Across That Bridge: A Vision for Change and the Future of America - book cover
  • Publisher : Legacy Lit; Reprint edition
  • Published : 15 Aug 2017
  • Pages : 224
  • ISBN-10 : 0316510939
  • ISBN-13 : 9780316510936
  • Language : English

Across That Bridge: A Vision for Change and the Future of America

Winner of the NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Literary Work/Biography.

In Across That Bridge, Congressman John Lewis draws from his experience as a prominent leader of the Civil Rights Movement to offer timeless wisdom, poignant recollections, and powerful principles for anyone interested in challenging injustices and inspiring real change toward a freer, more peaceful society.

The Civil Rights Movement gave rise to the protest culture we know today, and the experiences of leaders like Congressman Lewis, a close confidant to Martin Luther King, Jr., have never been more relevant. Despite more than forty arrests, physical attacks, and serious injuries, John Lewis has remained a devoted advocate of the discipline and philosophy of nonviolence. Now, in an era in which the protest culture he helped forge has resurfaced as a force for change, Lewis' insights have never been more relevant. In this heartfelt book, Lewis explores the contributions that each generation must make to achieve change.

Readers Top Reviews

T. RoseCarol Ps.o.a-
This powerful book is one I will give to my grandchildren as a legacy of our family history and heritage. My family tree bore both slave owners as well as abolitionists. Growing up in Mississippi, I witnessed many injustices on the playground, in school and elsewhere. As a very young child I began my education in civil rights and have never stopped learning. This book is one of the most meaningful resources I have read. My heart and soul were fed by reading John Lewis' words. Big smile.
This was a part of all our history who lived during the civil rights movement. The stories of those who stood for justice and equal rights living through beatings and jail was portrayed in the news. I deeply believed in their cause as a little girl and I was filled with great sympathy and sadness for the protesters. We are a better society for their sacrifices. We still have a long way to go. Thank you John Lewis for writing this book and giving credit to the divine for your courage to stand. May the divine give us all courage to stand against injustices. Love will always win in the end.
Maggie Feldman
Mr. Lewis"s book is great, but it's disappeared from my Kindle. I can't download it again because there's no Amazon mechanism to do that.
Robert E Airhart II
Congressman John Lewis speaks eloquently yet simply about love for all human beings as the ground out of which non-violence as a way to change a violent hateful fearful world grows. He speaks of love as the way to hold every human being in equal regard as the ground out of rich to lead humanity out of the terminal condition of racism, classism, sexism, nationalism. He speaks of love as the ground out of which we can hope endlessly and realistically as we work to create the just society, the beautiful society for which we yearn.
This book clearly opened my eyes about the racial issues in the 60's & 70's. I lived through these times but was busy raising a family not really aware of the pain and suffering the black citizens were dealing with. It's a classic case of out of sight out of mind. John Lewis is a remarkable man who made you feel as though you were there, feeling the pain of the individuals. I was raised to believe that I wasn't any better than the next guy and we were all created equal, however the white individuals didn't have to fight for their equality. They were born into it and treated it as a right. Not as something they were prepared to die for! Love John Lewis and his book!

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