Once There Was - book cover
Fairy Tales, Folk Tales & Myths
  • Publisher : Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
  • Published : 04 Apr 2023
  • Pages : 416
  • ISBN-10 : 1665928506
  • ISBN-13 : 9781665928502
  • Language : English

Once There Was

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them meets Neil Gaiman in this thrilling novel about an Iranian American girl who discovers that her father was secretly a veterinarian to mythical creatures-and that she must take up his mantle, despite the many dangers.

Once was, once wasn't.

So began the stories Marjan's father told her as a little girl-fables like the story of the girl who sprung a unicorn from a hunter's snare, or the nomad boy who rescued a baby shirdal. Tales of extraordinary beasts that filled her with curiosity and wonder.

But Marjan's not a little girl anymore. In the wake of her father's sudden death, she is trying to hold it all together: her schoolwork, friendships, and keeping her dad's shoestring veterinary practice from going under. Then, one day, she receives a visitor who reveals something stunning: Marjan's father was no ordinary veterinarian. The creatures out of the stories he told her were real-and he traveled the world to care for them. And now that he's gone, she must take his place.

Marjan steps into a secret world hidden in plain sight, where mythical creatures are bought and sold, treasured and trapped. She finds friends she never knew she needed-a charming British boy who grew up with a griffon, a runaway witch seeking magic and home-while trying to hide her double life from her old friends and classmates.

The deeper Marjan gets into treating these animals, the closer she comes to finding who killed her father-and to a shocking truth that will reawaken her sense of wonder and put humans and beasts in the gravest of danger.

Readers Top Reviews

Mary Beth Adams
Once There Was is more than a wonderful fantasy. It is also a gentle reminder that we can do better in preserving our world, in protecting wildlife, in putting others' needs above our own. Marjan has had a difficult life. Her mother died from cancer when she was 7, and her father just died a month ago. He was killed, and Marjan wants to know who did it. She inherited his veterinary clinic, which barely scrapes by. But more than anything, she wants to know what he hid from her and why there is a piece of her missing. Her best friends Grace and Carrie are trying to understand her, but her anger and emptiness makes it hard to get close to her. Marjan has stopped attending school, because she knows her classmates won't know what to say to her. Her neighbor, Mrs. Francesca Wix, is her guardian, providing food occasionally, supervision and signatures when needed, and love all of the time. She is one of the people who kept an eye on Marjan when her dad had to leave on mysterious business trips. Then, someone comes to the clinic and gives her a first class ticket to England, telling her she's needed to heal an animal. Marjan has no veterinary training, and has no idea why anyone would think she can help, but she's curious about her father, and the person who brings her the information promises they will help her find who killed him. When she arrives in England, she finds a sick griffon. She may not be a vet, but when she touches the griffon, she can sense what is wrong with him. The owner's son, Sebastian, quickly becomes her friend as she tries to figure out what this special gift means, and why her father never told her anything about it. She remembers all of the folk tales from Iran, his homeland, that he had told her, and is amazed to realize they are real. She meets the other players in the magical creatures world, and has to decide for herself what is right and wrong when it comes to taking care of the animals. I can't say enough about the writing and the storytelling in this book. It is luminous, and makes you feel everything the characters are feeling. The author interspersed folk tales among the main story, illuminating the creatures she's seeing, and it made me want to pick up a book of Iranian folk tales. But beyond the story of how Marjan learns about this hidden world, there are lessons on how to be a friend, how to care for our world, how absolute power corrupts absolutely, and how to navigate the world when you aren't sure about anything. I absolutely loved this book! Thanks to Netgalley for the advance copy of this book.
Anne Williams
This is a thrilling and beautiful story that combines a fascinating mystery with gorgeous mythology. The main character, Marjan, is a wonderful heroine - someone my young daughters can look up to, relate to, and be inspired by. She's funny, brave, and fiercely caring. This is a fun page-turner that gets better every chapter. It's s a book about big feelings, scary questions, nourishing friendships, magic, and family. I loved it and I hope there is a sequel - I could read about this world forever and want to spend more time with these characters!

Short Excerpt Teaser

Chapter One: The Girl Who Saved a Unicorn | CHAPTER ONE | THE GIRL WHO SAVED A UNICORN
Once was, once wasn't.

A long time ago, in that forest that lies between the Alborz Mountains and the Caspian Sea, a girl went foraging for mushrooms.

It had rained the day before. The ground was soft and damp, and the air smelled of loam and moss. It was a good day for mushrooms, and the girl had nearly filled her basket with lion's mane and hen-of-the-woods when she heard a sound away off in the trees. It sounded like an animal crying out in pain.

There were leopards in the forest, and jackals, and brown bears. But this girl didn't like to think of any creature suffering. So she set out into the forest in the direction of the sound, to see if she could help. A little ways off the path, in a clearing in the deep woods, she found the source of the cries.

The unicorn was bleeding and scared, its leg caught in a hunter's snare. It was a huge beast, and very wild. The girl had never seen such an animal before, and she knew at once that it was special. She also knew that as soon as the hunter returned to check on his snare, the unicorn would be no more. So she swallowed her fear and crept up on it, as gently and as carefully as she could. To calm it down, she offered it some of the mushrooms she'd picked. And when she felt it was safe to approach, the girl bent down and opened up the trap.

The beast seemed to fill up the entire clearing with its long legs and its sharp, treacherous horn. The girl stood there frozen, too awed and frightened to move. The unicorn looked at its savior for a long time. Then it took a cautious step on its injured leg toward the girl, lowered its massive head, and plunged its horn into her chest, right above her heart.

The girl fell to the ground, and as she did, a piece of the unicorn's horn broke off inside her. The unicorn watched her for another moment, then turned and loped off into the woods, favoring its wounded leg, and was not seen again for a hundred years.

The girl, bleeding and in shock, managed to gather enough strength to return to the village at the edge of the woods, where she lived. There she collapsed and was carried to her bed. She lay there for many days. At first no one thought she would survive. But after a day, the bleeding stopped. And after three days, the pain began to subside. Slowly the wound grew smaller and smaller, until all that remained was a crescent-shaped scar, just above her heart, and a little piece of unicorn horn, lodged between her ribs.

Time passed, and the girl became a woman. She married, and had children, and when they were born, some of them had crescent birthmarks above their hearts too. And so did some of their children, and their children's children, and so on. It's said, though no one can be sure, that some of the girl's descendants are still alive today, and that a few of them still carry that mark on their skin, where the unicorn first touched her.

And it's whispered that maybe, just maybe, there's still a little of the unicorn inside them.