Harmony of Fire (Alice & Owen) - book cover
  • Publisher : Berkley
  • Published : 28 Jun 2022
  • Pages : 416
  • ISBN-10 : 0593440536
  • ISBN-13 : 9780593440537
  • Language : English

Harmony of Fire (Alice & Owen)

The riveting first novel in a brand-new paranormal romance series by debut author Brian Feehan, son of legendary #1 New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan.
The We-beings who existed long before humans ever did, filled with powerful magic-walk among us. Owen and Alice are both etherealists-rare humans born with magic who are targets for those We that wish to take it from them. At nine years old and against her will, Alice's soul was tied to one such powerful and evil We. She escaped and was trained to be a weapon so she might one day break the bond and safely return home. Everything is going to plan…until she meets Owen.
Owen is a musician who is trying to outrun his past while keeping those around him safe in an increasingly dangerous world. Owen keeps them on the move until a band of hunters crosses their path. Owen must go home-a place he swore he'd never return to-and seek protection from the We who could destroy them. And then he meets Alice. Only through finding each other do either Alice or Owen have a chance of survival.

Editorial Reviews

"Brian's writing is lyrical, emotional, unexpected and explosive. Beyond extraordinary."-Christine Feehan, #1 New York Times bestselling author

"Complex world-building, interesting characters, and lots of action blend together to make Brian Feehan's debut novel a real treat."-Charlaine Harris, New York Times bestselling author of A Longer Fall

Readers Top Reviews

Michelle WebsterSlgm
Can't wait for the next book in this series. I wonder what's next for Alice and Owen. Hope it's as well written as this one.
Bonnie Mercer
So I first bought this book because of who the authors mom is- one of my all time favorite authors. However, I will continue to buy his books because of his writing. He tells a fantastic story with intriguing characters. The story flows well and is very interesting. I will definitely be a repeat customer and can't wait for the next book.
It’s said the universe has infinite parallel dimensions. Brian Feehan has found one never explored, with medieval relics mixed with ethereal power and secret corridors to heaven and hell through performance music. Feehan weaves complex characters into a plot filled with creativity, action and suspense. It’s about love, loyalty and trust. It’s not about music, but musicians and their gift; an out-sized part of their being that never fits in the world until they expand the world to make it fit. Metaphorically, it’s about us; the good, the evil and all the grays lines in between. A must read!
Jessica Martinez
Brian Feehan has created a new and exciting world. The world of the Etheralists and We is rich and vivid. The characters are well developed and bad ass. The is enough of back story that helps ensure you are drawn into the world he has created. I look forward to the next book and where A & O will go and grow.
Loves Fiction
It was hard, in the beginning of the book as first, it was “Months before O & A” and then the next chapter was “Seven years before O & A” and this went on for quite a few chapters. Necessary, very necessary as the reader needs to know the backstory of the main characters and necessary to this new world. Once you get that backstory and understand the new World, the story is sooooo good! I love the fierce heroine Alice and the Rock steady hero, Owen. I love the friends, who are really family. I laughed out loud a couple times. This was exhilarating, a real adventure, a real drama and I loved the romance that gently wove its way into the story. This was an excellent read and I recommend it!

Short Excerpt Teaser

Chapter One

Truth is ever to be seen in the contrast of choices. Oftentimes, truth comes in cool and comforting, easing the body and even soothing the soul. Just as often, truth enters with a crash so loud, so bright, only the brave cannot turn away, forcing all others to cower and hide. More often than not, the magnitude of a truth, its mass and gravity, crushes those who witness its awesome power, breaking them to dust under a heavy and unbending force. But like the phoenix, through truth's destructive and giving burden, the strong, the brave, and the willing can rise again, higher and higher, leaving those who are too afraid to accept truth's embrace far, far behind and unaware.

Months before A+O

Owen Brown pulled his old green truck to a stop across the street from the roadhouse just outside Columbus, Ohio. Hardly surprising for a Saturday night, even at this early hour, the parking lot was packed full of trucks and a few random cars. It was a good thing. Tim and Aurei had been kind to him and his, and the two owners could use the business after a long off-season.

Owen slipped from the old truck, his boots landing on uneven ground yet holding firm. Well muscled with experience beyond his twenty-six years, he moved to the back of the covered bed.

Owen turned and pulled open the shell over his truck's long bed. The tinted glass flipped up and out of his way. The tailgate fell open with a familiar rocking clang. Owen moved with a fast, practiced motion, sliding the long white cooler, heavy with a fresh load of ice, from the bed of the truck. It took effort, but after years tending bar and lugging endless musical equipment, coupled with a life always in motion, the ice and cooler were light work.

Setting the cooler on the ground, closing the tailgate, closing the shell, Owen didn't bother to lock up the bed. There wasn't anything in the back anyone would want. He picked up his load of ice and headed across the street.

He was not fast, wasn't slow, in making his climb around back of the semiremote roadhouse. He moved to the screen door without problems, the weight of the large cooler filled to the brim with heavy ice a burden but one he had accepted when he told Tim he could make the run to collect the much-needed supply for the current patrons.

Young Max had offered to join him. The twenty-two-year-old was good company at times, but as of late, the kid had started to talk a little too much. Max also enjoyed practicing his card tricks. Tonight, with the bar filling up, Owen had been wanting some quiet time before the long night of serving drinks and dealing with drunken customers.

Owen's booted foot caught the aluminum border of the screen frame that didn't sit perfectly flush any longer. He shifted the white cooler as he opened the door and walked in.

The difference in sound from outside to in was noticeable and grated on his nerves as he passed into the back of the kitchen. The roadhouse was a twenty-four-hour bar with its Open sign never turning off, and that was a good thing for Owen and his crew. But it also meant there was a fair amount of work to be done, and customers always came first.

"You got the ice," Daphne greeted with cheer. "Good thing. We're getting slammed out there. Aurei will need some up front. She's getting low. I heard her asking Tim when you would be back when I went up there last."

Owen saw the faint flush of her cheeks and couldn't help the tingle of fear as Daphne forced herself to look away. The innocent crush was fading but not gone. Not yet.

"Got it, thanks. How is everything going back here?" Owen asked, trying to keep the question innocent, neutral.

The difference in age wasn't huge, and yet the difference in life and maturity was vast. He'd hoped her crush would have faded by now. Daphne was young, only seventeen, and vulnerable on more than one level. On weekends and nights, he always tried to keep her in the back, where she was safe, and that meant she was the permanent dishwasher for as long as his people stayed here or until she turned eighteen.

Not that eighteen was too far away, thank the Lord. Daphne had only been with his group for a couple of months, and she was fitting in nicely. She didn't cause problems and was willing to throw in a helpful hand. If only she would stop blushing every time he walked into the room.

At least she isn't trying to flirt with you anymore . . .

"Oh, you know, dishes come in dirty, they leave clean. Same old, same old. I have no idea how Aurei and Tim managed this place on nights like this before us. It's crazy out there. I think there might even be a line outside," Daphne said.

Setting the cooler down, Owen snatched the empty, clea...