Exponential: Transform Your Brand by Empowering Instead of Interrupting - book cover
Management & Leadership
  • Publisher : McGraw Hill; 1st edition
  • Published : 18 Jan 2022
  • Pages : 240
  • ISBN-10 : 1264268149
  • ISBN-13 : 9781264268146
  • Language : English

Exponential: Transform Your Brand by Empowering Instead of Interrupting

One of the world's top advertising executives shows how iconic brands win new customers and build armies of evangelists.

Great brands stand for more than just cool products and clever advertisements. They inspire audiences. They enrich communities. They energize people. They move people's lives forward. Most importantly, great brands don't just interrupt: they empower. And that empowerment leads to exponential growth.

Over the past 20 years, Jeff Rosenblum and his team at Questus have created content and campaigns for Apple, Capital One, Disney, The NFL, Samsung, Starbucks, Universal, Wyndham, Verizon and many more of the world's most iconic brands. In Exponential, he turns that wealth of experience into a comprehensive program for modern advertising and business strategy.

The book makes a passionate case that business leaders need to shift away from interruptions and superficial messages to focus on empowerment, culture, values, leadership, and transparency. With engaging stories and revealing brand examples, Exponential shows how brands can:

Produce exponential growth by shifting from interruptions to empowermentCreate brand evangelists with content that informs and inspiresEmbrace transparency and culture to tell authentic brand storiesGenerate massive ROI throughout the purchase journey

Exponential is about storytelling done right, and the book practices what it preaches. It's packed with colorful anecdotes from Rosenblum's own career and clear examples of brands that grew exponentially. With a light touch, it unpacks heavy insights from neuroscience, market research, and big data, outlining what it takes for brands to truly be great and not merely say they are great.

Readers Top Reviews

Jonathan Molod D.
While this book should be required reading for all marketing and advertising professionals, it is as interesting and useful for CEOs, CFOs, Product teams and more. Jeff brings his irreverent voice and approach to a real set of problems in todays rapidly changing world where we are all competing for customers attention and brand loyalty. He tells it like it is, not holding back to kowtow to the establishment and even his Agency's clients, and does so with an engaging and entertaining narrative of his experiences, both personal and professional. This is a must read!
Neil Rosenblum
Original ideas that really work are all too few. Remarkably entertaining as well as candid, this book takes you on a fabulous journey. I wish more advertising was founded on these principles. Who needs unwanted,intrusive, really stupid ads? All CEO’s should read this book!
Mike Darne
As the co-founder of an incredibly successful agency that has withstood the test of time, Jeff shares first hand accounts of his success (and failure) with top consumer brands. Given his background, I jumped into Exponential with the expectation of gleaning some powerful insights into understanding your target, producing powerful creative and finding new ways for brands to break through in an already crowded market. To be clear, all of the above can be found in Exponential. But what struck me most was Jeff’s compelling perspective that a brand cannot build sustainable growth without some key underlying components. Throughout the book Jeff emphasizes the importance of listening, selling ideas internally, building the right team / culture and (most importantly for me) thinking about the “post advertising” experience you are building for your target. Highly recommend!
Jordan Berg
I loved this book. First, it’s timely. It addresses the issues brands are facing today. Second, it’s written for CEOs and marketing departments. It creates a clear path forward with strategies almost any brand can onboard today. as you read through the chapters you might have the same reaction as myself: simple and almost obvious solutions to problems that cloud our vision. There are many lessons to be learned in each chapter. I recommend making (digital) bookmarks or notes to revisit later. I often bring in strategies and tactics into my organization.
Nicole Scotten
I thoroughly enjoyed reading Exponential! Not only is it an essential toolkit for any brand leader looking to up-level in 2022, but it also provides an entertaining look into Jeff's career and how we obtained this knowledge. The well-rounded advice in this book is extremely relevant today as the world continues to shift away from tried and true business models. This book successfully explains the steps a brand must take to empower both their customers and their team in order to generate unparalleled results. I love how Jeff ties together marketing strategy, leadership, and company values to create a full picture of what it takes to be a successful brand in our modern world. As a marketer myself, I learned a lot from this book and will continue to use it to inform my career decisions going forward.