Do I Know You? - book cover
Women's Fiction
  • Publisher : Berkley
  • Published : 24 Jan 2023
  • Pages : 352
  • ISBN-10 : 0593201957
  • ISBN-13 : 9780593201954
  • Language : English

Do I Know You?

One of..
Amazon's Best Romances of January · Buzzfeed's Romance Books To Look Out For In 2023

When a couple starts to feel like they're married to a stranger, a flirtatious game of pretend becomes the spark they need to reignite their relationship.

Eliza and Graham are anticipating an anything-but-sexy, weeklong getaway to celebrate their five-year anniversary. Nestled on the Northern California coastline, the resort prides itself on being a destination for those in love and those looking to find it. For Eliza and Graham, it might as well be a vacation with a roommate.
When a well-meaning guest mistakes Eliza and Graham for being single and introduces them at the hotel bar, they don't correct him. Suddenly, they're pretending to be perfect strangers and it's unexpectedly…fun? Eliza and Graham find themselves flirting like it's their first date, and waiting with butterflies in their stomach for the other to text back. 

Everyone at the retreat can sense the electric chemistry between Eliza and Graham's alter egos. But when their scintillating game of roleplaying ends, will they still feel the heat?

Editorial Reviews

"Many authors can write compellingly about falling in love…but it takes a deft hand (or two, in this case) to write compellingly about staying in love. Luckily, we have Wibbroka, who have crafted a novel about marriage that is honest to the bone, refreshing, and - like a long-term relationship - deliciously surprising."-Jodi Picoult, New York Times bestselling author of Wish You Were Here

"Do I Know You? shows the pure magic of that pivotal moment when two people make the choice to fight for each other. This book is more than a story of a marriage in trouble. It's the story of a spark rekindled and the new flames deliver all the warmth you could want in a novel. Full of humor and heart, Do I Know You? had me in my feelings!"-Denise Williams, author of The Fastest Way to Fall

"Do I Know You? offers the fresh twist on a marriage in crisis that I didn't know I needed! Wibbroka does it again with a magnetically raw and intimate portrayal of where love begins, fades, and begins again. Flirty, sweeping, and hopeful, readers will clutch their chests and root for Eliza and Graham until the very last page."-Amy Lea, author of Set on You

"Reading Wibberley and Siegemund-Broka's prose is like sliding into the crisp sheets of a luxury hotel bed. Do I Know You? is such an inventive take on a 'marriage in trouble' story, showing the fragility that can sometimes hide behind familiarity. By the end, I cared about the fate of Eliza and Graham's relationship like I knew them personally."-Alicia Thompson, national bestselling author of Love in the Time of Serial Killers

"Readers won't be able to turn the pages fast enough."-Publishers Weekly

Readers Top Reviews

Luísa BastosLuísa
“Do I know you?” já é um dos melhores romances que li esse ano. Ele conta a história de Graham e Eliza, que estão completando 5 anos de casados em meio a uma crise: eles sentem que não se conhecem mais. Quando os pais de Graham dão uma viagem de presente para eles, o casal embarca se estranhando, mas querendo muito consertar as coisas. Chegando no hotel, um desconhecido os apresenta como se fossem estranhos um ao outro, e Graham e Eliza decidem embarcar nessa “brincadeira”, fingindo que não se conhecem, pra ver se namorar de novo os faz reencontrar o que perderam no casamento. Esse livro foi uma montanha-russa de emoções. Apesar de pensar que essa história de fingir não se conhecerem não daria muito certo numa crise real entre um casal, amei essa dinâmica na história. As conversas entre Eliza e Graham eram muito divertidas de assistir, e muitas vezes eles aproveitaram a oportunidade pra se abrir de fato um com o outro, compartilhando partes de si que estavam escondendo por algum motivo. O mais interessante dessa história é que quase desde o começo tanto Eliza quanto Graham já tinham noção de onde estavam errando na relação e no que precisavam melhorar. A falha de comunicação estava sendo causada por ambos, mas de uma forma diferente em cada um. A viagem só trouxe a oportunidade de olhar o problema de fora e perceber que sim, valia a pena continuar trabalhando naquele amor e ser vulnerável com o outro. Foi um desenvolvimento diferente do que costumo ver em romances, mas eu amei demais entrar nas complexidades emocionais dessa história. Chorei mais de uma vez, mas especialmente no final quando a Eliza se abre com a mãe do Graham. Essa conversa delas me tocou muito. A cena da reconciliação no final do livro também é bem bonita, e um desfecho incrível para a história. Eu sempre penso muito sobre o que acontece depois do “felizes para sempre” porque a vida nunca é tão simples quanto vemos nos epílogos por aí. Em Do I Know You? Emily e Austin conseguiram mostrar de uma forma linda como um casal que quer continuar junto apesar das adversidades pode enfrentá-las. Certamente essa história vai ficar comigo por muito, muito tempo, e será revisitada por mim no futuro. Dizer que recomendo é pouco. 🫶🏻💙
CaitlinLesa Holst
Do I Know You? By Emily Wibberly *** Eliza and her husband Graham are undertaking a romantic getaway in California. This is a gift from their families to celebrate five years of marriage, but Eliza feels apprehensive about what she feels will be a long and awkward drive. When they meet at the bar for their first dinner, they decide to act as if they have never met. Eliza and Graham embark on this adventure where they are tossed back into their old dating tropes. They find reasons to be around one another, and they don’t even share a room. The two use this opportunity to push one another out of their comfort zones. Think- less laying in bed with your partner and picking a new show to binge. Instead taking a boxing class to be closer to your crush, and really trying not to check your partner out during this sweaty, sexy experience. The author is asking us to see if there may be anything left for these two lovers. I loved this story because I find a lot of tropes to be overdone. For example, marriage is on the rocks, and it must be fixed with an adventure. In this novel, this marriage is not on the rocks. The partners have a great sex life and life in general. Even the best marriages can do with an adventure to remind the parties what they honor within one another.
Graham and Eliza have been married for five years and have found themselves in a rut. They still love each other, but neither are happy. Graham’s parents gave them a getaway for an anniversary gift, only to find that two reservations were booked under their names. Desperate to try something new, Eliza suggests they each take one of the rooms. To further the separation, they action like strangers when around the resort. This will end up being what they need or a total disaster. I really enjoyed this book. I have not read anything by these authors, but I am sold on going back to read The Roughest Draft. They dual timeline blended well together. I have been married for almost 24 years and can related to the ebbs and flows of a relationship. Losing touch is hard, but the victory of reconnection gives me all the feels. Highly recommend! 5 stars
Megan Elizabeth D
🤎 Guys… THIS BOOK! If you’re looking for a swoon-filled romance for the Valentines season then you should definitely pick this book up! I loved The Roughest Draft by @wibbs_ink and @austins_b , but omg I think I love this one even more! Do I Know You? Is about a married couple going on vacation to celebrate their 5 year anniversary but they’ve lost their spark. After some weird mixups they decide to run with it and act like strangers through out the duration of their trip, in hopes to rekindle the flame between them. When I say the sexual tension and chemistry between these two is steamy, I mean it is STEAMY 🌶️. Their chemistry jumps off the page, and you truly fall in love with their relationship just as they’re learning to fall back in love with each other. I stayed up till 1 am reading this and I could not put it down 🫶🏻 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Short Excerpt Teaser


