First 100 Words: A Padded Board Book - book cover
Education & Reference
  • Publisher : Priddy Books US; Illustrated edition
  • Published : 10 May 2011
  • Pages : 24
  • ISBN-10 : 0312510780
  • ISBN-13 : 9780312510787
  • Language : English

First 100 Words: A Padded Board Book

Beloved child educator Roger Priddy's classic First 100 Words is now a padded board book introducing 100 essential first words and pictures

Your little one will soon learn some essential first words and pictures with this bright board book. There are 100 color photographs to look at and talk about, and 100 simple first words to read and learn, too. The pages are made from tough board for hours of fun reading, and the cover is softly padded for little hands to hold.

Editorial Reviews

Priddy Books are ..."visually delightful with an interactive element." - School Library Journal

Readers Top Reviews

Mum of 2
i own the original big book version of this but my older son ruined it so i decided to reorder for my younger child and it's a lot smaller it's more like A5 size so it's a different layout and everything. the content is still the same though.
For only a 100 words, it's a bit repetitive. From memory, I think some variation of "ball" and "truck" appear at least two or three times each. Also some of the attempts to visualize verbs would be hard to guess without the word printed for you (I feel like I might guess "sad" for the kid who is apparently laughing.) On the whole, it is a decent tool for teaching your kid words and getting an idea of which words he/she already knows. I am just surprised it isn't a little bit more diverse in the choice of which words to include. Also it doesn't lend itself to coming up with games --- it is just flipping pages in a book. I think flash cards are a bit more dynamic.
Compre este libro cuando el peque tenía aproximadamente dos años y hoy con más de cuatro sigo contenta con la compra y sigue en perfectas condiciones. Es un libro que pueden empezar a que a partir de año. El libro es pequeñito, perfecto para sus manos. Os dejo una foto con mi mano encima para que os hagáis una idea. Hay una versión más grande pero para que los niños lo manipulen está mucho mejor está versión. Es muy buena opción para llevar fuera de casa. Lo mejor es que es súper resistente porque todas las hojas son gorditas, hechas con cartón así que son indestructibles. Cada hoja está destinada a un tema: medios de transporte, colores, bedtime, ... de esta colección hay versiones de temas específicos: animals, shapes, etc, este digamos que es una mezcla de todos. Son 100 imágenes a todo color repartidas en el libro en cuadrados. Son imágenes que llaman la atención a los niños y están relacionadas con sus primeros años de vida. A los niños les llaman la atención y quieren aprenderlas y repetirlas.Cada palabra lleva debajo escrito la definición en minúsculas. Ojo con esto porque los niños empiezan a aprender las letras en mayúsculas de ahí que el nivel de lectura está definido entre 5-6 años. Es una buena opción para empezar con vocabulario básico. Os dejo unas fotografías.
JustMeD. SchumacherM
I bought 2 similar books that were also similarly priced. The size of this book is really small. It's a little smaller than my hand, I have a long skinny hand, so my hand is bigger than this book. Of the two similar books I purchased, this is my least favorite, it's still okay but I have a few critiques. On the bathing page they have a children's training potty but they don't show a full size toilet. The rubber duck probably should be your standard yellow rubber duck that all kids are familiar with. But instead, it's a cutesy one that I've honestly never seen before. It's a really specific white rubber duck with a rainbow stripe. The bathtub pictured, again is like a children's tub, it's not a standard white bathtub. The book does show shoes and slippers but they aren't on the page for getting dressed instead on that page it's just rain boots. Again, I feel like the boots they pictured are a cutesy pair and probably should be like a standard yellow pair of rain boots. The pants pictured probably should just be a standard pair of black pants or pair of denim jeans but is some weird plaid pair of pants. The rattle isn't even a normal rattle it's some wood toy wouldn't even be what I would personally call a rattle but yet it says it's a rattle on the page. I just feel like all in all some of the words don't really make sense with the pictures. A little baffling and frustrating, because I feel like it should be more simple, is my point. We're trying to teach basic words to our babies so I feel like that should be as simple and straightforward as possible. The book isn't terrible I just feel like there's betters out there. Maybe pass on this one.
Bri Harris
I have had this book for the last 6 years. I have had to replace the book once because it is used so incredibly once. I started reading this with my oldest when she hadn't said any words by the time she was a year old. Once we got her autism diagnosis, this is actually one of the 5 books they told us to buy so we can read with her and start working with speech development and recognition and identification of other items. This is great for both receptive and expressive speech development, especially if you read it often. I have 3 girls who all had some speech development issues and this was the first thing that got them saying some words! I don't typically replace kids books because kids interests change so frequently and/or once the book is needing to be replaced, it usually means that the book has been very well used and read for a long time. This book is one of the three exceptions I have. My youngest is 16 months and has a hearing impairment and this book has even assisted in me helping her learn sign language because I could point to a picture and then sign the name. This book can be for any kid even if they don't have a speech delay because it never hurts to learn new words or improve on the words you already know. If the kid knows the words already you can still work with colors, shapes, collecting information ex) how many animals in the book?, letter identification, the list goes on.