Red on the River - book cover
Dramas & Plays
  • Publisher : Berkley
  • Published : 28 Jun 2022
  • Pages : 448
  • ISBN-10 : 0593439139
  • ISBN-13 : 9780593439135
  • Language : English

Red on the River

#1 New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan goes all in with this sexy romantic thriller set among the dangers-both man-made and natural-of Nevada's breathtaking landscape.
Vienna Mortenson isn't your typical gambler. She prefers to stay under the radar, using her poker winnings to support her family and her community, including the local search and rescue team, which she heads up. Out in the backcountry there's no time for hesitation when lives are on the line. Vienna prides herself on being tough and decisive. She's not the sort to make a fool of herself over a guy, especially one who left her high and dry without a backward glance.
Zale Vizzini's job constantly puts him in harm's way. Working undercover and disappearing for months at a time isn't exactly a recipe for a stable relationship. Despite the challenges and the risks, Zale wants something real with Vienna. He just needed time to figure out how to be in her life without putting her in danger. Now, he's determined to win her back, and he's ready to lay all his cards on the table.
As their friends' wedding approaches, Zale takes advantage of the festivities to make a play for Vienna's heart. But there are more deadly forces waiting to strike in the rugged terrain of Nevada and the western Sierras. Soon both of their lives are threatened, and the odds are stacked against them....

Readers Top Reviews

CF is back, I really enjoyed this book. To me this was why I bought all of Christina’s books, the storyline was great, and the pages not filled with M&S.
I'm really struggling with this as I so wanted to enjoy this book. Sadly it was a huge frustrating and expensive disappointment. There is such a disconnect between the characters who are supposed besties. They show no emotion or investment in their friendships and their dialogue is bland, immature and annoying. The whole premise of the story is a who dunnit but this takes a massive back seat to long drawn out descriptive pages about gambling,hiking,climbing and outdoor activities. There's almost no build up or exploration of the relationship between Vienna and Zale. It's described as a standalone but you definitely need to have read the previous book to have any idea of who the characters are. Sorry. Can't think of anything positive to say and honestly I'm finding that other books by this author are no longer the page turner's of old.
Feehan has done it again! This powerful novel is fast-paced with action, suspense, and an introduction to the world of tournament poker unknown to most readers. There are no steamy sex scenes! The book doesn’t need any! I found Feehan’s knowledge of bouldering and poker astronomical. The book is thoroughly researched and is a page-turner. Congratulations to Feehan on another fantastic read. Fans will love this one!
Completely awesome! I loved that the heroine was so multifaceted! A nurse, a gambler of cards, and outdoors woman! She was such a contradiction, and not forgetting model worth beauty. But, she was first and foremost, a person who cared. He intense love for her mother, her friends, and her volunteer search and rescue work. Truly a heroine all women would wish to attain to be. The hero, perfect foil! Dark, secretive, obviously, some kind of undercover spy, etc. But, the the reader completely in love with Vienna. Zale and Vienna's ride begins in Vegas, and ends in the the Seirras of Yosemite. It is quite a rollercoaster! The novel was filled with twists, unexpected, and terrific one liners. All these added to a novel that completely captures your attention from beginning till end! If you can put it down while reading, you're a stronger person than this reader! Honestly, I hated for it to end! I am begging, Ms. Feehan! These five women are amazing! More please! Absolutely adored! Karen
"It was six and a half weeks, and I don't want off the hook!" Zale's Vizzini's declaration after seeing Vienna again and explaining to her why he left without a goodbye. Vienna Mortenson is in Las Vegas for a Gaming Tournament to win and raise money for the Knightly Hospital, and the Search and Rescue she runs in her County. While heading to her Suite at the Northern Lights Hotel, and Casino she runs into Zale Vizzini, and realizes he's undercover, and doesn't want her to acknowledge that they know each other. Later Zale explains that several of his fellow agents have gone missing after being assigned to protect the Casino owner Daniel J. Wallin, and he's been sent to investigate. What happens next is that for some reason Vienna is being targeted for execution. Zale and his partner Rainier combine their investigation with protecting Vienna. Plot within plots, regarding Vienna, her childhood, her lineage, and why someone wants her dead are explored. With everything going on Zale tries to talk Vienna into giving him another chance regarding their relationship. Vienna resists because of trust issue. As the danger increases and Vienna, and her girlfriends come together in Nevada to celebrate Stella's bridal shower with hiking, bouldering, and river rafting they're unaware that they're being hunted. Truths are revealed by Raine on the return trip to Knightly, and with these revelations, Vienna the hunted becomes the huntress. But, will Vienna, and Zale be able to navigate the danger, and hurt in both of their lives and find lasting happiness together or will the sins of the father, vendettas destroy them both.

