Rising Tiger: A Thriller (21) (The Scot Harvath Series) - book cover
Thrillers & Suspense
  • Publisher : Pocket Books
  • Published : 25 Apr 2023
  • Pages : 416
  • ISBN-10 : 1982182164
  • ISBN-13 : 9781982182168
  • Language : English

Rising Tiger: A Thriller (21) (The Scot Harvath Series)


Deadly operative Scot Harvath faces down the country's most powerful enemy in #1 New York Times and #1 Wall Street Journal bestselling author Brad Thor's new white-knuckle thriller.

An unprecedented, potentially nation-ending threat has materialized on the world stage. Fearful of the global consequences of engaging this enemy, administration after administration has passed the buck. The clock, however, has run out and doing nothing is no longer an option. It is time to unleash Scot Harvath.

As America's top spy, Harvath has the unparalleled skills and experience necessary to handle any situation, but this assignment feels different.

Thrust into a completely unfamiliar culture, with few he can trust, the danger begins mounting the moment he arrives. Amidst multiple competing forces and a host of deadly agendas, it becomes nearly impossible to tell predator from prey.

With democracy itself hanging in the balance, Harvath will risk everything to untangle the explosive plot and bring every bad actor to justice.

Editorial Reviews

"Brad Thor is the greatest political thriller novelist ever. Trust me, don't miss this book." ― The Real Book Spy

"RISING TIGER is ripped from tomorrow's headlines." ― Wharton Journal Spectator

"An intense, eye-opening thriller that is head and shoulders above anything else like it on the market." ― Bookreporter.com

"Un-freaking-believable – It's now a word in Webster's because of this book!" ― The Crew Reviews

"Thriller fans of all stripes will devour this book!" ― Best Thriller Books

"An amazing thriller!" -- Fred Burton

"A relentless and riveting page-turner." ― Jon Land's The Thrill List

"A riveting, roller coaster ride unlike any you've been on." ― The Epoch Times

Readers Top Reviews

Robert HollidayJD
Brad has done it again. Another great Scot Harvath adventure. Scot keeps you on your toes the entire time. Great book!
Janice Greenwoodl
I look forward to Harvath every July. I read this in a day. I just can't put these books down.
As with the previous stories this one stays on point and builds and plateaus then builds again and has a surprise ending. Already looking forward to reading the next chapter in Scott Harvaths missions.
Ralph McCaggValky
I. Have been a Thor’ite for many years and Brad has never disappointed me. His characters always seem to be naturally well crafted. My friends are going to really enjoy this one.. I may even pick up a hard copy for my library. Thanks again Brad.!

Short Excerpt Teaser

Chapter 1 CHAPTER 1

The battle had been barbaric. Forbidden from using firearms in the disputed border region, the Chinese soldiers had crept across the "Line of Actual Control" in the middle of the night armed with spike-studded bats and iron rods wrapped with concertina wire. The brutal, medieval-style hand-to-hand combat had lasted more than six hours.

In the early light of dawn, a bitterly cold wind-like the breath of death itself-blew down the steep valley from the glaciers above. Bodies lay everywhere. The jagged stones along the banks of the chalky blue Galwan River were covered in blood.

Despite China's gruesome surprise attack, the Ladakh Scouts had courageously charged into the fight. Known as the "Snow Warriors," they were one of the Indian Army's toughest, most fearsome, and most decorated regiments. They had only one primary objective-to guard against the Chinese invading India via this section of the Himalayas.

The Snow Warriors had succeeded in their mission, but their success had come at a devastating cost. Twenty Indian soldiers had been killed and almost twice as many Chinese. Amid escalating tension between the two nations, it had been one of their deadliest altercations yet. And once more, China had been the aggressor. The reason for the aggression, at least to those paying attention, was obvious.

Dramatically unpopular among its people and facing a myriad of social and economic problems, the Chinese Communist Party was weaker than it had ever been.

The CCP's grip on power was increasingly tenuous. The panic of its members was palpable. Many in the party believed they were only one Tiananmen Square away from full-blown revolution. It was why they had crushed the prodemocracy movement in Hong Kong and why they continued to flex their military muscle over Taiwan. One more crack in their hull, one more leak in their sagging, waterlogged boat, and the CCP would slip beneath the surface of the waves and be dragged violently down to its death.

To prop up the party and prevent such a demise, Beijing needed to fog the minds of its people-to convince them that they were locked in an existential struggle, that the world was out to destroy China.

The course of action they decided to adopt was a form of virulent nationalism-the likes of which hadn't been seen since the Italian Fascism and German National Socialism of the 1930s.

For their plan to take root and grow, Beijing needed bogeymen-both big and small, near and far. The United States and its Western allies were a natural fit. Another exceptional contender, however, lay right at China's doorstep. India.

As the world's largest democracy, not only were India's ideas a threat, but so too were its growing economy, increasing military, and deepening ties with the United States. The CCP feared India's burgeoning power and was willing to do whatever necessary to diminish it.

Coercive statecraft to drive wedges between India and its neighbors, bloody cross-border raids to capture and hold disputed territory-China was feeling weak, and that weakness made them dangerous. Anything and everything was on the table-including the most contemptible and horrific acts of aggression.

The Snow Warriors' commander, Major Shaukat Banu, was a tall, sinewy man with a thick mustache. As he surveyed the carnage, his skin was still inflamed and sensitive to the touch. The weapon the Chinese had unleashed was unlike anything he had ever experienced.

At the end of the battle, when it had become obvious that they were going to lose, the Chinese had called their soldiers into retreat, and had activated some sort of directed-energy device.

The weapon had heated up the water molecules beneath the Indian soldiers' skin, causing them to vomit and experience excruciating pain. The Ladakh Scouts had been left with no choice but to abandon any pursuit of the Chinese and to pull back out of the range of the weapon.

With their retreat secure, the Chinese had fled, leaving their comrades to the mercy of the Indian Army. Banu directed two of his medical officers to attend to any of the enemy in need of care. Despite the brutality shown by the Chinese, it was the honorable thing to do and, at his core, Major Shaukat Banu was first and foremost an honorable man.

Both in his training from the Indian Army and as a guest of the United States military, he had been schooled in battlefield tactics and ethics.

The Snow Warriors had cross-trained with some of the United States' best high-altitude, cold-weather experts, including the U.S. Army's Tenth Mountain Division, the Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center, ...