Pages & Co.: The Bookwanderers - book cover
Growing Up & Facts of Life
  • Publisher : Puffin Books; Reprint edition
  • Published : 25 Feb 2020
  • Pages : 304
  • ISBN-10 : 1984837141
  • ISBN-13 : 9781984837141
  • Language : English

Pages & Co.: The Bookwanderers

A USA Today Bestselling book!
A Barnes & Noble Book of the Month!
A 2019 Kids' Indie Next List Pick!
A National Bestseller!

"Mr. Lemoncello would love to go bookwandering at Pages and Co. If you love books, you're going to LOVE this book!"--Chris Grabenstein, #1 New York Times best-selling author of the Mr. Lemoncello series.

An enchanting story about the magic of books and the power of imagination from debut author Anna James. Perfect for fans of Inkheart, The Land of Stories, and Story Thieves.

Since her mother's disappearance, eleven-year-old Tilly Pages has found comfort in the stories at Pages & Co., her grandparents' bookshop. But when her favorite characters, Anne of Green Gables and Alice from Wonderland, start showing up at the shop,Tilly's adventures become very real. Not only can she follow Anne and Alice into their books, she discovers she can bookwander into any story she chooses. Tilly's new ability leads her to fun and exciting adventures, but danger may be lurking on the very next page...

When new secrets are uncovered, it's up to Tilly to solve the mystery of what happened to her mother all those years ago. From debut author Anna James comes a charming and exciting adventure about a bookish young heroine, a mysterious librarian, and a magical bookshop that will delight book lovers everywhere.

Praise for Pages & Co.: The Bookwanderers:

*"Highly recommended for readers young and old. An important reminder of the centrality of stories in shaping our lives." --School Library Journal, starred review

"A loving testament to the powerful magic of books and imagination." --Kirkus Reviews

"Delightful! A Joy of a book."--Kiran Millwood Hargrave, author of The Girl of Ink & Stars

"A lovely and enchanting read, whether you're 9 years old or 49 years old." --The Belfast Telegraph

Editorial Reviews

Praise for Pages & Co.: The Bookwanderers:

"Steeped in magical world building, James' debut pays loving testament to the power of books." --Booklist

"An affectionate ode to books and book lovers." --Publishers Weekly

"Delightful! A Joy of a book."--Kiran Millwood Hargrave, author of The Girl of Ink & Stars

"A lovely and enchanting read, whether you're 9 years old or 49 years old." --The Belfast Telegraph

"James' magical debut is a delight from first page to last."--Event Magazine

"A thrilling, inventive, book-lover's delight."--Matt Haig, author of A Boy Called Christmas

"Will be adored by book lovers of all ages...a new treasure."--The Missourian 

Readers Top Reviews

Miss Book LoverBookw
From start to finish this book is a joy to read. From interacting with beloved characters to the whole concept of readers interacting with characters, your imagination will have adventure after another.
Loved loved loved loved...,I loved this book so so so loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved loved
I loved “The Land if Stories” series by Chris Colfer and I was looking for something similar to enjoy. This is it! I really like this book and I’m looking forward to reading the next one in the series!
Carson Gentry
Tilly lives with her grandparents and helps them run their massive bookshop Pages & Co. Tilly loves spending day in and day out in the bookshop getting to escape into the pages of any book that she wants and life has been like this for her ever since her mom disappeared when she was a baby. On a normal day at the bookshop she is visited by two very peculiar girls, Anne & Alice, who both have stunning resemblance to her favorite book characters, Anne of Green Gables & Alice in Wonderland. With the help of these two girls Alice is able to wander into her favorite books and experience her favorite story, but bookwandering can be dangerous as you never know what dangers or adventures lie ahead. This book grew on me as I read it! I thought that Anna James did a great job of developing the characters right into your heart. I had been looking to diversify the types of books that I read and I’m glad that I picked this one up as a part of Books a Million Kids Book Club last month!
I wanted this to be a book I could read with my granddaughter. Unfortunately, the book characters used in the story are from really dated books. I think it would have been better to use books a 10 year old would recognize. The story line became very convoluted and the part about the fictional father and the mother from the real world was very contrived. It took a long time to get all the puzzle pieces in place so things made sense. It wasn’t a bad book, i just hoped to be able to share but it’s too dated.

