War on Ivermectin: The Medicine that Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the Pandemic - book cover
Medical Books
  • Publisher : Skyhorse
  • Published : 06 Jun 2023
  • Pages : 312
  • ISBN-10 : 151077386X
  • ISBN-13 : 9781510773868
  • Language : English

War on Ivermectin: The Medicine that Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the Pandemic

Big Pharma and health agencies cry, "Don't take ivermectin!" A media storm follows. Why then, does the science say the opposite?"
Ivermectin is a dirty word in the media. It doesn't work. It's a deadly horse dewormer. Prescribe or promote it and you'll be called a right-wing quack, be banned from social media, or lose your license to practice medicine. And yet, entire countries wiped out the virus with it, and more than ninety-five studies now show it to be unequivocally effective in preventing and treating Covid-19. If it didn't work, why was there a coordinated global campaign to cancel it? What's the truth about this decades-old, Nobel Prize-winning medication? 

The War on Ivermectin is the personal and professional narrative of Dr. Pierre Kory and his crusade to recommend a safe, inexpensive, generic medicine as the key to ending the pandemic. 

Written with Jenna McCarthy, Dr. Kory's story chronicles the personal attacks, professional setbacks, and nefarious efforts of the world's major health agencies and medical journals to dismiss and deny ivermectin's efficacy. Part personal narrative, part scathing expose, The War on Ivermectin highlights the catastrophic impacts of the mass media censorship and relentless propaganda that led to the greatest humanitarian crisis in history. 

Although numerous studies and epidemiologic data have shown that millions of lives were saved globally with the systematic use of ivermectin, many more millions perished. This carnage was the direct result of what Dr. Kory eventually discovered to be the pharmaceutical industry's silent but deadly war on generic medicines and the corrupt, captured medical and media systems that allow it to continue. For anyone who thought Covid-19 was the enemy, Dr. Kory's book will leave no doubt that the true adversary in this war is a collective cabal of power-hungry elites who put profits over people and will stop at nothing in their quest for control.

The War on Ivermectin is published through ICAN PRESS, an imprint of Skyhorse Publishing. ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) is a nonprofit organization investigating the safety of medical procedures, pharmaceutical drugs, and vaccines while advocating for people's right to informed consent.


Editorial Reviews

"Dr. Pierre Kory is one of the heroic figures of our time; a courageous physician who sacrificed career, reputation, friendships, status, and livelihood for the health of his patients and humanity."
-Robert F. Kennedy Jr., founder of Children's Health Defense and author of The Real Anthony Fauci

"We will never know how many people would be alive today had the medical establishment taken their blinders off, opened their minds, and listened to doctors who had the courage and compassion to actually treat COVID patients. Instead, heroes like Dr. Pierre Kory were ridiculed, vilified, censored, and professionally cancelled. Dr. Kory's must-read book is a fast-paced, engaging firsthand account of what went terribly wrong in our medical response to the pandemic. We must learn from his experience and use his insights to repair our health system that has been corrupted by Big Pharma and the hubris of those in power."
-Senator Ron Johnson

"Dr. Pierre Kory's book, The War on Ivermectin, is an exceptional contribution to the literature that has emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic. It provides insight into little-known facts about the pandemic and is written in a captivating fashion that mimics Dr. Kory's entertaining manner of speaking. The book highlights how widespread adoption of Dr. Kory's work could have saved countless lives. By reading this book, you will deepen your understanding of the fraudulent practices associated with discrediting ivermectin and discover why it is essential to have access to this safe and effective therapy for potential future parasite or severe viral infections."
-Dr. Joseph Mercola, founder of mercola.com, the world's premier natural medicine site

"In 2020, when Dr. Pierre Kory told America that steroids were efficacious for COVID-19 pneumonia, every regulatory authority in the world said not to use them. Within months, the world followed Kory. Later that year he appeared on the Senate floor and advocated for every acutely ill patient to get a chance to survive COVID-19 with a "miracle" drug, ivermectin. He was at the epicenter of what became the greatest tragedy of therapeutic nihilism in the history of our country. America lost over a million souls to the virus and virtually all of them were denied this safe and effective compound. The War on Ivermectin can only be told by Kory, a man with a drug the biopharmaceutical complex tried to destroy because they knew it would end the pandemic. It is a powerful vision of courage and strength...

