Why I Stand - book cover
Sports & Outdoors
  • Publisher : DW Books
  • Published : 17 May 2022
  • Pages : 256
  • ISBN-10 : 1956007067
  • ISBN-13 : 9781956007060
  • Language : English

Why I Stand

Publishers Weekly Bestseller
Facing public criticism, peer hostility, and widespread disapproval, would you compromise your principles to blend in with the crowd, or would you stand for what you believe?

On July 31, 2020, the Orlando Magic starting forward Jonathan Isaac was the lone NBA player not to kneel for the national anthem amid a league-wide demonstration in support of Black Lives Matter. Standing alone, knowing the scrutiny to come, Jonathan had a peace he at one time never could have imagined possible. 

In Why I Stand, Jonathan shares the journey of how-through a series of divine connections and a willingness to follow Christ-his fear and insecurity-driven life was transformed into one of confidence and purpose. From his childhood in the Bronx to his high school years in Florida, from rail-skinny freshman at FSU to top draft pick in the NBA, Jonathan uses his life story to illuminate the freedom and peace found in the love of Jesus Christ. 

More than the story of an NBA player's transformation from man on the court to man of God, Why I Stand is a testament to His love, power, and grace that extends to us all. This book is a discovery that no matter your level of confidence today, God's strength will develop in your weakness. That courage is found in trusting that God is greater than your fears. 

As Jonathan takes you through the experiences that drove his decisions, he offers insight and inspiration to help you to grow to a point where standing alone is better than not standing at all. 

This is the story behind the stand.

Editorial Reviews

"When all of his teammates and the rest of the NBA knelt, Jonathan Isaac stood. His story of strength, courage, and sacrifice should inspire anyone facing adversity or being pressured to abandon their values-it should be shared far and wide."


"I love how authentically Jonathan shares his story. Jonathan's love for Jesus is evident, and his faith is genuine. He shares in his book how God can use anyone, anytime, anywhere and that Jesus is the answer. If you want to be encouraged in how God can use you, pick up a copy of Why I Stand."


"Jonathan stood courageously during a time of national conflict, and he has written about his innermost thoughts. Readers will find it compelling to consider just what Jonathan means in his book Why I Stand."


"What a compelling story of God-given courage. I'm so thankful for Jonathan's willingness to consistently stand for truth and to refuse to compromise his values. This book will strengthen your faith in the Lord and equip you to face whatever challenge is before you with boldness and grace."


"Jonathan Isaac has it all: brawn, brains, and-most important of all-the humility and moral clarity to use his tremendous gifts for good. Jonathan stands for the flag and kneels only for God at a time when it is not popular to do either. In Why I Stand, Jonathan gives us a personal account of how he learned to buck the ‘wisdom' of our age and stand tall in the face of pressure. A moving journey."


I stand with Jonathan Isaac because he is the present and future evangelist doing the great ministry of God, the Great Commission. The supernatural favor of the Lord is on his life, everywhere he goes. Every ‘yes' that he has said to Jesus has been the best yeses of his life. It has also given him the greatest reach and eternal impact on millions of souls.

-PASTOR ANWAR FAZAL and NIDA ANWAR FAZAL, Isaac TV and Eternal Life TV Network

Readers Top Reviews

Todd OCSpinnerRam
Why I Stand is about an amazing young mans journey in faith. It shows the power and importance of positive role models in your life. It's about courage, commitment and faith in all things. Jonathon is going to make a huge difference in this world and will definitely make this world a better place. I recommend this book to anyone wanting to be inspired. Thank you Jonathon for sharing with us. Todd O
Rick Shaq Goldste
During World War II… President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR)… made the intelligent… heartfelt decision… to allow Major League Baseball to continue to be played. He wanted the American people to still be able to have some normalcy... and something to take their minds off all the death and destruction… for at least a few hours per day. It was also beneficial for the troops out on the horrendous front lines. There is nary a World War II movie made where a soldier doesn’t ask someone if they’ve heard how the Brooklyn Dodgers “Our Bums” are doing??!! Now fast forward to modern times… and the world… including the United States… is entrenched… in a different kind of multi-faceted war. Covid deaths in America have passed **ONE-MILLION**… that’s two-and-a-half times the American deaths in World War II. Our country is also being torn apart by political dissent… there are riots… burning buildings… and murders! Where is a man with the wisdom and compassion of an FDR when our country needs him? Instead of having a leader… who sees the sense… the passion… the integrity… of giving all Americans the ability to forget for a few minutes that the country is literally crumbling before their very eyes… seeing their jobs disappear… being forced to stay locked in their homes… generations of family members separated for a year and more… instead of saying… the great American citizenry… more than deserves… at least a couple of hours a day to totally forget about the cultural-political-religious-medical… divides that are growing faster than the disease itself… OH YEA!… also don’t forget the non-stop battles over mask or no mask… or two masks at a time… or vaccine shots or no shot… or two shots… or four shots… and the greatest flim-flam-used-car-salesman-talking out of eight sides of his mouth… Dr. Fauci! If we had another FDR… our magical salve for a few hours a day would be professional sports. But… it’s as if the devil has taken over the management of pro-sports. Instead of sitting back… having a couple of cold ones and root for your team(s)… the paying… loyal… patriotic… fan… instead of being given a “pardon” for a few hours… is force-fed spoiled… pampered… severely overpaid… athletes… kneeling on the ground when the National Anthem is played… and as a **HONORABLY*DISCHARGED*VIET*NAM*ERA*VETERAN** I find that offensive no matter how they try to spin it! (And don’t give me any spin rate crap!) Then the owner’s and commissioners… actually paint politicized statements on the courts… on the walls… and even more insane… and bias… even political statements… on the back of our holy historical uniforms. WAIT A MINUTE! WASN’T THE PURPOSE OF ALLOWING THE GAMES TO GO ON…? WAS TO FORGET… AND GET AWAY FROM… ALL THE HELLACIOUS POLITICS THAT IMMERSE OUR LIVES THE OTHER TWENTY-TWO-HOURS PER DAY… SEVEN DAYS PER WEEK??!! Wow! I never thought I would be exci...
Andy J. SearlesRi
I remember watching Sports Center when one of the defining moments of Jonathan's career, his stance for our anthem, was played repeatedly before a global audience. This book helped me understand that while this may have been a defining moment in his career, it wasn't the defining moment of his life. With warmth and vulnerability, the book takes you through the ups and downs of Jonathan's life thus far. Through honest stories, attention to detail, and thoughtful reflection, it becomes clear where Jonathan developed the courage to follow his conscience - and his faith. This book not only shared Jonathan's journey but – even for those of us who will never grace an NBA court – provides essential pointers on ours. This book and its rationale were compelling to read. What a better place our world would be if more people could stand with the courage of their convictions. Congrats on an excellent book that tells a story that I am sure is only just beginning…
Eric FloydAndy J.
Jonathan’s voice is authentic and kind. He speaks truth, because he knows truth. Buy the book.
Mrs Texas Eric Fl
I just received “Why I Stand” this afternoon. I am now finished. I could not put it down. What an amazing young man!! He not only writes about his successes but also his insecurities. I love his Courage and Passion.

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