Things We Never Got Over - book cover
  • Publisher : Bloom Books
  • Published : 12 Jan 2022
  • Pages : 570
  • ISBN-10 : 194563183X
  • ISBN-13 : 9781945631832
  • Language : English

Things We Never Got Over

Knox Morgan doesn't tolerate drama, especially in the form of a stranded runaway bride.

Naomi Witt is on the run. Not just from her fiancé and a church full of well-wishers, but from her entire life. Although if you ask her, Naomi's riding to the rescue of her estranged hot mess of a twin, Tina, to Knockemout, a rough-around-the-edges town where disputes are settled the old-fashioned way…with fists and beer. Usually in that order.

Too bad for Naomi, her evil twin hasn't changed at all. After helping herself to Naomi's car and cash, Tina leaves behind something unexpected: the niece Naomi didn't know she had. Now she's a guardian to an eleven-year-old-going-on-thirty with no car, no money, and no plan.

There's a reason this bearded, bad-boy barber doesn't get involved with high-maintenance women, especially not Type-A romantic ones. But since Naomi's life imploded right in front of him, the least Knox can do is help her out of her jam. And just as soon as she stops getting into new trouble, he can leave her alone and get back to his quiet, solitary life.

At least, that's the plan.

Readers Top Reviews

4.5 delicious stars! Lucy Score has absolutely excelled herself with this book, I loved every single main character and side character, I’m honestly so glad it said at the end there’s more to come from Knockemout because I’m not ready to leave this small town at all. I was gripped from the get go of being introduced to Naomi who really enters with all the drama and sass, I loved her immediately. Knox follows quickly and I absolutely loved him and their first encounter, you could feel their chemistry straight away but definitely not insta-lovey, the tension was fantastic. Waylay oh how you made me feel so much, I loved the growth she took and the huge family unit she ended up gathering along the way. Now Knox made me mad when he called things off and I gasped, voice noted my friend in outrage and had to take 5. For me there wasn’t enough grovelling on his behalf but I did like how he knew immediately he made a mistake. I want to live in Knockemout and I can’t wait for the next book whoever it may be.. I’m secretly hoping it’s Lucy and Sloane and I hope Nash gets a happily ever after too! Loved the sibling rivalry and relationship.
Ebony Cropperkbxo
Well how can I ignore this book when it has so many of my favourite tropes. Runaway bride, enemy to lovers, mistaken identity. This book left me at 1:30am in the morning full of human feelings as I couldn’t help but melt with the outcomes. Naomi was not only a runaway bride but constantly running to the aid of everyone else, including to the small town of Knockemount to help out her black sheep identical twin Tina out of trouble. However, this not only led her to be mistakenly constantly as Tina, feeling the anger of a whole town but to be stood toe to toe with an grumpy, tattooed, Viking looking man who got under her skin from the moment they met in a yelling match in the local cafe. One thing this book taught me is not to get in the way of Naomi or her caffeine. Naomi finds herself in a strange town, nowhere to go and an 11 year old niece to look after she never knew existed. Well this was a bumpy ride but my god my heart could not take the energy between alpha male Knox and Naomi. There was much baggage between the pair, but ultimately they needed something from each other. The side characters were freaking amazing. Waylay being a standout. From badass female pals to brooding best friends, Charming police chiefs and the grandparents of a lifetime. Plus doggos ! With danger on top of figuring out a new life there was a lot to unpack but this town really rallied around Naomi and Waylay. I think the dynamics, the constant need to continue reading was so fun to read as I just didn’t want to out the books down. Some bucket holes, broken noses, a wedding dress and a love heart charm later and it was everything I didn’t know I needed. Some parts a little far fetched which is why it wasn’t quite 5 stars but woah! That will live rent free in my brain for a long time.
I read the reviews on this book and I was so excited to settle in for a long nights reading.... however....I was mislead big time! I guess those who read and reviewed this book don't care about the liberal use of the F word. There is very little use for this word unless someone is pouring vegetable oil on your stomach while attempting to rape you and you kick their manhood as hard as you can tells them to get the F off you. It could have been good but it was pure trash and I only read 4 chapters!!
