Stand Your Ground - book cover
Action & Adventure
  • Publisher : Pinnacle
  • Published : 28 Mar 2023
  • Pages : 416
  • ISBN-10 : 078605039X
  • ISBN-13 : 9780786050390
  • Language : English

Stand Your Ground

In this action-packed thriller set in present day Texas, legendary authors William W. Johnstone and J.A. Johnstone show they know what it takes to fight for the red, white and blue...

After the President agrees to hold civilian trials for a gang of  murderous, kill-crazy terrorists, some of them are relocated to Hell's Gate Prison in West Texas. Until a group of fanatical sleeper-cell shock troops launch an all-out assault to "liberate" their jailed comrades. There's just one problem: they don't know that Army Ranger Lucas Kincaid is working part time at Hell's Gate.

With the town's high school team held hostage and in danger of being executed one by one, Kincaid assembles a ragtag band of survivors and aging hardcore cons into a lethal fighting force to keep the unholy warriors from their deadly mission. And Kincaid and his men are on their own-everyone, from the President on down, orders Kincaid to give in to the terrorists' demands.

But warrior Lucas Kincaid, out-numbered and out-gunned, won't back down.

One thing's for sure: when the enemy gets to Hell, they'll know America sent them.

Readers Top Reviews

Sean RileyNeilPapa's
This book has to be one of the worst I've read in recent memory. First, no less than 20% of this book consists of right wing paranoid ranting. I'm a conservative and still found it excessive; I think Glenn Beck would! What's worse is that the diatribes often break into the action to disrupt any flow the book might have gained. A character is about to go into a firefight but stops to ponder how substandard his government provided medical care would be if he were shot in said firefight. Fortunately, the garbage was contained to blocks so I quickly developed a method of skipping forward to pass it by, hoping for some sort of payoff; it never came. Remove the right wing ranting and you're left with an incredibly poorly written book that a tenth grade English teacher would give a failing grade. In short: - The plot line is simplistic with a ton of holes in it. - Character development is weak except for those characters who die. I really didn't care whether most of those who lived did so or not. - The book was poorly researched with a number of errors (i.e. I doubt any terrorists speak Saudi as there is no such language). Seriously, I don't think the author(s) left their living rooms while writing this thing. - Some of the facts that the author mention in the book directly contradict the plot. Perhaps, if you're a right winger extraordinaire, you'll find this book entertaining. If that's not you, don't waste your time or money.
I understand this is a work of fiction, but William always have based his work on some truth. This was written so well I could live it. In some ways I am living it. I hope our country is ready when the war comes. I live in Louisiana and am under a Governor who remind me of someone in your book. I am retired United States Air Force. I enjoy reading your books and always, always enjoyed reading anything William W. Johnstone wrote. I keep everyone of his books I get. Some books I buy for other ex-military to read. You keep writing and I will keep buying them. This book hit home. I hope the people who read it will really READ it. It is wonderful. Thank you.
John Breidinger
Is it prophetic? Is it timely? Read it and draw your own conclusions. I haven’t done so as yet. But I will read the next one!
Toni Garrison
Scary that this book seems so realistic that it could really happen. First book I have read by the author. The book kept me engaged all the way. Lots of action. Will read more from this author.
Lynn Baber
Some novels have been prophetic, like Orwell's "1984." One prays this one is not, but there are many folks in the fly-over states hoping it isn't a preview of the near future because the vision is horrific. Hardline progressives will hate it because it pokes far too hard and too close for comfort. The story line could be ripped from the headlines this week with terrorism in the Middle East and middle America. (Oklahoma beheading.) If the plot rings true to you, consider moving to Texas. If it doesn't, you aren't going to appreciate much about the book. Take the headlines from the past 7 years and fast forward another 10. You'll be ready to dig in. Warning: if you're one of those backwards people who cling to God, guns, and love of community - this book may bring your blood to the boiling point. If what you are afraid might be the truth behind the rumors surrounding Washington, you'll be more afraid when you finish the book. This is a book you're going to like or hate based on your world-view. There are good guys and bad guys. Unfortunately, there aren't many left who cling to God, guns, and love of community. The author takes big swings at the liberal media and politicians. Tragically, the blows are well-deserved. In the 1950's we learned that Washington was rife with Communists. The question readers will ask after reading the book is, "Is Washington now rife with radical Islamist moles?" Some readers will be gratified to know they aren't alone with such concerns. The question becomes, who can you really trust?