Awaken a Better You: 4 Simple Steps to Create the Life You Want - book cover
Christian Living
  • Publisher : WaterBrook
  • Published : 10 Jan 2023
  • Pages : 208
  • ISBN-10 : 0593194217
  • ISBN-13 : 9780593194218
  • Language : English

Awaken a Better You: 4 Simple Steps to Create the Life You Want

Unlock the person you've always wanted to be with four practical steps to lasting change, from life coach BJ Thompson.
"BJ Thompson lives what he preaches. And we might just live a little longer for having listened."-Beth Moore, Living Proof Ministries

Is there a change you've been wanting to make, but you don't know how? Have you tried it all and still can't figure out how to move forward? BJ Thompson has been there.
Born to a teenage mother on the gang-permeated streets of Dallas, BJ understood that as a Black man, his starting place was disadvantaged, under-resourced, and unequipped. But then one day he decided to stop allowing life to "just happen" and to rise above the obstacles set before him. He transformed his life and became a global leader, coaching tens of thousands and influencing millions on their way toward building better lives.
Now, BJ wants to help you unlock greater mental, spiritual, relational, and emotional health with a simple four-step process:

1. desperation-identify a problem you desperately want to change
2. information-research the problem, unlearn built-in ideas, and vet data
3. application-build a practical plan and take active steps to make the change
4. transformation-celebrate change and embrace a mindset of continual growth
With BJ as your guide, you can start on the path to create the balanced, holistic life you've always wanted. Make the choice to become the person you've always wanted to be. The only person you're waiting on is you.

Editorial Reviews

"I know this guy. With my own two eyes, I've watched God prepare BJ Thompson, equip him, raise him up, and use him remarkably to help people thrive. What I've had the privilege to receive from this gifted author in bits and pieces across restaurant tables, through phone conversations, and text exchanges, you now get to glean in full through this book. BJ Thompson lives what he preaches. And we might just live a little longer for having listened."-Beth Moore, Living Proof Ministries

"In Awaken a Better You, BJ Thompson masterfully shows us how it is possible to experience transformation in every realm of life. This book contains the wisdom and practical steps necessary to truly thrive in life. No matter where you are on your life's journey, Awaken a Better You will help you reach the next level."-Christine Caine, founder of A21 and Propel Women

"BJ has a unique ability to synthesize large ideas into simple and applicable ways that I've never seen before. He is committed to his own growth and development, alongside helping others on their transformational journey. He cares for himself and his friends in a way that makes Awaken a Better You another extension of what he already does for so many."-Andy Mineo, recording artist

"Awaken a Better You is the book we need today and tomorrow. With the world feeling like it's on fire, we all need to take deep breaths, pause, and know that we are truly loved even in our messiness. To create a better world, we must create a better us. This book is the beginning steps to transformation and holy inspiration."-Latasha Morrison, founder and president of Be the Bridge

"There are so many individuals that take on the expert title without having paid the price, but BJ Thompson has done the work. You can trust his voice and wisdom in the areas he has in fact lived."-Sam Collier, lead pastor of Story Church Atlanta and founder of A Greater Story Ministries

"BJ Thompson has written a must-read book for anyone tired of waiting for their life to start. His own story will give you confidence to believe that youare more than what has happened to you. It's time to Awaken a Better You in ways you didn't think were possible."-Heather Thompson Day, author of

Readers Top Reviews

Using examples from his own life, BJ Thompson outlines the steps to move from desperation to transformation. A compassionate tone & readable style pairs with practical steps to get readers from where they are now to where they want to go. Recommended.
Michelle Castaneda
Awaken a Better You: 4 Simple Steps to Create the Life You Want by BJ Thompson is a wonderful book for anyone looking to make meaningful change in their life. The author speaks from personal experience and he shares it with readers in this book. He deals with all parts of life and explains clearly what is needed to make a change. Overall, I think this book is a great resource, especially for young people starting out in life. I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher with no obligations. These opinions are entirely my own.
Joan N.
It starts with a decision, Thompson says. It starts with deciding you want to change and not letting anything hold you back. But the book is not so much about change as it is releasing what is inside. The emphasis is unlocking greater mental, spiritual, relational and emotional health through growth. “God has already empowered you with everything you need to become the best version of yourself.” (203/2663) Thompson helps us see ourselves as God sees us. He helps us recognize the lies others tell us and those we tell ourselves. He helps us with strategy suggestions. “Transformation is always the result of intentional action guided by a well-ordered plan.” (980/2662) He provides questions for reflection and discussion within a circle of trusted friends. He also provides prompts to help the process and brainstorm where to go. Some evangelical Christians may be surprised at Thompson relating the tumble his faith took after the 2016 U.S. presidential election. He shares his wilderness experience, wondering where he belonged outside the Christian “bubble.” He also shares how his faith was reconstructed after leaving the American evangelical subculture. This is a good book for believers who want to be all God has created them to be. Readers will find good teaching and encouragement. It's also a good book for people who feel uncomfortable with the current evangelical culture in the U.S. They will find encouragement to reconstruct their faith in Jesus Christ. I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.
Tammy K.
We all want to make our lives better. This author gives you his perspective on how he did that for himself. An interesting read regarding the evangelical Christian culture. Worth a read. Disclaimer: I received a digital copy from WaterBrook Mutlnomah Publishing with no expectation in return. The thoughts above are my own and I chose to share them.
Kyle Colley
Phenomenal book by BJ! Have been a follower of Build A Better Us for awhile now and this book is just another great piece of work from BJ!

