The Affair: A Novel - book cover
  • Publisher : Dell
  • Published : 28 Dec 2021
  • Pages : 368
  • ISBN-10 : 1984821423
  • ISBN-13 : 9781984821423
  • Language : English

The Affair: A Novel

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • In this riveting novel, Danielle Steel explores a high-profile affair that reverberates throughout an entire family, from the wounded wife to her husband-torn between two women-to the wife's close-knit sisters and their mother.

When Rose McCarthy's staff at Mode magazine pitches a cover shoot with Hollywood's hottest young actress, the actress's sizzling affair with a bestselling French author is exposed. The author happens to be Rose's son-in-law, which creates a painful dilemma for her. Her daughter Nadia, a talented interior designer, has been struggling to hold her marriage together, and conceal the truth from their young daughters, her family, and the world. But Nicolas, her straying husband, is blinded by passion for a younger woman-and not only that, she is pregnant with his child.

Nadia's three sisters close ranks around her, flying to Paris from Los Angeles and New York to lend support and offer their widely divergent advice. Athena, a jovial celebrity chef with her own TV show in Los Angeles, is leery of marriage. Olivia, a stern conservative New York superior court judge, is haunted by a shocking secret of her own. Venetia, a zany fashion designer, happily married with three kids, has the gentlest, most realistic point of view. Despite their well-meaning advice, Nadia needs to figure out what she herself thinks, and what to do next.

The Affair
is about the painful journey to discover who you are, what you want, and how much forgiveness and compromise you are capable of in order to be loved. It's about finding yourself at the crossroads of life when everything is on the line. It's about the hard lessons we are forced to learn about others and ourselves. Right up until its final twist, this gripping novel is full of powerful insights about who we love, how much-and even how much we love ourselves.

Readers Top Reviews

jules king Seadre
Brilliant brilliant , lovely story thoroughly enjoy it , keep them coming Danielle another amazing read , lovely escapism in these troubled times😀😀😀😀😀
Olwen Dawn
As usual a good story from Danielle. I have read everyone of her books. I read this one in almost one sit in. Good escapism needed at this time. Always a happy ending which is important to me.
Kindle Steph
This book as normal is written well and the story line keeps the reader glued to the page I am and have been s can for many years
Sissel M. Østdahl
Don't think about this story as reality. Don't think it's something that could happen to YOU. It probably will not, unless you happen to be French. It's a fairytale. A fairytale where anything and everything can happen - and does. Not only good things, but horrible, unhappy and sad. But you know what, I would rather read about all this misery when it happens in beautiful surroundings, to people with lots of money. People who own a chateau in Normandie, always go 1st class when they are flying, go for weekend trips to New York, LA, London, Rome, The South of France and stop over in Paris to shop at Chanel. In these fairytales the women are gorgeous and stylish. When flying they wear clean white jeans, t-shirt, white denim jacket and ballet flats. Out to dinner somewhere chic, they are stunning in simple black and pearls with just a hint of makeup, or no makeup at all since they don't need it (a bit irritating, but ok). I shall not tell you about either the misery or a happy ending. There are lots of both good and bad within this frame of neverending luxury. But it sure is a joy to read about satin, silk and Hermés sandals. One simply does not wear anything but designer in a book written by Danielle Steel, the Queen of Fairytales. I love it. Love her books. The luxury, the beauty, the houses in the Hamptons and the apartments in the 7th arrondissement or with a view to Central Park. I could tell you more but my housekeeper is off today and the sitter is near a nervous breakdown, so I have to end here. PS) Do buy the book. It's out of this world. "Pure love. Pure Steel."

Short Excerpt Teaser

Chapter 1

Heads always turned when Rose McCarthy walked into a room. Nearly six feet tall, she was ramrod straight, and impeccably put together with faultless style, long graceful legs, and her snow-­white hair cut in a chin-­length rounded cap. Her piercing blue eyes missed nothing. She could terrify anyone with a few well-­chosen, soft-­spoken, eloquent words, or comfort and delight a young employee with generous praise. For twenty-­five years, she had been the legendary editor-­in-­chief of Mode Magazine. Gentle, polite, supremely competent, she ran it with an iron hand, with the ultimate grace and discretion. She was known for excellent judgment, wise decisions that always benefited the magazine, her dedication, and love of fashion.

She always wore a touch of color somewhere, or an interesting, eye-­catching accessory, a ring she had found at an ancient, dusty jewelry shop in Venice, a bracelet from a Moroccan bazaar, a scarf, a pin, an unusual piece of some kind. Her elegance was in her bones. She usually wore black, but then would surprise everyone with a strong color occasionally. No one could ever manage to emulate her, although they tried. No one looked as perfectly turned out as she did at nine in the morning, or any other hour of the day. She was wide awake and alert the moment she got to the office, and never stopped all day. She pushed her employees hard and expected the best from them, but she was infinitely harder on herself than on anyone else.

Her background was fascinatingly contradictory. Her father had been a much published, highly respected British historian, who had taught at Oxford. Born and raised in London, she attended Oxford for two years at her father's urging, but never liked it. Her Italian mother was a well-­known expert on the paintings of the Italian Renaissance. She was from a large aristocratic family. Rose's daughters teased her that she was Italian at home and British at work. There was some truth to it. Rose's mother had been as emotional as her father wasn't. Rose had learned from them, and flourished as an only child, with love and support from both her parents. She loved visiting her mother's warm family in Rome frequently. She spoke fluent Italian, French, and English, and after two years at Oxford she had attended the Sorbonne for a year, which she liked much better. Her passion and instinct for fashion had surfaced at twenty, when she was living in Paris. She returned to London then, became an intern at a well-known British magazine, and within months London had fallen in love with an American banker, Wallace McCarthy. On an impulse, at twenty-­one, she moved to New York for him, got a low-­level job at Vogue, fought her way up through the ranks, and became an associate editor by the time she was thirty. Eleven years later, at forty-­one, she was offered the position of editor-­in-­chief of Mode Magazine, and had made it the vast success it currently was. She was the soul and spirit of the magazine, and set a high standard. Twenty-­five years after she took over, Mode was one of the most influential magazines in the fashion world. Its success was unquestionably credited to Rose. Her husband, Wallace, was proud of her, and always supportive of her career. Their marriage was important to both of them, rock solid and a priority for her. She was a powerhouse in the office, and a loving wife at home.

True to her British upbringing, she never said a word about her personal life at work. She rarely mentioned Wallace in the office, although he was the center of her life at home. And in the midst of her steady rise to stardom as a fashion editor, she'd given birth to four daughters who she privately admitted were the joy of her existence. She hardly ever talked about them during her daily life. She was a consummate professional, had taken a minimum of time off when she had them, and returned to the office, ready to work. When she came back from maternity leave, she was as slim and stylish as ever, with every hair in place, ready to focus on the magazine again.

Her forty-­year marriage had been stable until her husband's death four years before.

Only her faithful assistant, Jen Morgan, who had followed her from Vogue and was still with her, ever knew anything about her personal life, or how truly heartbroken she was when Wallace died after a shockingly brief illness. More than ever afterwards, Rose was extremely close to her daughters and spoke to them often, but as had always been the case, when she was at the office, she was all about Mode, and nothing else. Her career had always been her passion, but it became her refuge too, once Wallace was gone. Her two lives never intersected. She had created an incredibly successful m...