The Ravens - book cover
Literature & Fiction
  • Publisher : Clarion Books
  • Published : 07 Dec 2021
  • Pages : 416
  • ISBN-10 : 0358547687
  • ISBN-13 : 9780358547686
  • Language : English

The Ravens

From New York Times best-selling authors Kass Morgan and Danielle Paige comes a thrilling, dark contemporary fantasy about a prestigious sorority of witches and two girls caught up in its world of sinister magic and betrayals.

At first glance, the sisters of ultra-exclusive Kappa Rho Nu-the Ravens-seem like typical sorority girls. Ambitious, beautiful, and smart, they're the most powerful girls on Westerly College's Savannah, Georgia, campus.

But the Ravens aren't just regular sorority girls. They're witches.

Scarlett Winter has always known she's a witch-and she's determined to be the sorority's president, just like her mother and sister before her. But if a painful secret from her past ever comes to light, she could lose absolutely everything . . .

Vivi Devereaux has no idea she's a witch and she's never lived in one place long enough to make a friend. So when she gets a coveted bid to pledge the Ravens, she vows to do whatever it takes to be part of the magical sisterhood. The only thing standing in her way is Scarlett, who doesn't think Vivi is Ravens material.

But when a dark power rises on campus, the girls will have to put their rivalry aside to save their fellow sisters. Someone has discovered the Ravens' secret. And that someone will do anything to see these witches burn . . .

Editorial Reviews

"This novel hits its story beats quickly and deftly, unfurling the plot through Scarlett's and Vivi's alternating points of view. The magic system is complex and original without being cumbersome, and it expertly conjures a supernatural, uncanny atmosphere intertwined with Greek life....This solid, enchanting fantasy boasts a palpable atmosphere and moves at a breakneck pace." –Kirkus

"Morgan (The 100) and Paige (the Dorothy Must Die series) blend the cloistered atmosphere of The Magicians with the Southern cattiness of The Belles, adding pops of giddy magic-"glamouring" the sorority house into a 1920s speakeasy-along the way....wonderful worldbuilding, well-executed plotting, and page-turning surprises create the feel of a bingeworthy TV show, keeping readers engaged in Vivi's and Scarlett's alternating narrations." –Publishers Weekly 

"An intriguing mystery built upon the foundations of sisterhood." –School Library Journal

Readers Top Reviews

Rae2282Lesley Collin
3.5 This was exactly what I wanted when I picked it up. Witchy sorority with a mystery and secrets. Yes I found it a little predictable but that didn't take away my enjoyment and j still plan on reading the next one. I'd actually like a book based on the start of the Ravens as I think that'd be so interesting.
andreaStephanie Slee
Well, I had very high hopes for this book. I heard great things about it. I’m not sure what they were reading. This is the first book in almost 10 years that I DNF’d. I gave it the first 50 pages, and could not get through it.
RachaelM. H.
This book could have easily been 100 pages shorter. They spent so long on the initiation process, the magic didn’t get interesting until after 100 pages. And it took 200 pages to get to the plot of the story, what the description said the book was about. After page 200 it was very interesting and I was all in. But it shouldn’t take that long to get better. If I wasn’t reading this for a book club I’d stop reading by page 100.
Laura Hernandez
I must admit that I did not want this story to end. So much so that I would only read a few pages at a time. The storyline was intriguing and captivating and I found myself enjoying every single character. I pre-ordered this book on a whim and I'm so happy I did!!

Short Excerpt Teaser

Chapter OneVivi"Vivian." Daphne Devereaux stood in her daughter's doorway, her face twisted in exaggerated anguish. Even in the unforgiving Reno heat, she wore a floor-length black housecoat edged in gold tassels and had wrapped a velvet scarf around her dark, unruly hair. "You can't go. I've had a premonition."
      Vivi glanced at her mother, suppressed a sigh, and returned to her packing. She was leaving for Westerly College in Savannah that afternoon and was trying to fit her entire life into two suitcases and a backpack. Luckily, Vivi had had a lifetime of practice. Whenever Daphne Devereaux got one of her "premonitions," they tended to leave the next morning, unpaid rent and unpacked belongings be damned. "It's healthy to start fresh, sugar snap," Daphne said once when eight-year-old Vivi begged to go back for her stuffed hippo, Philip. "You don't want to carry that bad energy with you."
      "Let me guess," Vivi said now, shoving several books into her backpack. Daphne was moving too, trading Reno for Louisville, and Vivi didn't trust her mom to take her library. "You've seen a powerful darkness headed my way."
      "It's not safe for you at that . . . place."
      Vivi closed her eyes and took what she hoped would be a calming breath. Her mother hadn't been able to bring herself to say the word college for months. "It's called Westerly. It's not a curse word."
      Far from it. Westerly was Vivi's lifeline. She'd been shocked when she received a full scholarship to Westerly, a school she'd considered to be way out of her league. Vivi had always been a strong student, but she'd attended three different high schools-two of which she'd started midyear-and her transcript contained nearly as many incompletes as it did As.
      Daphne, however, had been adamantly against it. "You'll hate Westerly," she'd said with surprising conviction. "I'd never set foot on that campus."
      That was what sealed the deal for Vivi. If her mom hated it that much, it was clearly the perfect place for Vivi to start a brand-new life.
      As Daphne stood mournfully in the doorway, Vivi looked at the Westerly calendar she'd tacked to the yellowing wall, the only decoration she'd bothered with this time around. Of all the places they'd lived over the years, this apartment was her least favorite. It was a stucco-filled two-bedroom above a pawnshop in Reno, and the whole place reeked of cigarettes and desperation. Much like the whole dusty state of Nevada. The calendar's photos, glossy odes to ivy-covered buildings and mossy live oaks, had become a beacon of hope. They were a reminder of something better, a future she could carve out for herself-away from her mother and her portents of evil.
      But then she saw the tears in her mother's eyes and Vivi felt her frustration relent, just a little. Although Daphne was a supremely accomplished actress-a necessity when your livelihood depended on parting strangers from their money-she'd never been able to fake tears.
      Vivi abandoned her packing and took a few steps across her cramped bedroom toward her mother. "It's going to be okay, Mom," Vivi said. "I won't be gone long. Thanksgiving will be here before you know it."
      Her mother sniffed and extended her pale arm. Vivi shared her mother's fair coloring, which meant that she burned after fifteen minutes in the desert sun. "Look what I drew as your cross card."
      It was a tarot card. Daphne made a living "reading the fortunes" of all the sad, wretched people who sought her out and forked over good money in exchange for bullshit platitudes: Yes, your lazy husband will find work soon; no, your deadbeat dad doesn't hate you-in fact, he's trying to find you too . . .
      As a child, Vivi had loved watching her beautiful mother dazzle the customers with her wisdom and glamour. But as she grew older, seeing her mother profiting from their pain began to set Vivi's teeth on edge. She couldn't bear to watch people being taken advantage of, yet there was nothing she could do about it. Daphne's readings were their one source of income, the only way to pay for their shitty apartments and discount groceries.
      But not anymore. Vivi had finally found a way out. A new beginning, far from her mother's impulsive behaviors. The kind that had led...