must thank @kensingtonbooks @netgalley #Pinnacle for giving me this advance copy and @williamw.j.a.johnstone for writing it. #NetGalley #Kensington #SlaughterOfTheMountainMan #WilliamWJohnstone #JAJohnstone #Western
SleepyJacqui Murray
Slaughter of the Mountain Man was a bit of a wild and far-fetched story. The plot unfolds with Clemente Pecorino, a disgraced college professor, getting fired for plagiarizing someone else's work. He then moves on to becoming a revolutionary, working to carve out for himself a kingdom within the boundaries of the United States, with himself as dictator and ruler. Using a band of criminals as his soldiers, Pecorino robs banks to obtain funds to fuel his revolution. His next step then becomes plotting to kidnap the President and his party, who are at that time taking a tour of the western states. Pecorino hopes to coerce the government into acknowledge his revolution... It's up to Smoke Jensen and his friends Perley and Cal, who are out on a business trip, to put an end to Pecorino's madness. This was an ok read, an interesting, if far-fetched tale. But I most enjoy when Smoke is out hunting someone and bringing them to justice using his skills honed from years of experience in the outdoors, or setting up traps for the unwary criminal, and this book didn't really deliver that.