Homeopathic Medicine for Children and Infants - book cover
Alternative Medicine
  • Publisher : TarcherPerigee
  • Published : 08 Sep 1992
  • Pages : 288
  • ISBN-10 : 0874776929
  • ISBN-13 : 9780874776928
  • Language : English

Homeopathic Medicine for Children and Infants

Homeopathic remedies are increasingly being used to treat common childhood ailments. They are safe, have no side effects or allergic reactions, are inexpensive and, above all, effective. In this guide, Dana Ullman explains what homeopathy is, how it works and how you can use it correctly to enhance your child's health. He recommends remedies for more than 75 physical and emotional conditions, including: allergies, grief, anxiety, headaches, asthma, measles, bedwetting, nappy rash, bites and stings, shock, burns, sunburn, colic, teething, coughs and colds and travel sickness

Without doubt, this is the most comprehensive book on homeopathic pediatrics. Included is a complete guide to the correct use of homeopathy, recommended remedies for the treatment of more than seventy-five common physical, emotional, and behavioral conditions, and valuable information on the essential medicines that all parents should have in their home medicine kits

Editorial Reviews

"Dana Ullman has put together the clearest and most logical approach to the treatment of children's diseases and problems that I have seen. Parents will be delighted to have once again some control over their children's illnesses."
-Lendon Smith, M.D., President, National Health Awareness Institute; author of Feed Your Kids Right

"The neglected factor in today's medical care is the innate healing potential of the human body. Homeopathic medicines stimulate this potential in a safe, effective, and inexpensive way. Parents who wish to enhance their children's health will be well advised to purchase and USE this book."
-William Shevin, M.D., President, National Center of Homeopathy

"I have seen excellent results with homeopathy in my own patients and family. Dana Ullman's careful, thoughtful, well-organized book gives clear guidelines for safely treating children with this wonderful medicine."
- Martin L. Rossman, M.D.,Assistant Clinical Professor, University of California at San Francisco School of Medicine

"It should be useful for those already convinced of the merits of this alternative method of medical care."
-Library Journal

Readers Top Reviews

The Muscadine Mou
WOW! I really can't describe how grateful I am for Dana Ullmans books. We have this one and Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic Medicine and use both extensively. My 4 year old son has had asthma for 2 years and spent the first year on daily inhalers that never did much other than ruin his immune system. He was constantly sick and when it hit it lasted for weeks. About a year ago we decided to approach this naturally. We put him on a organic Gluten Free Casein Free Egg Free Soy Free diet (plus a couple of other foods that the intolerance testing showed) and started supplements. This helped tremendously and his immune system is improving. When he does get sick (which is getting rarer and rarer these days!) we open our homeopathy bible and start treating him. The response is FAST and either cuts the problem in the bud, or greatly shortens the time he is sick. I don't remember when he has last had/needed an inhaler, and I don't think he ever will again! I like this book better than the other one (for kids at least) because it is easier to find the correct remedy since it was written for treating children. We now use homeopathy for every ailment we get, and the result is nothing short of miraculous. For all those skeptics out there: What harm is it in trying it? You have nothing to loose and everything to gain!!!
eibh82The Muscadi
This is a great reference book! I now use it more often than my materia medica.
I love it. Its super easy to read and thoughtfully laid out. First section is general info. Second section is list of symptoms. They are titled on the foot of the page in alphabetical order so it's easy to find the ailment. Then third section is more details on the major remedies and is also titled on the foot of the page in alphabetical order so it's easy to find the remedy. I'd recommend reading the book when you get it and not when someone is ill. The bulk of the book is the guides so the actual pre-reading is pretty short- I read it all in a couple days whenever I had a couple minutes to read a few pages. It helps explain how, when, why and what you should be doing. You can also get a glimpse of what remedies you'll need to stock by glancing over symptoms pages. I'll be picking up Ruta in case anyone in the family will be needing X-rays. I wish they had a list of top 10-20 remedies so newbies could grab them to have on hand for when ailments come up. I know it recommends to go to their reference guides for places where you can get starter kits, but I would have liked to seen an actual list of most commonly suggested medicines for this book. I definitely recommend this book. He made some suggestions for other reads for constitutional remedies that I want to pick up as well.
This is a great beginners guide for pregnant and or new mommies!!! Highly recommend this book!!!!🌹