What Is a Woman?: One Man's Journey to Answer the Question of a Generation - book cover
Politics & Government
  • Publisher : DW Books
  • Published : 14 Jun 2022
  • Pages : 256
  • ISBN-10 : 1956007008
  • ISBN-13 : 9781956007008
  • Language : English

What Is a Woman?: One Man's Journey to Answer the Question of a Generation

Is this even a question? 

What is a woman? 

But all of a sudden, way too many people don't seem to know the answer. Is a woman a woman just by feeling or acting a particular way? Aren't gender roles just a "social construct"? Can a woman be "trapped in a man's body"? Does being a woman mean anything at all?

We used to think being a woman had something to do with biology, but the nation's top experts keep assuring us that is definitely not the case. So Matt decided to do what no man (whatever that means) had done before. He sat down with the experts and asked them directly.

In What Is a Woman?, our hero:

• Discovers that no one-not doctors, therapists, psychiatrists, or politicians-can actually define the word "woman"

• Hilariously convinces a radical gender therapist that Matt is questioning his own gender identity

• Uncovers the shocking and horrifying roots of radical gender ideology

• Learns exactly how activists and ideologues are trying to brainwash our kids

• Reveals a strategy to defeat the collective insanity that has taken over our society

Join Matt on his often comical, yet deeply disturbing, journey as he answers the question generations before us never knew they needed to ask: What is a woman?

Readers Top Reviews

TracyRachel Ba
Obviously Amazon can’t let this chart objectively but here’s to hoping it gets recognition and isn’t immediately censored. Fantastic work and well thought out research by Matt Walsh
Today's media and pop culture are one-sided on this topic, and that side is delusional. Thanks to Matt Walsh for being courageous enough to research and speak the truth loudly and proudly!
Matthew Trac
Listened to the book, ordered a copy of it. It’s a rendition of the documentary. Excellent all around. If you see the documentary then keep in mind most of this you’ve seen in visual form. Matt does a good job recapping the experience in written form. Worth a purchase to support the cause. I’ve already bought 4 copies of Johnny the Walrus after the Amazon leak of how they hated all people who buy such things.
This book was simply amazing. It goes much farther in depth on the issues that plague our world and told from a brave man. After seeing the documentary and now read the book I feel it's a must have!
Ryan DuhaimeRyan
An excellent addition to a growing collection of books not afraid to speak truth and place facts over feelings.

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