Tracking the Tiny Target (Love Inspired Suspense, 5) - book cover
Literature & Fiction
  • Publisher : Love Inspired Suspense; Original edition
  • Published : 23 May 2023
  • Pages : 224
  • ISBN-10 : 1335587772
  • ISBN-13 : 9781335587770
  • Language : English

Tracking the Tiny Target (Love Inspired Suspense, 5)

Catching a kidnapper takes teamwork

…and a K-9's help.

When a three-year-old boy is kidnapped, deputy sheriff Chandler Murphy and his search-and-rescue K-9 partner are on the case. And when the child's mother, Bristol Delaney, insists on helping, he can't turn her away. But someone is dead set on stopping the investigation. Can Chandler guarantee Bristol's safety and rescue the missing child before the trail goes cold?

From Love Inspired Suspense: Courage. Danger. Faith.

Readers Top Reviews

Christi F
It begins with a parent’s worst nightmare: a school bus accident and a child being abducted by a madman. Bristol is such a strong woman. To escape an abusive relationship to then live on the run, constantly looking over your shoulder, all to still have your young son be abducted by his insane father, a man that he has never met is unimaginable! She fights this whole novel to get her son back all while keeping a level head during this nightmare, which says a lot about her character and the immense strength she possesses! Chandler, the deputy that aids Bristol throughout the novel, is another strong character that captured my heart. I liked that Chandler wasn’t a knight in shining armor type, but just a good man who is trying to do his job to the best of his ability, and living what he believes. He doesn’t take away from Bristol’s strength, but instead adds to it, which I loved seeing. Both Chandler and Bristol have faith that is not only shown in their actions but also as short prayers in their hearts. I have to say, this has to be one of the most intense Love Inspired Suspense that I’ve ever read, and I loved every heart-pounding moment! The action kicks off right from the start and only intensifies as the story progresses. Some of the car chase scenes and attacks were pretty intense, and the fact that they are hunting for a child and kidnapper, while also being hunted themselves, makes the tension all the more suspenseful. Though Tracking the Tiny Target is filled with strong characters and heart-stopping moments, some of my favorite scenes were the quiet strength that radiated from Tucker, Chandler’s bloodhound, that was right beside his handler giving aid and support throughout the story. Every time I saw his name, and read what he would do, my heart melted more and more. I always enjoy a good Love Inspired Suspense, but this novel took it to a whole other level, and has to be my favorite in this series to date. The Bring the Children Home series has been wonderful so far, and I can’t wait to see where this series takes us next. *I have voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book which I received from the author/publisher through JustRead Tours. All views and opinions expressed are completely honest, and my own.
Bristol and Chandler start off suspicious of each other, and I loved how they interacted with the other. Their constant tension and Bristol's refusal to stand back and let Chandler do all the work toward finding Bristol's son continually pushed these two together and made them confront their initial opinions and delve deeper into the potential for feelings that seemed to come at them from every side. There's no end to the action, as it starts on the first page and carries all the way through. And that ending. Sweet doesn't begin to cover the way the author wrapped up this thrilling tale. I received a copy of this book from the author through NetGalley. I was not required to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.
As a true fan of Connie Queen's writing, I eagerly anticipated the arrival of this new book. And this book did not disappoint! Connie Queen put all of the components into this book that she excels in... suspense and romance with an underlying acknowledgement of a faith in God. From the very first paragraph, the suspense begins as a mother arrives to witness for herself the wreckage of her son's day care van. She discovers that the van driver is unconscious and seriously injured and that all of the children who were in the van are now missing. She initially believes that this was all caused by her abusive, ex-husband but she learns that he was recently killed in prison. Undeterred by this fact, she immediately begins the arduous task of finding her son and discovering which of her ex-husband's associates is responsible and why. She is joined in this search by a sheriff's deputy, who has his own reasons in wanting to learn about her ex-husband, and his canine tracking companion. The storyline that followed this beginning prevented me from being able to put the book down; the suspense and drama were non-stop. I truly am a Connie Queen fan and I am sure that all readers will discover that this book is another success for her. I did receive an early copy of this book but this does not affect my review. This review that I have written is done so voluntarily and the opinions expressed are my own.