Will - book cover
Arts & Literature
  • Publisher : Penguin Press
  • Published : 09 Nov 2021
  • Pages : 432
  • ISBN-10 : 1984877925
  • ISBN-13 : 9781984877925
  • Language : English


The instant #1 New York Times bestseller!

"It's the best memoir I've ever read." -Oprah Winfrey

"Will Smith isn't holding back in his bravely inspiring new memoir . . . An ultimately heartwarming read, Will provides a humane glimpse of the man behind the actor, producer and musician, as he bares all his insecurities and trauma." -USA Today

One of the most dynamic and globally recognized entertainment forces of our time opens up fully about his life, in a brave and inspiring book that traces his learning curve to a place where outer success, inner happiness, and human connection are aligned. Along the way, Will tells the story in full of one of the most amazing rides through the worlds of music and film that anyone has ever had.

Will Smith's transformation from a West Philadelphia kid to one of the biggest rap stars of his era, and then one of the biggest movie stars in Hollywood history, is an epic tale-but it's only half the story.
Will Smith thought, with good reason, that he had won at life: not only was his own success unparalleled, his whole family was at the pinnacle of the entertainment world. Only they didn't see it that way: they felt more like star performers in his circus, a seven-days-a-week job they hadn't signed up for. It turned out Will Smith's education wasn't nearly over. 
This memoir is the product of a profound journey of self-knowledge, a reckoning with all that your will can get you and all that it can leave behind. Written with the help of Mark Manson, author of the multi-million-copy bestseller The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, Will is the story of how one person mastered his own emotions, written in a way that can help everyone else do the same. Few of us will know the pressure of performing on the world's biggest stages for the highest of stakes, but we can all understand that the fuel that works for one stage of our journey might have to be changed if we want to make it all the way home. The combination of genuine wisdom of universal value and a life story that is preposterously entertaining, even astonishing, puts Will the book, like its author, in a category by itself.

Readers Top Reviews

This is so amazing! I absolutely love love love this and will. He’s such an inspiration to me and I am literally going to have a book club will this book. Such a blissful moment. So happy for him.
Here’s the thing about books like this...Folks this is Hollywood...Is Will going to keep it 💯 in this “memoir”? Is he going to level with the readers about how he landed his role in the “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” (ie, “interactions” with co-producers “Q.J” and “B.M”)? Of course not! Moral of my statement- Do not compromise yourself for fame and fortune....
Timothy Oppelt
I love Will Smith! This book is amazing! I hope I can meet him one day Im going to his book tour in LA on thursday!
This book isn’t just incredible because it’s funny and the stories are personal, it’s truly life changing. The arc of from fear to love is transformative. Will smith did something bigger here than any celebrity has done. An absolute must read and gift.
Bryan Philip Cruz
Smith has poured his heart & soul into this book, digging deep to share his vast wisdom and personal truth. You get a rare insight into the vulnerability and bravery of an individual so driven that it inspires you to be better. A story about the lessons he learned from laying brick with his dad got me good. (You gotta read it to find out, I’m not a spoiler!) Bottom line: this book echoes a life well-lived and the end result is nothing short of pure Will.