The Great Reset: And the War for the World - book cover
Politics & Government
  • Publisher : Skyhorse
  • Published : 30 Aug 2022
  • Pages : 264
  • ISBN-10 : 1510774041
  • ISBN-13 : 9781510774049
  • Language : English

The Great Reset: And the War for the World

In The Great Reset: And the War for the World, the most controversial man on earth Alex Jones gives you a full analysis of The Great Reset, the global elite's international conspiracy to enslave humanity and all life on the planet.
If you really want to know what's happening in the world, this is the one book you must read now. Alex Jones is the most censored man on the planet and you should ask yourself why that is. There is a powerful authoritarian takeover in process that is seeking to capture the entire human system and turn it into an artificial factory farm controlled system. We are in a war for the future of the world. In this book, you will hear from the world's elites, from their own mouths, what they are planning for you and your families and you will learn what you can do to fight it.

From central bankers, corporate billionaires, and corrupted government officials, global elites have been organizing a historic war on humanity under a trans-humanist, scientific dictatorship. Alex Jones was the first major figure to expose the World Economic Forum's agenda. He has dedicated the last 30 years of his life to studying The Great Reset, conducting tens of thousands of interviews with top-level scientists, politicians, and military officials in order to reverse engineer their secrets and help awaken humanity.
The Great Reset: And the War for the World chronicles the history of the global elites' rise to power and reveals how they've captured the governments of the world and financed The Great Reset to pave the way for The New World Order.
Once dubbed a conspiracy theory, but now openly promoted by the most powerful corporations and governments, The Great Reset is a planned attempt to redistribute all the world's wealth and power into the hands of banks, corporations, billionaires, and The World Economic Forum.
If you read one book in a lifetime, this is it. In The Great Reset: And the War for the World, you will discover from the self-appointed controllers of the planet in their own words, their plan for what they call the final revolution, or The Great Reset.
The only way this corporate fascist conspiracy can succeed is if the people of the world are not aware of it. And this book lays out their sinister blueprint and how to stop it. While many great books have been written to help awaken people to this sinister agenda, no author has ever spent as much time and research on The Great Reset as Alex Jones.
The Great Reset: And the War for the World is the undisputed trailblazer for understanding what's happening and how to stop it. 

Editorial Reviews

"Alex is right about far more than he is wrong about.... He's the most misunderstood guy on the planet."

"We are actually at War-a hybrid war of economics, cyber, psychology, and, yes, information. One of the field Commanders is Alex Jones of Austin, Texas-brilliant, irascible, tenacious. Alex has done his countrymen a great service: in one book he has given the structure and dynamics, the history and the processes of a New Order we see evolving daily. The Great Reset: And the War for the World is your battle map for what is ahead. Alex Jones is feared and relentlessly attacked by the very architects of this power structure. That is why he must be read and studied now."

"If Alex Jones is just a crackpot, why are the most powerful people in the country trying to silence him? No one bothers to censor the flat-earthers. Maybe Alex Jones is onto something. Read this book and decide for yourself who's crazy."

"Alex has done an excellent job of bringing the globalists' plans into the light. When we shine the light on darkness, the darkness can't hide. It can only retreat."
-DR. MERCOLA, founder of, the most visited natural health site on the internet for the last twenty years

"In The Great Reset, Alex Jones boldly showcases the history of engineered global collapse as it is unfolding in the present. No person living today has spent more time dissecting and exposing this anti-human, anti-freedom agenda than Alex Jones, and this book will one day be seen as a critical marker in the history of the fall (and rebuilding) of human civilization."
-MIKE ADAMS, founder, and

"Alex Jones may be the most maligned patriot in the country, but virtually every threat to our liberty that he has predicted has come to pass."

"[Alex Jones'] reputation is amazing."

Readers Top Reviews

Beth SalemFred
The difference between a conspiracy theory and a confirmed fact is about 2 years. Get and read this book if you care about the future of humanity.
Robert MirandaBet
I will personally pay each person that hates Alex Jones to stop listening to the fake media lie about this man and the truth of the state of the world and actually listen to the truth this saint spills. I have listened to his show for at least 19 years. I have seen him call for peace and never physical war. I uave seen him tell the truth over amd over again. Only to have other fake media cut and snip what he says to make him say the opposite. If anyone actually listen to a show of his and not some clips someone pasted together they would blatantly see he is the exact opposite of who they say he is. Down with the NWO. The answer to 1984 is 1776. Want the truth (banned. Video) without the space. Get redy to know the truth. God bless and protect Alex Jones and infowars.
Have you asked yourself the tough questions? The why, how, who... There is something VERY wrong & it's time to be part of history ... Alex Jones' book The Great Reset offers many of the answers specific to the state of affairs & where humanity is being led. It is time to awaken from the slumber & apathy. It is time to change the current course & make a better world for our children before it's too late. This book will startle you but it is a critical must read. Throughout history tyrannical psychopaths have come into power We are not exempt from this phenomena, we are at that place again ... For the sake of humanity, it must be stopped peacefully & swiftly so that future generations may live in peace & prosperity It is our duty to leave the world in better shape then which we came. Ben Franklin, George Washington, JFK, MLK all the brave men & women who recognized the importance of freedom warned the people of such times. Thank you Alex Jones for your bravery! To the people Ask yourself why the global elite are so afraid of the AJs of the world. Look in the mirror & ask yourself what you can do to leave a better world for the children. We are in a historical time, be part of history ...
Michael RuizJacqu
1. This book is not filled with conspiracy theories it is CONSPIRACY FACTS. 2. I was reading Rockefeller, Carnegie, Trilateral, RIAA and other "think tank" documents when I was a child in the 1970's. After I mastered Dr Seuss books I went straight to my dads books and quarterly docs from publishers who printed the afore mentioned documents. 3. I knew much of the info conveyed in The Great Reset since I was a child and figured out what was going on when I was a teenager in the 1980's and warned everyone. But no one listened and everyone thought I was crazy to say that the governments of the world do these things. 4. It's nice to see other people are reading the book now and catching up to where I was at 45 years ago. But I guess its better late than never.
William C. Trench
While Jones concentrates on a few authors and their works the promote the global new world order, he does so to encourage you to look at your own humanity, your individuality and its value to our world. You cannot be an individual to live your destiny unless you are free, as you were born in the image od God. The book is very readable. For anyone. That is more than you can say for many books looking to make one memorable point. You will find nothing convoluted in its message. Some authors write books out of love. Alex has accomplished that. Coming into this work, you might think that Alex is a maniac, alt right, conspiracy theorist. Read this book, you won't put it down and think that anymore. You will instead ask yourself what you can do for your fellow man in disregard to the powers that be that are inclined to tell you how to live.

