Wild and Wicked Things - book cover
  • Publisher : Redhook
  • Published : 29 Mar 2022
  • Pages : 432
  • ISBN-10 : 0316287156
  • ISBN-13 : 9780316287159
  • Language : English

Wild and Wicked Things

"Brimming with romance and gilded with danger, Wild and Wicked Things is a heady, lyrical gem of a book." -Hannah Whitten, New York Times bestselling author

In the aftermath of World War I, a naive woman is swept into a glittering world filled with dark magic, romance, and murder in this lush and decadent debut.

On Crow Island, people whisper, real magic lurks just below the surface. 

Neither real magic nor faux magic interests Annie Mason. Not after it stole her future. She's only on the island to settle her late father's estate and, hopefully, reconnect with her long-absent best friend, Beatrice, who fled their dreary lives for a more glamorous one. 

Yet Crow Island is brimming with temptation, and the biggest one may be her enigmatic new neighbor. 

Mysterious and alluring, Emmeline Delacroix is a figure shadowed by rumors of witchcraft. And when Annie witnesses a confrontation between Bea and Emmeline at one of the island's extravagant parties, she is drawn into a glittering, haunted world. A world where the boundaries of wickedness are tested, and the cost of illicit magic might be death.

Praise for Wild and Wicked Things:

"Entrancing, seductive, and decadently beautiful. Here is a deep, sensuous exploration of the bonds between three very different, complex women that readers won't soon forget." -Gwenda Bond, New York Times bestselling author 

"An intoxicating blend of secrets and glamour, romance and scandal, blood magic and dark pasts." -H. G. Parry

Editorial Reviews

"Brimming with romance and gilded with danger, Wild and Wicked Things is a heady, lyrical gem of a book."―Hannah Whitten, New York Times bestselling author of For the Wolf

"Haunting, immersive, and seething with dark magic, Wild and Wicked Things cast its spell on me"―Alexis Henderson, author of The Year of the Witching

"Wild and Wicked Things ticked all my boxes. May's vivid prose carries us off to a world not quite unlike our own and spins the story of one woman coming into her own, another fighting the darkness inside her, and the two of them drawing together to become something more. I couldn't put it down."―Genevieve Gornichec, author of The Witch's Heart

"Viciously enchanting, with a spell woven onto every page. Francesca May has given us a cast of wild and wicked women who dare to hold a mirror to the darkest, and most tender, parts of our souls. I couldn't get enough!"―Heather Walter, author of Malice

"Entrancing, seductive, and decadently beautiful, Francesca May weaves an intoxicating spell. Here is a deep, sensuous exploration of the bonds between three very different, complex women that readers won't soon forget."―Gwenda Bond, New York Times bestselling author

"An intoxicating blend of secrets and glamour, romance and scandal, blood magic and dark pasts. If you've ever thought the Jazz Age would have been better with witchcraft, this book is for you."―H. G. Parry, author of The Shadow Histories

"Even after the last page is turned, this intoxicating story lingers like a deep dark wine. Sparkling and deadly, Wild and Wicked Things enchanted me, and if you're feeling dangerous, it will enchant you too."―Lucy Holland, author of Sistersong