Say something.

I watch my husband out of the corner of my eye, imploring, wishing he would end the silence filling our car. In the window past him, the ocean glitters, unchanging. The California coastline should inspire wonder, with its rippling cliffs and its crystalline expanse, even when you've spent hours watching the water through the windshield. Instead, the thing I notice most is how it just keeps going.

Say something.

Graham doesn't. He drives, his long fingers clamped on the pebbled leather of the steering wheel, his posture stiff. The quiet, interrupted only by the occasional whoosh of cars passing us, prickles over me like the start of a sunburn.

Is this how this week will be?

I told myself it wouldn't. I've told myself that pretty much every day since Graham's parents handed us an envelope over dinner containing a weeklong, all-expenses-paid romantic getaway at the Treeline Resort to celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary. I convinced myself the week would be wonderful instead of awkward or claustrophobic. What couple wouldn't want to celebrate five years of marriage at a five-star hotel famous for its romantic ambience?

The quiet filling our car says it knows. Determined, I fight off my discouragement. I wish Graham would speak up, would offer something up into the silence-even comment on the weather-but he doesn't.

It's not only him not speaking, I remind myself. Screw sitting here waiting. Maybe I need to be less narrator, more main character.

I clear my throat. "We're doing good on-"

"Just three hours to go-" Graham quickly cuts in.

"Time," I finish, then wince, hearing the unintentional overlap of our voices. It's less like cutely finishing each other's sentences, more like two supermarket shoppers coincidentally reaching for the same shelf. Less unison, more collision.

I don't blame him for cutting in, for intuiting exactly what I was going to say. Every exchange my husband and I have managed in the past twenty-four hours has consisted of nothing except this one meaningless subject. When we should leave, how long the drive is, whether we should take the 1 or the 5 freeway. Unable to help myself, I glance over, wondering whether Graham shares my desperation to change our conversational flat tire.

He does. He shifts in his seat like someone's stowed rocks in the soft leather cushion under him.

I remember the way I described Graham Cutler to my friends and my parents fresh off our first dates. He's tall, I'd said. He's got blond hair, a cleft chin, intelligence in his eyes. The kind he could use to eviscerate rhetorical weaknesses, but he doesn't, not with me. We'd met and chatted with each other on a dating app, and when we got together in person, these observations were the first I connected to the personality I'd gotten to know on my phone.

The problem is, they're what I hear now. Observations. I've been married to Graham for five years, and when I look over from the passenger seat, my mind does nothing except reproduce the list of identifying marks I jotted down in my head when me met. He's tall. He has blond hair.

It hasn't been this way forever-in our newlywed years, Graham turned, the way spouses should, into swirling slideshows of happy memories, never-ending excitement to catch up over dinner or share something funny one of us found online.

Gradually, though, it's gotten harder to feel like I know the man seated next to me, despite knowing I love him. It happened not through fights or rifts, but through late work nights, quick conversations instead of real ones. Our starkly different careers don't help-the high-profile San Diego law firm where Graham is planning to make partner, the many audiobooks and voice-acting jobs I've recorded in the past five years. Complacency converted into unspoken questions and discussions never had. Five years into our marriage, I'm left with only my catalog, once eager, now rote. Learned. Repeated.

He's tall. He has blond hair. He is my husband.

Part of me wonders whether Graham's mother gave us this gift knowing we're having difficulty finding the spark. Helen has never been a particularly generous gift-giver despite being a member of a Marina del Rey yacht club. When I got home and googled the hotel, seeing the price per night confirmed her meddlesome motives.

Of course, Helen's response would be to force us into this situation, which is frustrating in principle no matter how much I might be looking forward to cucumber water in the lobby. The Cutler family way is to walk through fire, while mine is to walk in the other direction. It's why I haven't spoken to my sister in months. I don't enjoy retreating-I've just concluded it's ...