Short Excerpt Teaser

Chapter One: What Is the Great Reset?

There's an eternal tension in the human soul between the desire for freedom and the desire to be told what to do by those in authority.
The human ability to work together in partnership is one of the great strengths of humanity, as is the ability to dissent from the accepted wisdom of the day. Many pollsters have noted the trend that, no matter the question, there's roughly a quarter of the population that will have an opposing view. Some have taken to calling it the idiot 25 percent of the population, and yet I see it as an evolutionary advantage, giving humanity unprecedented flexibility.
Let's imagine we're in a small tribe of about sixty people in the last Ice Age. Our leader, Thaag, tall, handsome, and a great warrior, suggests a certain route to the winter caves. It's the route the tribe has regularly used for the past several years.
But another member of the tribe, Uther, says, "There's been a lot of early snow, the glaciers are advancing, and I think that route will likely be blocked. Many might starve if we take that route. I know another route. It's a little longer, with some challenging terrain, but we'll defi­nitely make it to the winter caves." Uther is known as the thinker of the tribe-maybe he's a medicine man-and sometimes he seems a little crazy, like when he starts talking about the spirits of the ancestors.
Many outcomes are possible.
Neither Thaag nor Uther knows the actual truth about which route makes the best sense.
Thaag and Uther might be enemies, with long-simmering rival­ries. Thaag might demand the tribe take the traditional route, declar­ing that any who do not follow his decision should be banished from the tribe. Uther might respond that Thaag makes poor decisions, thus questioning his leadership of the tribe. Maybe there are ten to fifteen people who side with Uther, and they take the alternate, longer route to the winter caves. The group following Thaag all die, but the small band led by Uther survives. Maybe the group led by Uther, being much smaller in size, meets with another tribe who wipes them out.
The tribe survives, but, whether it is Thaag's or Uther's group that survives, the community is greatly weakened.
However, maybe Thaag and Uther are the best of friends, respect­ing the strengths of the other while also understanding the weaknesses. Uther understands that persuading Thaag is the best chance to ensure the survival of the greatest number of their people. And Thaag under­stands that some of Uther's crazy ideas have resulted in unprecedented success.
They talk and come up with a plan. They'll start the trek to the winter caves on the traditional route but send their fastest runners ahead to make sure the path is open. If the traditional route is blocked, at the early stages of the journey it will be easy to take a detour and switch to Uther's route.
That is how the strongest tribes are created, by talking through disagreements, and coming up with better plans.
This is not what we are doing in our world today.
* * *
For those readers who are more religiously minded, you might ask, What does the Bible say about the proper role between rulers and the people?
You might be surprised to learn that one of the earliest books of the Bible, the Book of Samuel, takes a very dim view of rulers, especially kings.
The Book of Samuel takes place after the Jews have fled Egypt in the Exodus and reestablished themselves in Israel. At this time, Israel had no king but instead had judges who would settle issues brought before them. This period was known as the Age of Judges and lasted about a century.
In his old age Samuel appointed his sons judges over Israel. His first-born was named Joel, his second son, Abijah; they judged at Beer-sheba. His sons did not follow his example but sought illicit gain and accepted bribes, perverting justice. Therefore, all the elders of Israel came in a body to Samuel at Ramah and said to him, "Now that you are old, and your sons do not follow your example, appoint a king over us, as other nations have, to judge us."
Samuel was displeased when they asked for a king to judge them. He prayed to the Lord, however, who said in answer, "Grant the people's every request. It is not you they reject, they are rejecting me as their king. As they have treated me constantly from the day I brought them from Egypt to this day, deserting me and worshipping strange gods, so do they treat you too. Now grant their request; but at the same time, warn them solemnly and inform them of the rights of the king who will rule over them."

Samuel delivered the message of the Lord in full to those who were asking him for a king. He told them: "The righ...