Be an Angel: Devotions to Inspire and Encourage Love and Light Along the Way - book cover
Christian Living
  • Publisher : Convergent Books
  • Published : 21 Feb 2023
  • Pages : 240
  • ISBN-10 : 0593444027
  • ISBN-13 : 9780593444023
  • Language : English

Be an Angel: Devotions to Inspire and Encourage Love and Light Along the Way

From Roma Downey, the beloved actress and New York Times bestselling author, comes a beautiful collection of quotes and reflections full of wisdom, affirmation, and encouragement to ignite the power of kindness in every one of us and remind us to step into kindness with one another.

"Beautiful and inspiring."-Jewel, songwriter and New York Times bestselling author of Never Broken

Featuring moving quotes from a variety of writers and thinkers, including heartwarming scriptures and reflections on gratitude, friendship, faith, courage, and more, Be an Angel not only offers personal inspiration but also gently nudges you to look for ways to "be an angel" to those you encounter every day.

This stirring devotional is the perfect offering for anyone looking to be uplifted. You'll be delighted to discover inspiration for yourself-plus a little extra to make someone's day.

"I want to encourage you, as I've been encouraged, to live like an angel on Earth," writes Downey. "I want you to join me in speaking words of hope to a hurting world, bringing light into darkness."

May the words in this book be a blessing to you, and may they encourage each of us to step toward kindness and be a blessing to others.

Editorial Reviews

"Roma Downey's Be an Angel is beautiful and inspiring. She invites us to enact the love that lives within each of us by finding simple ways to show up for one another as everyday angels. This book is for those who want to affirm love as the most profound form of activism and remind us that love and kindness are what the world so sorely needs right now."-Jewel, songwriter and New York Times bestselling author of Never Broken

"I love everything Roma Downey writes! Once again, she uplifts your soul in this new book. It's a real page-turner. . . . A needed breath of fresh air!"-Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life and co-founder of Saddleback Church

"Roma and I have forgotten how long it's been since we became friends. But throughout our friendship she has lived out the embodiment of the loving, committed follower of Jesus. Although she's not an angel-she acts like one every day. And she smells like one, too! She's the sweet fragrance of her Savior. I love her!"-Kathie Lee Gifford, Emmy Award–winning television personality and New York Times bestselling author

"Be an Angel is a must read, whether you are seeking wisdom, reflecting on your life, or preparing for a breakthrough. The devotional will equip you to walk in your God-given purpose!"-DeVon Franklin, Hollywood producer and New York Times bestselling author

"We all have the ability to make a difference in someone's life and be a conduit of God's light and hope in the world. Be an Angel will inspire you to carry God's love to others, right where you are today."-Christine Caine, founder of Propel Women

"Be an Angel is a blessing for all of us, for our world today, and would be a treasured gift for family and friends."-Cardinal Seán Patrick O'Malley, OFM Cap., archbishop of Boston

Short Excerpt Teaser


Start at the Very Beginning

Thinking about the beauty of the angelic world gives a glimpse of the beauty and greatness of God. -Serge-Thomas Bonino

What does it mean to be an angel?

I've thought about this question a lot, especially since I had the privilege of playing one on television for almost ten years. I loved being Monica, the kindhearted angel on the hit show Touched by an Angel. Some years later, I produced The Bible, an epic miniseries that required casting and costuming a heavenly host. My work on these projects compelled me to study angels-their work, their messages, their connection to God and people. I'm thrilled to share with you some of what I've experienced and learned.

The simplest definition of angel is "a messenger, especially of God." In the nearly three hundred references to angels in the Bible, we find angels speaking the words of God, bringing the news of God, and doing the work of God. Angels repeatedly told people not to fear. They reminded people of God's nearness. They brought hope and light.

Angels defend and protect us, mainly from our enemies but sometimes from ourselves. They guide and direct us when we're lost or confused. Angels speak the truth: God loves us and we are never alone. This message brings healing and restoration; every hurt done to us and every hurt we have done can be forgiven.

Oh, how I need to hear this! How we all need to hear this!

Over the years, because of my role on TV, people often mistook me for an actual angel. They projected their feelings about the show onto me and my co-star Della Reese. I sometimes wanted to explain, "I'm just a person-a human!"

There was one incident at a children's hospital I was visiting. I walked by a room filled with sadness. A young child had passed away, and heartbreaking grief poured out of the room with the remaining family members. The bereft mother saw me, recognized me from TV, grabbed me in an embrace, and began weeping.

"Monica," she sobbed. "I prayed that God would send me an angel, and here you are."

I honestly didn't know what to say. She needed an angel, and I was just an actress in the hallway of a hospital. I held her close and quietly prayed for her and her loved ones. After a while, she thanked me, then returned to join her family. I left feeling so very sad.

Later that night, I recounted the story to Della. "She thought God sent me," I lamented. "She thought I was an angel."

My wise, wonderful friend replied, "Baby girl, who's to say God didn't send you to be there?"

Della taught me that if we're going to be used by God, we need to let go of our expectations and get out of the way. Since then, I have tried to do that very thing, never pretending to be anything I'm not but simply holding a loving space for others.

Della also helped me understand that a person who speaks the truth of God or performs a mission for Him fulfills a heavenly role like the angels do. That's why we call a woman like Mother Teresa an angel of mercy. She was a human, just like us, but she chose to be like an angel in how she lived. That's how I want to live.

The words of angel expert Serge-Thomas Bonino that you read at the opening of this entry remind us that angels give us a glimpse into the beauty and greatness of God. What if you and I lived so that people saw more of His beauty and greatness through us? What if we lived in such a way that kindness, truth, and love defined us? I believe it's possible for us to be like angels in bringing God's message to Earth.

That's why I chose to write this book. I want to encourage you, as I've been encouraged, to live like an angel on Earth. I want you to join me in speaking words of hope to a hurting world, bringing light into darkness.

At the end of each chapter, there will be a "Be an Angel" section where I'll invite you to put what you've read into practice. Some of these suggestions will be exciting and fun; others may challenge you. Some will involve things to ponder; others will invite you to action. I pray each inspires you to give or receive a glimpse of God's beauty and greatness. Are you ready to get started? If so, let's begin!

Be an Angel

Sometimes gentle and soothing words can be as comforting as a warm breeze. Today, why not take a moment to write a note to someone who is going through a tough season and let them know you're thinking of them? Your loving words and the time you took to reach out will remind them they are loved and never alone.


Stay Golden

In everything, do to others what you wo...