Readers Top Reviews

B WatkinsRhonda Salo
If this book was a piece of fiction, it would be on the NYT Bestseller List, then turned into a blockbuster movie with an all star cast and win multiple Academy awards. Next, the movie's influence would move government officials to act accordingly and create new policies to protect the public. Unfortunately the book is absolutely true. No matter what side of the Ivermectin War you are on, you will be treated to an inside look at how the intensive care medical community rallied to face a global pandemic of epic proportions. Read this thrilling account and walk away in awe of the people who tried to save lives in the face of insurmountable odds.
The FDA & the NIH ignored 95 studies, from 1023 scientists, including 134,554 patients from 27 countries that showed Ivermectin was highly effective in reducing the number of hospitalizations, and deaths. The FDA tried to stop use of Ivermectin around the world, claiming Ivermectin was dangerous to use, & did not save lives. This did not stop the health officials in the India Provence of Uttar Pradesh, with 231 million people and a skyrocketing Covid-19 infection & death rate in mid- 2020 from widely distributing 12 mg of Ivermectin for 3 days to all families that had Covid-19. The results were miraculous, by the early spring of 2021 the deaths were virtually zero, an Indian surgeon emailed Dr. Kory praising Ivermectin!
Russell Gonnering
In 1906, "The Jungle", a novel of the horrors in the meat packing industry, shocked the nation. Outraged citizens demanded that Congress protect the population. The Pure Food and Drug Act was passed and, ironically, the foundation was laid for the establishment of the FDA. I sincerely hope that this, a work of non-fiction, will likewise energize the populace to demand a reformation of both the FDA and the whole Public Health apparatus and maybe even medical education. Dr. Kory explains what happened to us and the whole world in the Great COVID Disaster as an engrossing story. But the story is true. And it is frightening. Aside from his impeccable medical credentials, Dr. Kory is no stranger to the manner in which patients are doubly victimized, first by their disease and secondly by a medical establishment that often seems distant and dogmatic. What he and his family experienced as patients give absolute credibility to his battle. Make no mistake, this is a war. It is a war not only on ivermectin, but on all of us. You MUST read this book if you are to understand the significance of the past 3 years and prevent a repeat in the future.
Tonya McKinney
I just got my copy of The War on Ivermectin by Dr. Pierre Kory and I cannot put it down. It’s like reading a really good thriller and my heart is already pounding reading Chapter 2. It will make an amazing movie. Dr. Kory and the FLCCC alliance are the true heroes of the pandemic and the millions that died from the coverup of ivermectin, an inexpensive effective treatment that won the Nobel Prize for people not horses. The scope of the coverup is immense. These doctors and the ones who went ahead risking their medical licenses prescribing ivermectin are my heroes. I cannot wait for the statue of all of them gracing the entrance to the CDC once we clean house (via elections) and it becomes a trusted source again and a beacon to the world.
Sara J. Moses
This book is brilliant and eye-opening and fascinating to read. I was worried it might be a little dry -- it is NOT at all. It reads like a thriller with humor, and I can't turn the pages fast enough to get to the next part of the story -- THE REAL STORY, THE TRUE STORY -- what a refreshing change from reading the lies we have been fed these past three years. Incredibly well written by Jenna McCarthy and Dr. Pierre Kory. Riveting. Buy it as a gift for everyone you know who CARES about knowing the truth, and for all of those people who need to become aware of the possibility of knowing the truth. Thank you to Ms. McCarthy and Dr. Kory for being brave enough to write this book at a time when it is needed most!!