Destiny Grimoire Anthology, Volume V: Legions Adrift - book cover
Action & Adventure
  • Publisher : Bungie
  • Published : 14 Mar 2023
  • Pages : 176
  • ISBN-10 : 195772109X
  • ISBN-13 : 9781957721095
  • Language : English

Destiny Grimoire Anthology, Volume V: Legions Adrift

Destiny Grimoire Anthology, Volume V: Legions Adrift is a curated look at the history of one of humanity's greatest enemies, and now perhaps, potential allies: the Cabal. These stories follow an ancient empire through a time of great change-from the hedonism of Emperor Calus to the ambition of Dominus Ghaul to the vision of Empress Caiatl. What does it mean to be Cabal-to eat the mountains and drink the seas? And with their homeworld lost, what will the Cabal become?

Includes download code printed on card for exclusive Destiny 2 in-game emblem.

Readers Top Reviews

JesseJack Boskelltom
The product literally came the next day. This is the best thing Bungie has done for their store! I remember having to pre order and wait for a month or two after release to have the book delivered. The book came fast, was in perfect condition, code intact. This is another fine edition to the lore of destiny. I do not play the game anymore but I will continue to follow the lore and buy these great books. I wish Bungie would go back to storytelling like in the original game!!!!