Defeating Big Government Socialism: Saving America's Future - book cover
Politics & Government
  • Publisher : Center Street
  • Published : 12 Jul 2022
  • Pages : 288
  • ISBN-10 : 1546003193
  • ISBN-13 : 9781546003199
  • Language : English

Defeating Big Government Socialism: Saving America's Future

Bestselling author and former Speaker Newt Gingrich reveals how Big Government Socialism is crippling America-and offers strategies and insights for everyday citizens to overcome its influence.
In communities across our country, Americans are debating Critical Race Theory, vaccine mandates, tax increases, rising inflation, online censorship, and a host of other important issues. 
We have serious decisions to make about the future of our nation. Do we want big government, or limited government? Do we want to work hard and keep what we earn, or do we want government to decide how our money is spent? Do we want our children to learn how to think in school, or be told what to think? Do we want to make our own decisions about health care, or should the federal government dictate our treatments? Should American companies compete on a level playing field, or should Washington decide who wins and loses? 

Speaker Gingrich analyzes these questions, describes the polling that shows what the American Majority wants, and illustrates how we can create a safer, more prosperous, and secure future for America.  
In Defeating Big Government Socialism, best-selling author and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich explains how Americans must confront Big Government Socialism, which has taken over the modern Democratic Party, big business, news media, entertainment, and academia. He also offers strategies and insights for everyday citizens to save America's future and ensure it remains the greatest nation on earth.

Editorial Reviews

"America is being crippled by a Big Government Socialist agenda. In this book, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich outlines how we can defeat these destructive policies and create the prosperous, safe country that the American Majority wants. This is a must-read."―Sean Hannity, Radio and Fox News host

"Defeating Big Government Socialism is the fight I have dedicated my entire life to. Newt has spent more than two of my lifetimes doing the same. This book is the roadmap for how to win that fight, from a tested leader who I trust."―Charlie Kirk, Founder and President of Turning Point USA

"Defeating Big Government Socialism is exceptional. America is at risk, and Speaker Newt Gingrich thoughtfully develops a positive agenda so the American Majority can save America's future from the rise of the Big Government Socialists."―Larry Kudlow, Former U.S. National Economic Council director

Readers Top Reviews

Extremely helping in understanding the current status of the US. Encapsulates an historical perspective and a plan of action for the future.
Dee Arr
Do we continue to follow the road of decay and decline, or do we choose to revitalize our country and return to the feelings of patriotism that helped America become a shining light to those around the world? Author Newt Gingrich has his goals aligned with the latter and seeks to educate and energize others to follow this new path. The book addresses the dangers of Big Government Socialism and what could happen if we sit back and allow it to continue its march. While much of it seems to have occurred in the last decade, the origins can be found over a century ago. Mr. Gingrich outlines the history, detailing the main events and explaining what has brought us to the precipice we are standing on today. While it would be impossible to address all the issues without naming those who championed socialism’s “achievements,” the author has chosen not to focus on those people. Rather, he attacks the institution of socialism and the tools that have been used to increase its power. There are plenty of footnotes to support the writing, and I found myself investigating various facets of the history as well as what led up to some of the most recent issues. The book is anything but dry, and I quickly read it over the course of a few days. Mr. Gingrich sums up with a call to action. Big Government Socialism will not go away simply because we wish it to, and if America is to survive with all its freedoms intact, it will need our help. It was encouraging the author explained that Republicans should not believe a “red wave” in 2022 and 2024 is the sole answer. Those who choose to represent the people must not turn their backs on the Democrats across the aisle, and only through civility and hard work will non-partisan legislation be once again the norm rather than an occasional surprise. This is a great guidebook for those who wish to be more involved in the solution. At the very least, it should give you perspective on why we should treat family relatives with respect. We may not agree with what they believe, but we will never achieve compromise without understanding what they think. Five stars. My thanks to NetGalley and Hatchette Book Group/Center Street for a complimentary electronic copy of this book.

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