Uncanceled: Finding Meaning and Peace in a Culture of Accusations, Shame, and Condemnation - book cover
  • Publisher : Thomas Nelson
  • Published : 08 Feb 2022
  • Pages : 224
  • ISBN-10 : 1400230179
  • ISBN-13 : 9781400230174
  • Language : English

Uncanceled: Finding Meaning and Peace in a Culture of Accusations, Shame, and Condemnation

Win the War for Your Own Integrity

After Phil Robertson quoted Scripture in an interview with a national magazine, his hit show, Duck Dynasty, put him on "indefinite hiatus." Phil immediately knew what had happened: he had become a target of cancel culture.

Since that time, Phil has spoken out against public shaming, strategic campaigns to get Bible-believing employees fired, and other tactics that are wreaking havoc in our society. In a deeply divided country, with so many bent on condemning and silencing others, Phil calls for us to carry out the unifying message of Jesus Christ.

In Uncanceled, Phil shares his own experiences with cancel culture as he

encourages us to turn to Scripture as we navigate politics, personal conversations, and new cultural norms;helps us see the psychological and political motivations behind silencing conservative voices;reminds us that the goal is not to convince others to like us but to win the war for our own integrity by refusing to bow down to the god of political correctness; andshows us how to trade retaliation for the love and forgiveness that God offers.Uncanceled is a blueprint for standing up for the truth of Jesus Christ in a culture that has forgotten how to have respectful conversations. As Phil reminds us, when we embrace the truth that Jesus Christ already paid an enormous debt to cancel our sins, we find a path to redemption, a way to forgiveness, and a means for godly connection.

Readers Top Reviews

Darrell L. Surret
Truth in Love - Phil speaks from the heart- tells the factual truth and shoots straight 5 star
Daniela Stokes
Once again great book of his. Combining politics and religion is beautiful to read.
This, along with Phil’s other works, are very easy casual reads. I enjoy taking my time, and referring to the scriptures. Excited for the devotional release this summer!
william amor
Isa 55:8 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.
just a guy
This is Phil's best book yet. As I read it, I began to notice his shift away from politics and his increasing allegiance to the Kingdom of God instead. I often get overwhelmed when I ingest too much news, but his very biblical approach to cancel culture has started me on a new path. I will make a renewed commitment to be a Jesus man and take whatever the world gives me. I just know one thing - they can't silence me. Thanks, Phil!