Short Excerpt Teaser

Chapter One

Vienna Mortenson pushed her shiny key into the private elevator to take her to the floor where her suite was located. She had never been impressed with money. Never. She preferred camping outdoors to hotels, no matter how luxurious they were, and casinos were not her thing. Being a nurse and seeing time and again what cigarettes could do to people, she despised the smell of them. Just walking through a casino floor made her want to tell all those people smoking what was inevitably going to happen to them. Yet here she was, being impressed with this particular hotel.

The Northern Lights Hotel and Casino was owned by billionaire Daniel J. Wallin. Vienna was aware that he had partners, but Wallin had started the hotel; it was his concept and he owned the majority of shares. It was rare for a single hotel to do the kind of business that his did. It was popular, full to capacity at all times. The twice-a-year gambling tournaments drew the biggest names and had some of the biggest returns, which was one of the reasons she had decided to participate even though it required her to be there in person.

Normally, Vienna competed online. She'd built her reputation through her username luckypersiancat. She'd managed to pay for her mother's cancer treatments. Her mother still lived in Vegas with her partner, and Vienna paid her rent using her gambling money. She'd put herself through nursing school. She owned a nice house in Knightly, where she resided with her Persian cat, Princess. She'd put quite a bit away for retirement and invested most of the rest of her winnings. She gave a great deal of the money to the local hospital and also invested in search and rescue gear for the county she lived in. She had established a scholarship program for single mothers with children. She'd been careful to stay under the gambling radar, living and working in Knightly at the local hospital. She was also head of Search and Rescue for the county.

"Honey, hold that elevator," a voice called out.

Vienna turned. She didn't particularly like to be addressed as "honey" by total strangers, but the gentleman calling out to her was older. He looked to be about seventy, with thick gray hair and faded blue eyes. He did look fit, even though he walked with a cane. She flicked a quick, assessing glance over him to see what his injury might be. He didn't appear to have one. He wasn't actually limping or even leaning heavily on the cane. He wasn't even walking with it correctly. He did have a key to the elevator in his hand, so she held the door.

She looked past him to the man behind him and her breath caught in her lungs. Everything in her stilled. She nearly let go of the door. Zale Vizzini. The moment she saw him, she could taste him. The way he kissed. Feel him inside her. The way he moved. The way he filled her. No one was like him. No one ever would be again. Her eyes met his, and she caught the little shake of his head. It was almost imperceptible. His hand lifted to his chest and he waved her off-again, the smallest movement.

Vienna flashed a brilliant smile at the older gentleman, who was nearly to the elevator. "You know, if security is watching, I'll probably receive a visit from them."

"And rightfully so," the man said cheerfully. He stepped inside the cedar-scented elevator, hooking the cane over his arm as he did so. "I'm Wayne Forsyne. You're actually more beautiful in person than in your photograph, and I thought that was extraordinary." He completely ignored Zale slipping into the lift behind him and settling against a wall.

The doors slid shut silently and the elevator began to rise. Vienna kept her gaze steadfastly on the older man, although every nerve ending in her body was vividly aware of Zale. It was embarrassing and rather humiliating not only that she could feel his body heat when he was completely across from her but that she could feel her entire body reacting to his presence. That never happened around other men.

Deliberately, she sighed. "I suppose you're referring to that obnoxious wraparound photograph the hotel has of me along with the other tournament players going around and around the outside of the hotel and then in the lobby and again in the casino?"

"You look lovely, even more so in person."

"I think it's a ...