Finding Ashley: A Novel - book cover
  • Publisher : Delacorte Press
  • Published : 27 Apr 2021
  • Pages : 288
  • ISBN-10 : 1984821466
  • ISBN-13 : 9781984821461
  • Language : English

Finding Ashley: A Novel

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • In this blockbuster novel from Danielle Steel, two estranged sisters get the chance to connect again and right the wrongs of the past.

Melissa Henderson is leading a quiet life. Once a bestselling author, she now pours all her energy into renovating a Victorian house nestled in the foothills of rural New England. Six years ago, she lost her young son to cancer, and her marriage dissolved. She stopped writing. It was only when she bought the old house that Melissa found a purpose, and came alive as she made it beautiful again.

After a wildfire that threatens her home appears on the news, Melissa receives a call from her sister, Hattie. They were close once, but that was before Melissa withdrew from the world. Now Hattie, who became a nun at twenty-five, is determined to help Melissa turn a new page, even if it means reopening one of the most painful chapters of her life.

At sixteen, a pregnant Melissa was sent to a gloomy convent in Ireland to have- and give up-her baby, to spare the family shame. All these years later, Hattie feels compelled to embark on a journey that will change both their lives forever, and track down the child Melissa gave up.

Finding Ashley is a masterpiece of contemporary drama and tells a gripping story of the strength of the human spirit to chase an impossible dream. It is the story of two strong, brave women turning wrenching loss into reconnection, and a family reunited after bringing dark secrets into the light.

Readers Top Reviews

Continuously the author writes novels that are impossible to put down. Her characters and plots are so real that it is almost impossible not to imagine yourself as one of them. The humanistic plot , real situations, provide readers to become emerged into story.
Kindle CLEO N. B
Steel is an excellent writer can't remember reading any of her books I didn't like. Two sisters one giving up for adoption her baby as a teenager. The other becoming a nun to hide from the world because of abuse and rape. One having a son pass away at an early age and separating from her husband and the rest of the world. So many changes for the sisters. Coming close again. Finding the adopted child and finding love again. The other sister giving up being a nun to work as a nurse in Africa. So many changes in life.
Diana marriottKin
I've,read every single book written by Danielle. We share the same number of children so I have always,felt an affinity for her. Plus I also love to write. Finding Ashley shows all the different reasons people and situations visit us during our lifetimes. As I've always told my children, God does not make mistakes.
Jane RogersLynn B
Conversation and thoughts are repetitive and boring. What a waste of 14.99$ Don't waste your money on this book. I think the author had a word quota to make
NanaCavJane Roger
Although there are mixed reviews about Finding Ashley I loved it. At 16 Melissa Henderson found herself pregnant. So as not to disgrace her family her stern parents sent her to a home for unwed mothers. Although they lived in New York it was run by nuns in Ireland. It was a horrible experience for Melissa. When she gave birth the baby was whisked away. She never saw the baby or even held her. All she was told was that the new parents were going to name her Ashley. Years later Melissa has become a renowned writer with many novels to her name. She has also married and has a son Robbie. Everything was wonderful until Robbie got very sick and died. Melissa was devastated. She was so depressed she became a shell of herself. Her marriage fell apart and she didn't even care. She needed to get away from anything that reminded her of Robbie and the life she used to have. So, she bought a rundown house in western Massachusetts. She became a hermit and rarely left the house and spoke to no one. She even gave up writing saying all her words died when Robbie died. Her sole project was to restore the house and do the work herself. This is where the story starts. People come and go in our lives but they each have a reason for being there. This is a lesson that takes Melissa a long time to learn. I must say Danielle Steel never disappoints and she didn't here. I loved every minute of Finding Ashley and didn't want it to end.

Short Excerpt Teaser

Chapter 1

The sun beamed down on Melissa Henderson's shining dark hair, pinned up on her head in a loose knot, as sweat ran down her face, and the muscles in her long, lithe arms were taut with effort as she worked. She was lost in concentration, sanding a door of the house in the Berkshire mountains in Massachusetts that had been her salvation. She had bought it four years before. It had been weather-beaten, shabby, and in serious need of repair when she found it. No one had lived there for over forty years, and the house creaked so badly when she walked through it, she thought the floorboards might give way. She'd only been in the house for twenty minutes when she turned to the realtor and the rep from the bank who were showing it to her, and said in a low, sure voice, "I'll take it." She knew she was home the minute she walked into the once beautiful, hundred-year-old Victorian home. It had ten acres around it, with orchards, enormous old trees, and a stream running through the property in the foothills of the Berkshires. The deal closed in sixty days, and she'd been hard at work ever since. It had almost become an obsession as she brought the house back to life, and came alive herself. It was her great love and the focus of every day.

She'd learned carpentry, and made plenty of mistakes in the beginning, taken a basic plumbing class, hired a local contractor to replace the roof, and used workmen and artisans when she had to. But whenever possible, Melissa did the work herself. Manual labor had saved her after the worst four years of her life.

As soon as the house was officially hers, she'd put her New York apartment on the market, which her ex-husband, Carson Henderson, said was foolish until she knew if she liked living in Massachusetts. But Melissa was hardheaded and determined. She never backed down on her decisions, and rarely admitted her mistakes. She knew this hadn't been one. She had wanted to buy a house and give up New York for good, which was exactly what she did, and had never regretted it for a minute. Everything about her life there suited her, and was what she needed now. She loved this house with a passion, and since moving there, her whole life had changed dramatically.

The four years before she'd bought it were the darkest days of her life. Melissa sat on the porch and thought about it sometimes. It was hard to imagine now what she and Carson had been through when their eight-year-old son, Robbie, had been diagnosed with an inoperable malignant brain tumor, a glioblastoma. They had tried everything, and taken him to see specialists all over the country and one in England. The prognosis was always the same, one to two years. He lived for two years after the diagnosis, and they made them the best years they could for him. He died at ten in his mother's arms. Melissa had been relentless trying to find a cure for him, and someone who would operate, but they were battling the inevitable from the beginning. Melissa had refused to accept Robbie's death sentence until it happened. And then her whole world caved in. He was her only child, and suddenly she was no longer a mother.

The two years after his death were still a blur, she was half numb and half crazy. She had stopped writing a year after he got sick, and she never went back to work as a writer after that. Once a bestselling author, with five smash hits to her credit, she hadn't written a word in seven years, and swore she never would again. Previously a driving force in her life, she had no desire to write now. All she cared about was her house and she wanted to make it the most beautiful Victorian home in the world. It had replaced everything else in her life, even people. It was the outlet for her to soothe all her sorrows, and vent the unbearable rage and grief she had felt. The agony was a little gentler now. Working on the house was the only way she could ease the pain she was in, using her hands, shifting heavy beams, rebuilding the fireplaces, helping the men to carry the equipment, and doing most of the carpentry herself.

The house gleamed now, and was exquisite. The grounds were lush and perfectly maintained, the historic home restored until it shone. It was something to be proud of, and a symbol of her survival. Everything about it was a tribute to Robbie, who would have been sixteen now, and had died six years before.

Her marriage to Carson died with her son. For two years they had fought to keep him alive, and lost. After Robbie died, she no longer cared about anyone except the little boy who was gone. It still took her breath away at times, but less often now. She had learned to live with it, like chronic pain or a weak heart. Carson had been paralyzed with grief as well. They were both drowning, too lost in ...