Star Wars: The Rising Storm (The High Republic) (Star Wars: The High Republic) - book cover
  • Publisher : Del Rey
  • Published : 29 Jun 2021
  • Pages : 448
  • ISBN-10 : 0593159411
  • ISBN-13 : 9780593159415
  • Language : English

Star Wars: The Rising Storm (The High Republic) (Star Wars: The High Republic)

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The heroes of the High Republic era return to face a shattered peace and a fearsome foe, following the dramatic events of Light of the Jedi.

In the wake of the hyperspace disaster and the heroism of the Jedi, the Republic continues to grow, bringing more worlds together under a single unified banner. Under the leadership of Chancellor Lina Soh, the spirit of unity extends throughout the galaxy, with the Jedi and the newly established Starlight Beacon station at the vanguard.

In celebration, the chancellor plans the Republic Fair, a showcase of the possibilities and the peace of the expanding Republic-a peace the Jedi hope to foster. Stellan Gios, Bell Zettifar, Elzar Mann, and others join the event as ambassadors of harmony. But as the eyes of the galaxy turn toward the fair, so too does the fury of the Nihil. Their leader, Marchion Ro, is intent on destroying this unity. His storm descends on the pageantry and celebration, sowing chaos and exacting revenge.

As the Jedi struggle to curb the carnage of the rampaging Nihil, they come face-to-face with the true fear their enemy plans to unleash across the galaxy-the kind of fear from which even the Force cannot shield them.

Readers Top Reviews

big_al_1983Mark P
Brilliant. Really, really good! The High Republic series is taking shape and this novel is taking it to a new level. I can’t put it down. I’m only half way through and it keeps on getting better and better. The new characters are developing nicely and the writing/storytelling by Cavan Scott is (once again!) excellent.
L Schultz
What can I say about The High Republic? Each book gets better, each comic thrills more! The Rising Storm is an absolute thrill ride. Cavan writes with a pace that keeps you on the edge of your seat, lulling you into a false sense of security during intervals, before punching you clean in the throat with the next twist. Marchioness Ro is a certifiable psychopath, Ty the “Jedi for hire” needs a whole backstory that I’m hoping goes into comics at some point, and the creatures!!! Star Wars has always been incredible for creatures, but I have never wanted a creature as much as I do a Charhound!!! What I love about this whole series is the journey of the Jedi and the Republic. The arrogance and the lessons that come when your pride becomes bigger than what you stand for. The battle scenes are written less tactically than Zahn or Freed, but for me this makes the battles come to life and makes them almost tangible. I cannot wait for the next instalment!!! What is the Leveller and where did it come from? Where are the Drengir?? I also want more Togruta politics and history- it feels like we have only scratched the surface and I am living for it!! For Light and Life!!!
K. G. A. Alavi
A great book. I enjoyed thus book even more than the first book (Light of the Jedi). This book is a lot more action packed and a lot more character development. I also like the serve of certain characters and situations. As soon as I thought I had a read on a character, they would switch or take a path I did not expect. Example I though a character might have sone redeeming qualities, then they dast that idea completely. Another I see the signs of a Jedi falling and when I thek they are too far gone they surprise me. One of the things I did not like about the Disney era Jedi is I felt they are too watered down. Either not powerful enough or too power compared to the others. Also I did not think they are great warriors. In the High Republic era this makes a lot more sense as these Jedi have gone more than a couple generation without any real adversaries. Now the are fighting a war on two fronts. I like the conflict in these characters. It makes them interesting. I like the way these naive Jedi deal with relationships, their own feelings, their egos, actual combat not in a training setting, and the lure of the dark side. I also like the writing style of shorter chapters, and giving all the characters time to shine or fall. A great continuation of the series, the left me wanting more as soon as I finished it. On top of everything covered in thus book there are still so many more characters and things to explore, and something new unleashed. I am really enjoying the High Republic series. Not everyone survives and not everyone dies.
John Taylor
Scott has done a great job expanding the lore of the high republic era, thanks in great part to the showcases present in the set piece Republic fair. Beyond the world building, this story starts off at a fast pace and never slows or dulls. This is an exciting follow up to Light of the Jedi that leaves me wanting to delve further into this new iteration of the Star Wars legacy and to know the fates of the many interesting characters that I have connected to.
Carter KinoyBriana
Rising Storm doesn’t suffer from the same dizzying cavalcade of forgettable characters, but the author still couldn’t settle into the setting even with the narrowed focus. It’s abundantly clear that the High Republic books are being written by committee with the Lumineers (as the writer team call themselves) and with Eagle eyed oversight by Disney. The result is so far an indecisive and instantly forgettable book in an instantly forgettable series.