Gwendy's Final Task (Gwendy's Button Box Trilogy, 3) - book cover
  • Publisher : Cemetery Dance Pubns; World's 1st Edition
  • Published : 15 Feb 2022
  • Pages : 408
  • ISBN-10 : 1587678012
  • ISBN-13 : 9781587678011
  • Language : English

Gwendy's Final Task (Gwendy's Button Box Trilogy, 3)

When Gwendy Peterson was twelve, a mysterious stranger named Richard Farris gave her a mysterious box for safekeeping. It offered treats and vintage coins, but it was dangerous. Pushing any of its seven colored buttons promised death and destruction. Years later, the button box entered Gwendy's life again. A successful novelist and a rising political star, she was once again forced to deal with the temptation that box represented.

Now, evil forces seek to possess the button box and it is up to Senator Gwendy Peterson to keep it from them. At all costs. But where can you hide something from such powerful entities?

In Gwendy's Final Task, "horror giants" (Publishers Weekly) Stephen King and Richard Chizmar take us on a journey from Castle Rock to another famous cursed Maine city to the MF\\\-1 space station, where Gwendy must execute a secret mission to save the world. And, maybe, all worlds.

Readers Top Reviews

In Gwendy’s Final Task, the newest—and last (according to the authors’ afterward)—installment in the Gwendy series, reading about the latest adventures of Gwendy Peterson feels like revisiting an old friend. Readers have had the benefit of getting to know Gwendy over the course of three novels as she has grown from a child to an adult to an older woman, and it’s a testament to the series’ writing that her character feels consistent and manages to have added depth with each subsequent volume. In Final Task, the now sixty-four-year-old Gwendy is once again tasked with protecting the button box first entrusted to her by the enigmatic (and seemingly ageless) Richard Farris when she was twelve. Although Gwendy is reluctant—and with good reason, since the box tempts its possessor with the great power to destroy—she faces the task with bravery, determination, and the desire to do what’s best for her world…and all worlds. After all, to quote another memorable King character, there are other worlds than these. Whether in her childhood school days in Gwendy’s Button Box or political stardom in Gwendy’s Magic Feather, Gwendy’s story has always managed to reflect current events. The same is true here (despite just a few too many mentions of a certain former president) as Gwendy’s latest responsibility leads her to the M-F space station. It’s an interesting setting and allows Gwendy to be much more introspective than we’ve seen her before. There are some new characters this time around, as well as some returning ones who are fun to revisit, but it’s clearly Gwendy’s story, and co-authors Stephen King and Richard Chizmar smartly focus on her character development and arc. Along with King and Chizmar’s blended voices and crisp prose, the result is a propulsive, readable story that feels incredibly intimate and honest. A flashback in which a young Gwendy and her mother discuss their beliefs regarding heaven and the afterlife while looking up at the stars is one of the book’s best—honest, beautiful, and touching. If readers glance at the book’s beautiful cover and surmise that Gwendy’s Final Task might feature a few Dark Tower Easter eggs, they’d be right. It’s genuinely fun to discover both the overt and subtle links to Stephen King’s magnum opus (no spoilers here) and they, along with references to the towns and histories of fictional Maine locales like Derry and Castle Rock feel organic rather than shoehorned into the story. If anything, it would have been welcome if Final Task had been even longer (it’s over 400 pages, but the print and line spacing are fairly large) in order to more fully develop those connections as well as the story’s particularly nasty villain. Overall, Gwendy’s Final Task is great fun with a satisfying (and genuinely surprising) ending that rings true for the story and Gwendy’s character as a whole. But perh...
R. Meckley
This is a fitting end to a terrific series. In this third story, Gwendy is thinking about running for the U.S. Senate when Richard Farris shows up yet again to ask for her help with the very dangerous button box. He wants the box destroyed, but the shocking way he wants it destroyed requires a great deal of time and effort from Gwendy. Stephen King fans will notice some clever references from King's literary world, which makes sense since he is a co-author. I enjoyed this series very much. I may go back and re-read the trilogy now that I can read them together. I have often wondered what I would do if I owned the button box. I can only hope I would behave as selflessly and bravely as Gwendy does. Thanks to NetGalley and Gallery Books for providing an ARC.
255 pages 4 stars Now a senator, Gwendy Peterson has severe misgivings when the button box is once more returned to her by Mr. Farris. Mr. Farris isn’t looking so good now. He is old and sick - very sick. The box has caused much mayhem in the hands of others and Mr. Farris feels it is the safest in Gwendy’s care. Gwendy turns to her good friend Charlotte who is head of the CIA. Charlotte has an idea after a small demonstration of the destructiveness of the button box. Gwendy will go into space and rid the earth of the box there. Enter Gareth Winston, a smug and self-centered billionaire. He is rude and downright creepy. He is a “special guest” on the space mission. But, does he have an alternative motive for his presence? Perhaps he does. Gwendy is also suffering from early onset Alzheimer's. Her deterioration is progressing rapidly and she is frightened that she will not be able to complete her mission before she is able to rid the world of the box. What follows is a ride on a space shuttle to a station above the earth. The “newbies” on the mission are all awed by the sights and both excited and a little frightened at their journey. Gwendy is having the time of her life - except when she forgets things. Gwendy has more than one run in with Gareth. She begins to suspect that he is up to no good. Things go awry when it is proven to be true. This is a wonderful novel and what a delightful conclusion to the button box dilemma. Of course, with Stephen King and Richard Chizmar’s collaboration, one would expect nothing less. It is a well written and plotted story. I have nothing but praise for these two men’s talents. I want to thank NetGalley and Gallery Books for forwarding to me a copy of this great story for me to read, enjoy and review. The opinions expressed here are solely my own.
Absolutely loved this book! I could not put it down!laughed out loud in places and was sad the story was over when finished. Also loved the many ties into Kings other books!