Peppa Pig and the Day at Snowy Mountain - book cover
  • Publisher : Candlewick Entertainment
  • Published : 09 Sep 2014
  • Pages : 32
  • ISBN-10 : 0763674559
  • ISBN-13 : 9780763674557
  • Language : English

Peppa Pig and the Day at Snowy Mountain

It's a celebration of winter sports as Peppa and her charming family have a day of snowy fun.

When Peppa Pig and her little brother, George, wake up one day and see that it's snowing, they can't wait to go to Snowy Mountain. There's so much to do there - sledding (using Daddy's belly), ice-skating (George is a natural; who knew?), and of course skiing. Mummy Pig remembers how to ski. But does she remember how to stop?

Readers Top Reviews

P. PateljcToni Forte
A book of the episode Snowy mountain, and a few other favorites from Peppa Pig winter time theme episodes.
Scott P.Doglady99
Excellent book. My grand daughter loves Peppa Pig.
Lynda Gelineauvaleri
My grand-daughter loves anything Peppa. She also loves to be read to. Perfect for her.

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