The Stranger in the Lifeboat: A Novel - book cover
  • Publisher : Harper
  • Published : 02 Nov 2021
  • Pages : 288
  • ISBN-10 : 006288834X
  • ISBN-13 : 9780062888341
  • Language : English

The Stranger in the Lifeboat: A Novel

#1 New York Times Bestseller

What would happen if we called on God for help and God actually appeared? In Mitch Albom's profound new novel of hope and faith, a group of shipwrecked passengers pull a strange man from the sea. He claims to be "the Lord." And he says he can only save them if they all believe in him.

Adrift in a raft after a deadly ship explosion, ten people struggle for survival at sea. Three days pass. Short on water, food and hope, they spot a man floating in the waves. They pull him in.

"Thank the Lord we found you," a passenger says.

"I am the Lord," the man whispers.

So begins Mitch Albom's most beguiling and inspiring novel yet.

Albom has written of heaven in the celebrated number one bestsellers The Five People You Meet in Heaven and The First Phone Call from Heaven. Now, for the first time in his fiction, he ponders what we would do if, after crying out for divine help, God actually appeared before us? What might the Lord look, sound and act like?

In The Stranger in the Lifeboat, Albom keeps us guessing until the end: Is this strange and quiet man really who he claims to be? What actually happened to cause the explosion? Are the survivors already in heaven, or are they in hell?

The story is narrated by Benji, one of the passengers, who recounts the events in a notebook that is later discovered-a year later-when the empty life raft washes up on the island of Montserrat.

It falls to the island's chief inspector, Jarty LeFleur, a man battling his own demons, to solve the mystery of what really happened. 

A fast-paced, compelling novel that makes you ponder your deepest beliefs, The Stranger in the Lifeboat suggests that answers to our prayers may be found where we least expect them.

Readers Top Reviews

Cynthia WalkerKellyM
I received this Book Tuesday evening from Amazon but didn’t start it until Wednesday I started reading & as with all Mitch Albom books keep right on till the end early this morning. As always a compelling story and a ending that gives the reader something hopeful to think about. Sorely need especially now.
J. Schwab
I've been reading Mitch Albom books since "Tuesdays With Morrie" came out and have purchased all but two and this latest will join the others on my shelf. This book captures your attention from page one and does not let you go even after reading the final page. If I could have given it more stars, I would have. Well done..
todd gothberg
Such a brilliant read! I loved it - couldn't put it down. Profound, intriguing, enthralling, and simply wonderful. Mitch is a masterful story teller and he's crafted yet another masterpiece!
Big D Reads
This book, like most of Mr. Albom's previous novels, is both inspirational and easy-to-read. Which is good because it makes his message simple to understand. I won't put it here because no spoilers, but I liked it. If you're a Mitch Albom fan, you should read What Death Taught Terrence. I bet, if you're here right now, that you would love that book!
As Benji looked out across the sea, all he saw was blue with no end in sight. He knew the odds were against them, he and the others had been drifting aimlessly for three days. The likelihood of any rescue happening was slim and yet, he prayed. He prayed even when he knew he hadn’t spoken to God in many years, and hoped his plea would be heard. His one solace is a daily journal, in which he writes to his wife and records their efforts of survival. As he and the others slowly slip into despair, a body appears floating nearby, not a fellow passenger from the damaged ship, but a man claiming to be the answer to all their prayers. What would you do if God appeared before your very eyes, spoke to you and told you your prayers have been answered? It’s normal to be skeptical, I know I would have my doubts but I would also be amazed and hopeful. This book was simply wonderful and I loved every minute of it. Mitch Albom can always be depended on to not only write a book that is written well and entertaining, but compel the reader to look within themselves and feel something new.