Only the Strong: Reversing the Left's Plot to Sabotage American Power - book cover
Politics & Government
  • Publisher : Twelve
  • Published : 01 Nov 2022
  • Pages : 288
  • ISBN-10 : 1538726793
  • ISBN-13 : 9781538726792
  • Language : English

Only the Strong: Reversing the Left's Plot to Sabotage American Power

New York Times bestselling author and conservative U.S. Senator Tom Cotton exposes the progressive left's decades-long plot to sabotage American power, culminating in a behind-the-scenes look at the dangerous failures of Presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden-and explains what we must do to recover America's strength.

If it seems to you that Barack Obama and Joe Biden have weakened America and emboldened our enemies, you're not alone. But Senator Cotton explains that their failures aren't just incompetence or bad luck-it's decline by design. 
Only the Strong reveals the untold inside story of how progressive ideologues and Democratic politicians abandoned the American tradition of strength, pride, and honor. From the beginning, early progressives like Woodrow Wilson repudiated our Founding in favor of globalist fantasies abroad and big government at home. By Vietnam, leftists had begun to blame America first for the world's problems-just as Barack Obama did for eight years as he apologized and sought to atone for America's supposed sins. Along the way, Democrats have sold out America's sovereignty and hollowed out our military to restrain American power. Even when Democrats have acted tough, it usually ends in disaster, from John Kennedy's debacle at the Bay of Pigs to Bill Clinton's fiasco in Mogadishu to Joe Biden's humiliating retreat from Afghanistan.
While offering a timely warning of the dangers ahead and new stories from Senator Cotton's service in the Senate and the Army, Only the Strong also provides a formidable and urgent roadmap to restore American strength before it's too late. Because only the strong can survive in a dangerous world and only the strong can preserve their freedom.

Editorial Reviews

"Maybe the most significant national security book ever written by a sitting elected official."―Hugh Hewitt

"During it all, Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton has been a prescient voice warning against the dangers of American weakness…his new book, ONLY THE STRONG, answer[s] the questions 'How did we get to this point?' and 'Why doesn't America win anymore?'"―Commentary Magazine

"A great book, very thorough, very easily read, and it relates to everything going on in this country today, foreign and domestic." ―Mark Levin

Readers Top Reviews

Senator Cotton provides a thorough analysis on the mistakes that the Democratic party has been making over the last 100 years and how it has been negatively impacting America on the global stage. His understanding of the issues is second to none, and his warning on the continued trajectory and dangers is a wake up call to how America must respond to the global security challenges and the negative influence that is being done at home.
Monica Prahl Schu
Truly thought provoking on both foreign and domestic policy. Through his extensive analysis of history and his life experiences serving in both the military and Senate, Senator Cotton outlines an actual plan for our country to reverse course. Only the Strong not only highlights Senator Cotton’s leadership in the national security space but provides an insight into his command over other critically important policies within our own borders. I highly recommend this book and look forward to seeing the implementation of the Senator’s solutions in the future.
ADMonica Prahl Sc
This book is beautifully written and fun to read. It explains how and why Democrats as far back as Woodrow Wilson all the way up to Joe Biden have worked to make America weaker in the world, either because they are apologetic about American leadership or because they believe international interests should be in control. This doesn’t seem like the typical book by a politician. It seems less focused on telling us how awesome the author is and more focused on teaching and intertwining the reader, which makes for a very informative and enjoyable read. The best I’ve read in a long time.
ADMonica Prahl
U.S. Senator Tom Cotton takes a deep-dive into the history of the progressive movement and provides much-needed context through which to view their actions on both domestic and foreign policy. He explains methodically and step-by-step how liberal philosophies have weakened America's standing in the world and makes the case for a strong, robust America that is a leader on the global stage. Senator Cotton is clear-eyed about the threats posed by bad actors in a dangerous world, particularly China. After reading this book, it's clear why he's is a serious leader on the national stage: He thinks seriously about the role of America in the world, thinks seriously about the threats we face, and has the credentials, knowledge, and life experience to inform him about the best path forward. I think this book is a great read for anyone who thinks about how we reached the point we're at in America and wonders about the direction of the future of our country. I highly recommend it.
ANW ADMonica Pr
This is an important book at a critical time. Unlike other books on foreign policy, Cotton's book is written in an accessible manner, filled with compelling anecdotes and facts drawn from history and his own experience in combat and government. The book speaks to an everyday American's sense that America’s influence has waned and that our position in the world is in doubt for the first time since the height of the Cold War. And Cotton lays out a clear way forward. This is a refreshing book that exhibits unabashed confidence in the United States, our interests, our values, and our power to protect them. This confidence in our own country was common sense at one point, but Cotton illustrates the need to reclaim that confidence. He explains why doing so requires that we restore our military and its martial ethos. He calls for a renewed understanding and reverence for the Founding and the unique nature of America's mission that stems from it. And he calls for a clear-eyed distinction between America's allies and American's enemies. Highly recommended reading from a senator who will have continuing influence on the direction of our strategy abroad.

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