So This Is Ever After - book cover
Science Fiction & Fantasy
  • Publisher : Margaret K. McElderry Books
  • Published : 29 Mar 2022
  • Pages : 352
  • ISBN-10 : 1534496866
  • ISBN-13 : 9781534496866
  • Language : English

So This Is Ever After

Carry On meets Arthurian legend in this funny, subversive young adult fantasy about what happens after the chosen one wins the kingdom and has to get married to keep it…and to stay alive.

Arek hadn't thought much about what would happen after he completed the prophecy that said he was destined to save the Kingdom of Ere from its evil ruler. So now that he's finally managed to (somewhat clumsily) behead the evil king (turns out magical swords yanked from bogs don't come pre-sharpened), he and his rag-tag group of quest companions are at a bit of a loss for what to do next.

As a temporary safeguard, Arek's best friend and mage, Matt, convinces him to assume the throne until the true heir can be rescued from her tower. Except that she's dead. Now Arek is stuck as king, a role that comes with a magical catch: choose a spouse by your eighteenth birthday, or wither away into nothing.

With his eighteenth birthday only three months away, and only Matt in on the secret, Arek embarks on a desperate bid to find a spouse to save his life-starting with his quest companions. But his attempts at wooing his friends go painfully and hilariously wrong…until he discovers that love might have been in front of him all along.

Editorial Reviews

The characters have the same dynamic as a well-organized ­Dungeons & Dragons party and are well rounded and easy to root for." ― School Library Journal

"Reading like the love child of a late-night D&D session gone awry and a romantic drama, Lukens has crafted a delightfully original and whimsical narrative." ― Kirkus Reviews

"Lukens has created a magically expansive world where there's no homophobia and the only roadblock to romance is having the courage to delve into your own heart. An adventure that's both madcap and tender." ― Booklist

Readers Top Reviews

Sebastian Balentyne
Couldn't put it down, very funny, very sweet. This book pulls on some of the best tropes in such well written ways, from inclusive characters to subversive and interesting character archetypes, it's like Bioware's Dragon Age 2 met a classic star trek episode's twists and turns! It's really great, I loved the supporting cast of friends, and the way the castle life was described felt refreshing, rather than overly structured and restrictive. Highly reccomend, this is the first book by Lukens I've read so far, and it won't be the last.
Brady Rae
I got this arc from NetGalley and these opinions are my own. This book was so excellent! I’m a big fan of fantasy novels and I found this one to be so unique in that the story takes place after evil has been thwarted! Arek was received prophecy that he would stop The Vile One, he along with his best friend Matt and various other characters have managed to do so! But what do they do now? Someone has to rule, his friends all encourage Arek to take up the crown at least until the rightful princess is released from her tower but when complications arise Arek is stuck being king. And worse then that he has to be bound to someone by his 18th birthday or else! In just 3 months can Arek find love? Can he be a good King when he comes from a humble background? Can he get people to trust him after the reign of The Vile One? To me this book at its core is a rom com but told through the lens of a fantasy novel! Reading about how Arek, with the help of Matt, Sionna, Lila, Bethany, and Rion, adapts to being King and really goes on this quest to find a bond mate with the hopes that it might be one of his friends! I loved the sarcasticy wittiness of pretty much all of the main characters! The slow burn was perfect and agonizing with the obliviousness of two characters! And the time frame in which Arek has to find a bond mate adds a little bit of intrigue and thrill to the book! I’ve enjoyed many of F.T. Lukens’ books and this is no different! If you enjoy LGTBQ+ YA, rom coms, fantasy then you’ll love this book! I can’t wait to read it again!
This was so cute and fun and sweet , definitely gave me rainbow Rowell vibes I adored all the ppl in this book

Short Excerpt Teaser

Chapter 1 CHAPTER 1
I'd been envisioning what it would be like to behead the Vile One since the old wizard had shown up at my door the day after I turned seventeen and told me my destiny-that I would be the person who ended the dark shadow of evil that ruled our realm. Well, okay, not that specific second because who believes a drunken stranger with a crooked hat carrying around a humming staff? No one. That's who. At least, you shouldn't. That's unsafe.

Let me amend. I'd been envisioning this moment since after we'd had tea and he'd explained a few things and told me about the prophecy. Though it didn't feel real, as in very likely, and downright probable, until I pulled a magical sword from a bog and a beam of light shot down from the sky, anointing me with supernatural purpose.

After that, I kept a vision in my head about what would happen when I separated the Vile One's head from his shoulders in the final climactic battle. The cut would be clean. There would be artistic arterial spray, and the disembodied head would roll down the steps of the raised dais and come to rest at the feet of my best friend. Everyone would cheer, and I'd finally be the hero I was prophesied to become. I'd feel different. Righteous. Awesome. Accomplished. Finally grown-up.

Unfortunately, as things seem to have gone since the start of this whole journey, that did not happen. Not even a little bit.

Fueled by adrenaline and vigor, I swung my blade for the death blow, expecting to cleanly remove the Vile One's head. Instead, the blunted edge buried halfway through his neck and jarred to a stop on his spinal column. Huh. Who knew that prophesied weapons didn't come ready-to-use? Apparently, magic swords that spring from bogs don't rise pre-sharpened.

Stunned at this unexpected turn of events, I froze long enough to draw attention from the party of questors supporting me.

"Arek!" Sionna yelled from somewhere in the chaos. "Finish him off!"

I wrenched the blade from the Vile One's throat, did my level best to ignore the astonished look on his face, the open mouth, the wide eyes, the gush of blood running down the front of his black robes, and struck again. And again. I hacked at the twitching body, which had fallen backward and slumped on the front of the throne, propped up like a grotesque doll, until I was certain he was dead, and no amount of magic could bring him back.

Finally, the neck gave way and the head plopped onto the ground, splattering like an overripe pumpkin. Dead eyes peered up at me from sunken hollows, and thin lips pulled over yellowed teeth in a parody of a scream. A picture that would surely fuel my nightmares for at least the next few months, potentially the rest of my life.

I had also imagined lifting the Vile One's head by his hair and holding it up as a kind of trophy as all the dark magic he'd used to usurp the throne and control the realm would recede like a fierce tide, sucking itself from the world in a flash of light as the populace cheered. Except, the Vile One was bald, and there was no way I was picking the head up by anything else, because ugh.

Also, nothing happened. No flash of light. No magical reversal. No swell of victorious music. No fanfare. Nothing.


Disappointingly, I didn't feel different at all, other than sticky. And weary down to my bones, and nauseated. There were no cheers from onlookers, though the sound of vomiting was clear over my right shoulder.

I dabbed my blood-drenched face with the hem of my tunic, but only succeeded in smearing the crimson more thoroughly. My chest heaved. My arms ached. I turned, swaying on the steps, and surveyed the chaos of the room behind me. The fighting had ceased. My friends were all upright, scattered around like thrown dice, but alive. Followers of the Vile One, distinguishable by their black robes and neck tattoos, were either dead, fleeing, or kneeling in defeat.

I leaned heavily on the sword-barely resisting the urge to sag right there onto the stone steps, next to the jerking corpse, and take a nap. Instead, I stumbled down to the main floor.

"You okay?" Matt asked. He had soot stains on his sleeves, tears in his clothes, and a cut above his eye that leaked sluggishly. His brown hair was matted to his head with sweat. He smelled like ozone and magic. He held his staff in his hand, the bright blue jewel at the tip glowing like a star, but as we stood together in the aftermath, his power faded.

A late addition to the vision of victory I kept in my head included sweep...