Jennifer jcSvetla
I don’t know what universe I was living in that I still hadn’t experienced Lucy Score’s writing. I am over the moon after finishing this book. This was an exceptional story filled with heart, humour, and heat that had me laughing and smiling my way through. I loved the characters, the animosity and bickering, the tension and angst, the emotion and drama, and the building love between two stubborn and determined characters. This checked every box of things I love about romance. From Naomi and Knox’s first encounter it was hate at first sight. These two didn’t get off on the right foot at all. But boy, did sparks fly! Naomi and Knox had so much sexual tension and the heat between them was scorching. I loved their witty banter and how they got under each other’s skin. There was an excellent build to their developing relationship with off the charts sexual tension happening. I loved Naomi and Knox’s vulnerable moments and when they opened up and shared as well. I loved their struggle and conflict as they got closer and more emotion came into play. I was on the edge of my seat waiting for them to get together. This was an incredibly entertaining read and the writing was exceptional. A laugh out loud story that made my reader heart happy. There were so many wonderful secondary characters in the mix that made it feel rich and full, and it was these characters that helped to create so many fun and meaningful scenes. There was so much great attention to detail throughout and I loved how some things came full circle at the end making it that much more significant. This is one of those books I started reading and everything immediately clicked for me. Humour and heart with a fantastic amount of sexiness mixed in. I just had a blast reading this and losing myself in Naomi and Knox’s story. The slow burn in this book was tantalisingly exceptional and made my heart extremely happy. The Things We Never Got Over is officially a new favourite, and I really hope this is the start of a new series!
Oh my heart, Knockemout, Virginia, is my new favorite fıctional town! It's a small town where gossip spreąds faster than wıldfıre and the technology-era game of telephone distorts reality in the most outrageous, hilarious ways. It's a place where the people open their arms to a new person who‘s all alone, and a place where the whole town, and I mean the entire town, shows up and has your back. Naomi Witt never intended to stay in Knockemout, but when her evıl twin steąls Naomi's car and dųmps a niece Naomi never knew she had on her, Naomi's organized, structured, list-making life get tòssed out the window. She soon finds the charm and kindness of smąll-town folks who accept and support her unconditionally. Surprisingly, much of that comes from the unlikeliest of people, Knox Morgan. Knox Morgan pretty much *is* the town. His lottery wınnings have opened and revitalized a few businesses, including the polıce station (and, oh boy, is there ever a story there!). And he certainly exemplifies the Knockemout approach to problem solving through a good fıst fıght and sharing a few beers afterwards. But Knox doesn’t do relationships. He lets a lady know what's what up front, and they part as friends. It's what works for him. Until it doesn’t. Until Naomi and her niece, Waylay. With her trademark humor and incredible dėpth of heart, this crafty wordsmith outdoes herself once again. She reminds us that loss is the dąrker side of life, and that each of us grıeves in our own unique way. That the paın we experience becomes a part of the fabric of our life. And that it's up to us to make our tapestry something stròng and beautiful to not only be better able to face future challenges, but to treasure the precious gifts each day brings. I laughed. I cried. I laughed while I cried, and I definitely blųshed, and it was the best, most delıcious emotıonal rıde! Knox and Naomi's story is an epic, spectacular read that will easily maintain its place on my list of tòp five reads for the year. If you're looking for a book that manıpulates your heartstrings so masterfully you feel even the slightest nuances alongside the bıggest, messıest emotıons, look no further. With a lıttle suspense and angst added in, I guarantee you'll fall hąrd for this wouņded hero, admire and cheer for this stròng, quirky heroine, and you'll love every second you spend in this extraordinary, heartfelt, unforgettable read.

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