So God Made a Mother: Tender, Proud, Strong, Faithful, Known, Beautiful, Worthy, and Unforgettable--Just Like You - book cover
Christian Living
  • Publisher : Tyndale Momentum
  • Published : 18 Apr 2023
  • Pages : 320
  • ISBN-10 : 1496464680
  • ISBN-13 : 9781496464682
  • Language : English

So God Made a Mother: Tender, Proud, Strong, Faithful, Known, Beautiful, Worthy, and Unforgettable--Just Like You

Publishers Weekly and Wall Street Journal Bestseller!

When God made a mother, He had you in mind.

Are you a mother?
Do you have a mother?
Do you know a mother?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, So God Made a Mother is for you.

Join Leslie Means, founder of the popular website Her View From Home, as she weaves together a powerful, emotional collection of essays from women of all ages and stages. These real-life, straight-to-the-heart stories will make you laugh, cry, and nod along.

No two mothers are alike. No two experiences in motherhood mirror each other. But something powerful happens when our stories come together: they speak love, worth, value, and beauty. They take the undefinable experience of motherhood and give it shape and substance and strength. They speak to us all.

So God Made a Mother promises to show you the incomparable heart of a mother . . . a mother just like you.

Readers Top Reviews

Jennifer J Bre
This book is a treasure chest of stories, written from the hearts of mothers just like you: Moms who wouldn’t think twice about giving their own lives to protect their children, moms who feel they aren’t doing enough, moms who miss their littles, moms who are trying to hold on to their bigs, moms who’ve been rocked by a tough diagnosis, moms who have grieved the loss of their children, moms who become mothers by official papers instead of birth, and every mom in-between. There are words in this collection for each of us, and your heart and mind will expand by opening it and absorbing the love.
MamaMM Jennifer
This is a beautiful story telling experience. We're unique as moms, but we have so much in common and these stories help you feel like you're not alone in your experience. With stories about grief, feeling proud, when the kids grow up way too fast and more, I found myself nodding yes and even crying at times. The stories are brief (sometimes 2 pages, sometimes 3-4), perfect for reading a story while you brush your teeth or during the in-between moments or before bed. It would make a great gift. One downside is sometimes I finished a story and wanted to know more! (But, I appreciated they were short, so that's that I guess. :) Overall, five stars.
JSwandaMamaMM J
This book will have you in tears and laughter, and you’ll find yourself feeling seen and understood. You’ll find yourself saying in relief, “Oh, that’s not just me then?” It’s pure camaraderie and solidarity. I wondered if all the stories would cater mostly to the typical mom with young kids, but it speaks to a wider audience than that. There’s stories for moms of teens and adult kids, moms who have lost children (both inside and outside the womb), moms with children who have diseases or disabilities, stories for moms whose full-time job is in the home and for moms who work outside the home, and more. This would be a beautiful gift for your mom or your friend who’s a mom!
Amanda D.Amanda D
This book is for every mother. It’s for the mother of a newborn. The mother of a toddler. The mother of a school-aged child. The mother of a teenager. The mother of an adult child. The mother of a child in heaven. I saw myself in the pages of this book. I saw past me, exhausted with little sleep or time for herself. I saw future me, navigating life with a child who doesn’t need me like he once did. I saw present me, enjoying the moments but knowing they go oh so fast. This book is relatable, comforting, encouraging, inspirational, and just beautiful. I cried, I laughed, I cried some more, and I nodded along thinking “yes, oh my God, this,” over and over again. This book is absolutely a must read.
jkwendzelAmanda D
This is a beautiful book both inside and out (seriously, the quality and color are stunning). I love that they are short essays compiled in to one book written by fantastic mothers in all stages and seasons of motherhood. You will feel seen and heard in this book, which helps, knowing that you aren't alone in the journey of motherhood and someone else has gone through something similar to you. You will be encouraged and inspired. I love how the Lord brought all these mamas together to create this beautiful story. The good, the bad, the messy, the joys, the hard, and all the in between, it's all here in this book and perfectly illustrates that all mothers are always on a journey and everyone's journey is different, but even so, God created you to be the mother of YOUR children because He knew you had the exact things that they would need to grow in to the people He designed them to be. Keep mothering on mamas