Short Excerpt Teaser

Matilda Pages pushed open the door of Pages & Co. and breathed in deeply, taking in the familiar scent of just-blown-out candles, dark chocolate and, of course, books. For a second she forgot that she was splattered with muddy water and simply relished the week's holiday that stretched out in front of her like the view from the gate of a fairground. But the bubble of calm popped as the damp seeped through her tights, making her shiver, and she marched through the door connecting the bookshop to the narrow house she lived in with her grandparents. She let the door crash behind her, tossed her school bag on the table-accidentally sending a pile of potatoes flying-and flopped dramatically into a chair.

She paused, waiting for her grandmother to react, and when Grandma finally turned, Tilly flung her head theatrically on to her arms on the table.

"Happy half-term, Tilly," Grandma said, looking around in confusion. "What on earth is the matter? And why are you taking it out on the potatoes?"

Tilly's cheeks, usually fair with a smattering of freckles,blushed a deep raspberry as she sheepishly started picking up the potatoes.

"And you're soaking-it's not still raining, is it?" Grandma said, peering out of the kitchen window. She gave her granddaughter's head an affectionate rub as Tilly kneeled to rescue a stray potato that had rolled into the cat basket. Tilly sighed and leaned against Grandma's legs.

"Grace went through a puddle on her bike and it splashed all over me."

"Surely she didn't do it on purpose?" Grandma asked gently.

Tilly harrumphed in disagreement.

"Aren't you two as thick as thieves?" Grandma said.

"That was before, when we were just little. She has new friends now," Tilly said. "She got on to the netball team, and only wants to be with those girls now. She sits with Ammara and Poppy every day."

"Have I met Ammara and Poppy?" Grandma asked.

"No, they went to St. Enid's, and they stick together all the time."

"Well, why don't you invite some of them round during the holiday?" Grandma suggested. "Get to know each other?"

"I don't think they'd come," Tilly said uncertainly. "They're always whispering and giggling about something when I try to talk to them."

"They might surprise you. You don't know if you don't ask," Grandma said. "Be brave, Matilda. Be brave, be-"

"Be brave, be curious, be kind," Tilly interrupted. "I know."

"It's what we always used to tell your mum growing up," Grandma said.

"I just think being brave comes more naturally to some people than others," Tilly said.

"Often it's the things that don't come naturally to us that are the most important," Grandma said. "Now, why don't you take off that wet uniform and have a shower? I'll make you a hot chocolate to celebrate the start of the holidays."


Twenty minutes later Tilly was clean and dry, her dark brown curls considerably less damp, wearing her own clothes, carrying two mugs of hot chocolate covered in whipped cream, one for her and one for her grandad. She pushed the kitchen door open with her back and reversed into the bookshop. Pages & Co. was Tilly's favorite place in the world. From outside, on the busy north London high street, it looked like an entirely normal bookshop, but once inside it didn't quite make sense how everything fitted inside its ordinary walls.

The shop was made up of five floors of corners and cubbyholes, sofas and squashy armchairs, and a labyrinth of bookshelves heading off in different directions. A spiral staircase danced up one wall, and painted wooden ladders stretched up into difficult-to-reach corners. Tall arched windows made it feel a little like a church when the light spilled in and dust motes danced in the air. When it was good weather the sun pooled on the floor and the bookshop cat-named Alice for her curious nature-could often be found dozing in the warmest spots. During the summer the big fireplace behind the till was filled to bursting with fresh flowers, but as it was October a fire was roaring there.

Tilly had never been very far outside London, but she felt like a seasoned traveler within the pages of books: she had raced across the rooftops of Paris, learned to ride a broomstick and seen the Northern Lights from the deck of a ship. She had explored wonderlands and secret gardens with girls curious and contrary. She found books that led to long debates with Grandad  over crumpets dripping with butter, and discovered stories that she read again and again until they shone far more brightly than the endle...