Short Excerpt Teaser


High Risk, High Reward

When I first got hired as a lifeguard, I couldn't swim. It sounds unbelievable, but it's true. My first job had been as a fast-food fry cook, but my arms only had to be burned by hot grease so many times before I knew that wasn't the job I wanted. I needed a change. My mom had heard that the country club near the projects was hiring lifeguards. Apparently, the pool was having staffing issues, probably because it was in a Blood neighborhood. The fact that I could barely dog-paddle didn't even appear on Mom's radar-or mine. If it could get me out of that boiling hot kitchen, I was willing to give almost anything a shot. Even being a lifeguard.

I was up-front in the interview about my lack of swimming skills, but to my surprise, the organization hired me on the spot, saying I could learn on the job. It would be sink or swim for me-literally. I was wary, but the director promised she would work with me. She assured me I'd learn what I needed to know. I definitely almost drowned, but I stuck with the training. Perhaps more importantly, the director stuck with me. She guided my learning process and kept me on the right track, helping me apply good principles.

Under the director's guidance, I swam daily, learning the strokes and studying books on lifeguarding in my off-hours. I was putting in the work, but because I wasn't training alone or trying to handle things by myself, I advanced at a rapid rate. My body grew stronger, my swimming more secure, and my lifeguard skills became top-notch. Eventually, I was able to pass the lifeguard test and start taking shifts at the club. Life looked good from atop the lifeguard stand, and at the end of the summer, I was awarded Lifeguard of the Year.

How had I gone from grease-splattered arms to a trophy in my hands? My desperation to escape a terrible job led to taking a risk I wouldn't normally have taken-applying for a position that was above my abilities and was in the dead center of a gang neighborhood. I made a choice to seek accurate information and leverage the wisdom of an expert guide, and in doing so, I saw my prospects totally transform. Though born of desperation, my push for a new job had given me so much more than better summer employment and a trophy. It gave me a taste for agency.

Creating Agency

Perhaps up till this point, you've felt that life has just been happening to you. Seasons come, seasons go, and all you do is react-never act. While there are elements to life that will always be beyond your control, there are still areas in which you can take charge and create agency today. Creating agency simply means that you take responsibility for your own life, much like Ruth did in Scripture.

Ruth didn't have a lot of choices. She was a woman from Moab who had married a son of Israel, and a recent string of deaths in the immediate family had left her in a precarious situation. Her husband, brother-in-law, and father-in-law had all died, and in that ancient patriarchal society, that meant she didn't have any means to provide for herself. Her mother-in-law, Naomi, told Ruth to return to her birth family and remarry into another household. For Ruth, that would mean remaining in Moab, going back to her clan, and returning to Moabite ways.

Instead, Ruth took her agency into her own hands. "Here's what we're going to do," she told Naomi. "We're sticking together. We're heading back to your country together. Where you're going, I'm going. Where you die, I'll die." Ruth was all in. She was a "ride or die" type of friend. Ruth could make it in the hood.

After traveling over mountains and across a desert, the women arrived back in Israel but not to a warm welcome. Naomi was a widow, which was a strike against her, and Ruth was even worse-she was both a widow and a foreigner. At every turn, they faced adversity and hardship.

Yet Ruth's agency brought her to the field of Boaz, the extended family member through whom her Creator would provide for her and her mother-in-law. By the time we hear the last of Ruth, she had gained a new husband, a home, and a child. Naomi cherished Ruth and doted on Ruth's new baby. And the women from the community declared that Ruth was better to Naomi than seven sons, an enormous compliment in those days.

Ruth's transformation started when she looked at the choices in front of her and rejected them all. She exercised agency, prioritizing a relationship and family loyalty to reach something different. Through it all, Ruth's Creator blessed her. Her life ended with more joy than she had likely ever imagined possible, and the change in her trajectory began when she stepped out and began making choices.<...