Success From Anywhere: Create Your Own Future of Work from the Inside Out - book cover
Business Culture
  • Publisher : Wiley; 1st edition
  • Published : 02 Dec 2021
  • Pages : 192
  • ISBN-10 : 1119834627
  • ISBN-13 : 9781119834625
  • Language : English

Success From Anywhere: Create Your Own Future of Work from the Inside Out

What would happen to your team, and your organization, if everyone knew how to change the game – and make success a daily occurrence?

Companies and individuals are looking for more freedom: personal freedom, creative freedom, and freedom to rethink what work really means. From dealing with COVID-19, facing diversity issues, battling burnout, zoom fatigue and more, organizations are stretched thin and must find a way to help their employees find balance and freedom in order to thrive in these unprecedented times. In Success From Anywhere: Create Your Own Future of Work from the Inside Out, bestselling author and veteran Salesforce executive Karen Mangia delivers an eyes-wide-open discussion on the future of work and what it means to find personal and professional success in the new workforce.

Whether you're in a hybrid environment, or working from home, you know the importance of connection and teamwork. This compelling, practical guide explains how success is something organizations discover from the inside out – creating greater engagement, retention, and professional impact from a new understanding of the future of work. With commentary from business leaders like Tom Peters, as well as guidance from leading scientists like David Eagleman and Kelly McGonigal, Success From Anywhere shows professionals how to build success into every organizational design – regardless of company culture, leadership, or industry – and offers actionable insights on a range of timely and relevant subjects, including:

Rethinking the foundations of what work really means, including work-life balance, the future of work, and where peak performance really comes from The origins of intolerance, and how to access greater diversity, inclusion, and belonging inside every organization Creating a high-impact culture in the anxious and stressful pandemic environment by redesigning the game – and creating your own rules How to overcome feelings of constriction and confinement, to find new possibilities, for your own career Getting past the feeling that you have to "do it all" in order to succeed Powerful scientific insights into stress-relief, battling burnout and becoming your best self Perfect for anyone wanting to create greater professional impact, whether working from home, leading a hybrid team, or just trying to access greater personal freedom, this principles-based guidebook will earn a spot in the libraries of executives, managers, leaders, and employees who care about creating innovative and inclusive organizations. Discover how to adapt to these changing times and the uncertain times ahead with a new playbook for yourself, your career, and your organization – that playbook is Success From Anywhere.

Readers Top Reviews

John Julie
The pandemic has changed how we look at work/life balance. There are very few books (if any) on how to navigate these changes. Karen is a wonderful storyteller providing ideas and strategies to help change our relationship with work. Not so much about the where (work/home/hybrid), but how you will define it and the path forward from there. My favorite part of the book is that in almost every chapter there is a "Game Changers" section that provides easy to digest and actionable ideas that you can use immediately and quickly refer back to. Great book to pick up and read as we go into 2022!
Angelia Sweatt
Karen’s writing style using stories to relate to the reader has always been what brings me back to every book she writes! This book does not disappoint! I read aloud with my 18 year old daughter and we paused often to reflect on our own personal stories to talk through how the tools and techniques apply. This book is appropriate for all ages and as you’ll find early in the book lessons taught from all ages as well. Thank you Karen for teaching us how play our personal game of life with joy and success!!
John-Michael Esposit
I had a client recommend this book to me after mentioning that they used some of the tactics in this book to help destress their staff and switch up their leadership style. We just started implementing some of the practices in our own business and so far the reception has been positive! I also really appreciate the guidebook that comes for free with exercises that we can do with our staff remotely.
Erik W. Charles
One of the greatest workplace experiments is going on right now - the enablement of remote work. Karen Mangia started this conversation with her last book, Working from Home. This one, however, is even more critical to the individual (and to the managers trying to build a better team, no matter where their desk sits). The book is deceptive - it feels like an easy read with a clean layout and well designed callouts. However, if you pay attention, you will find yourself regularly going back to sections that challenge some of the workplace assumptions we have built into "rules that can't be broken." (my words, not hers). Full of actions you can take to make your own Future of Work, this is a great addition to any manager trying to retain and motivate, the employee navigating the shift of workplace culture as companies experiment with hybrid / fully remote /or back to the office culture, or the new graduate that could use some tips to build an enjoyable, positive, work experience.
Chris Westfall
One of my favorite clients gave me a hard copy and I bought the Kindle version. The future of work isn't a location, it's a state of mind - a mindset of productivity and possibility. I loved the chapter about how the architecture affected the author, and the feeling of freedom she discovered from a place of fear and restriction. This book asks us to look at the game of life in a new way, and shows clear guidance (via these callout boxes, and a downloadable exercise guide) that points towards resourcefulness, creativity and (yes I will say it) fun. It's an easy read with a conversational style that's funny and engaging. Highly recommended