The Met Flex Diet: Burn Better Fuel, Burn More Fat - book cover
Diets & Weight Loss
  • Publisher : Harvest
  • Published : 04 Apr 2023
  • Pages : 272
  • ISBN-10 : 0063289822
  • ISBN-13 : 9780063289826
  • Language : English

The Met Flex Diet: Burn Better Fuel, Burn More Fat

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Dr. Ian K. Smith, a powerful six-week plan to burn fat more efficiently by improving metabolic flexibility.

The human body has the amazing ability to switch which fuels it uses for energy based on what fuel is available at the time-researchers call this metabolic flexibility. Bodies that are able to make this switch can burn sugars, proteins, and other food nutrients when available, and then switch to burning the body's fat storage or fatty acids when food calories are not available. It turns out that losing weight is not just about burning calories, it's also about switching between these pathways as efficiently as possible. Yet little has been written about how to achieve metabolic flexibility-until now.

Dr. Ian K. Smith is a renowned medical expert and the author of numerous bestselling health books. In The Met Flex Diet, he offers a one-of-a-kind plan to improve metabolic flexibility through changing the types and quantities of food/beverages consumed, as well as the type of exercise. Timing is also a factor-timing of meals and timing of exercise relative to when the meals are consumed. All of these variables will play an important role in helping the body make the important switch from one fuel source to another.

In just six weeks, readers can experience amazing fat-burning results by following simple guidelines, like:

Eat the first meal of the day three hours after waking.Complete a fasted cardio workout within the first two hours of waking.Get at least seven hours of sleep a night.Finish dinner two hours before going to sleep.Complete with meal and exercise plans, as well as recipes, The Met Flex Diet gives readers every tool they need to meet their weight loss goals.

Readers Top Reviews

Linda ShafranLind
I was in Dr. Ian's pilot group for the Met Flex diet. I have to tell you - IT WORKS. The book is written simply so that it is easy to understand. Dr. Ian spells everything out for us. I lost close to 20 pounds on this 6 week program. And, Dr. Ian includes recipes that are really delicious and not that hard to make! plus Dr. Ian does zooms with the group to encourage us. I am really happy with this book, I hope you try it
kamekaLinda Shafr
I was part of Dr Ian's Facebook trial group. I lost a total of 11lbs in the 6 wks. Mind you I wasn't following at my full capabilities being as some days I slack off and I also have a knee injury. Dr Ian spells out everything for you in a simple format that is easy to follow. I for one, knows that Dr Ian and this book is the truth as I've also done a few of his other books also. Give it try try you won't regret it.
kamekaLinda Sh
I started the program as part of the FB group and have lost a total of 18 pounds since January. I would like to lose 10 more pounds and have complete faith that this program will allow me to achieve my goal. The book explains in detail how the plan is designed to increase the body's efficiency through diet, exercise, and intermittent fasting and presents a variety of tools to help accomplish weight loss goals: daily meal plan choices, snack options, recipes, and exercise tips. The guidelines for the plan provide structure that I find easy to follow with simple food preparation and no calorie counting. I view the Met Flex Diet as more than a diet but a way of living a healthier, lighter, life.
BP Simon kameka
This plan/book was what I needed to continue with my healthy lifestyle. The flexibility of the plan helps to make it conducive to your lifestyle and in helping you to reach your goals, Whether it is to lower or get off your medications from metabolic diseases and to help you to improve your quality of life. The author has certainly done his research and put it all in one book for your reference. Also if you have reached a plateau as I had after dropping over 100 pounds 10 years ago and the scale not moving for months after gaining 20 pounds during the pandemic, finally it moved and I lost 15 pounds. I am 64 years young with no thyroid gland, so my metabolism plays games with me. Dr. Ian Smith have certainly found the key to your weightloss success and healthy goals with this plan. It certainly doesn't hurt to give it a try, especially if you have been searching for the one "thing" that can help you get back on the train so to speak after falling off time after time. The online FB support group is amazing and there are so many success stories that will inspire you along this journey. This book will definitely not disappoint you and there is also a workbook companion that is so helpful as well.
Kindle - SharBP
Tired of being sick and tired? I love being 56 however some of the side of effects of aging is frustrating and trying to lose weight with a slow and stubborn metabolism is nerve wrecking. I joined Dr. Ian’s Met Flex Diet Facebook group and was able to sample the program before the book came out and I was pleasantly surprised at the results. I lost 10.5 pounds in six weeks and body functions were regulated and the bloating dissipated. I loved the versatility of the program especially with my food allergies as you can substitute or just eliminate it all together. Another thing I loved about this program was the support of the group and actually having Zoom calls with Dr. Ian, how Awesome is that to be able to ask questions and talk to the person who created the plan. I received my book today and am so looking forward to doing another round of his program and seeing the scale move again. I’ve looked at the recipes and I can't wait to try them, they look Amazing! Try the Met Flex Diet, if it worked for me and it can definitely work for you.