Stellarlune (9) (Keeper of the Lost Cities) - book cover
Growing Up & Facts of Life
  • Publisher : Aladdin
  • Published : 08 Nov 2022
  • Pages : 736
  • ISBN-10 : 1534438521
  • ISBN-13 : 9781534438521
  • Language : English

Stellarlune (9) (Keeper of the Lost Cities)

In this stunning ninth book in the New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling Keeper of the Lost Cities series, Sophie and her friends discover the true meaning of power-and evil.

Sophie Foster changed the game.

Now she's facing impossible choices:
When to act.
When to trust.
When to let go.

Her friends are divided and scattered, and the Black Swan wants Sophie to focus on their projects. But her instincts are leading her somewhere else.

Stellarlune-and the mysterious Elysian-might be the key to everything. But finding truth in the Lost Cities always requires sacrifice. And as the Neverseen's plans sharpen into terrifying focus, it appears that everyone has miscalculated. The Lost Cities' greatest lie could destroy everything. And in the battle that follows, only one thing is certain: nothing will ever be the same.

Readers Top Reviews

Addie RsandraKell
So I think that the first 3 quarters of the book were so boring and literally nothing happened at all and it was just Sophie arguing with people over and over again. Then there was the amazing chapter (42). But after that I felt like the whole rest of the book was so rushed and I didn't really understand what was happening. I think I definitely like the plots of the other books more but it was all redeemed because of chapter 42. I can't wait to see how Shannon finishes the series.
This started out a little slow for me, but the pace picked up, and by the end it was that keeper series I know and love! It had all those great elements of humor, power, friendship, romance, intrigue, adventure, and of course the tortuous cliffhanger! Hurry with #10, please!!
K. Briggs Addie
Shannon is 100% evil. The first half of the book was quite boring though in my opinion, I probably making book nine one of my least favorites in the series, but THE SECOND HALF IS AMAZING!!!! (*cough* chapter 42 *cough*) buuuuut, Shannon Messenger ONCE AGAIN takes it upon herself to be incredibly evil and leave us with a cliffhanger that has me just sitting around staring at that last page all day. CANT WAIT FOR BOOK 10!!!!
Pamela M CurryK.
Waited a long time for this one, it’s true, and reread all the others at least three times in the wait…it was well worth waiting for! I wanted to stretch it out but, no way … at least i have the audio book to come… if you haven’t started this series, grab book 1 and settle in for a real ride! It’s winter…get reading….this series has spoiled me and i wish i could find another to fill in the downtime but….ill keep looking and rereading! Thanks Shannon…you’ve outdone yourself, as usual!
Angela Alvarez Ve
This has to be my least favorite in the series, although, as others have said, chapter 42 almost makes up for it. The main problem I had is that most of the book seems to be Sophie talking to other people and the various scenarios in which those conversations take place. There is a lot of information, a looooooot of speculation and very little action until the end, when it's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment and then BAM, the book is over. It just felt like a bunch of people arguing in a room most of the time, and talking about Things That Happened in previous books. Not a bad book. And it does have information that moves the plot along, but it has that middle book feel to it. Even the satisfying scene does not have a satisfying buildup (in this book) and it does not lead to anywhere new. It happens and then it changes nothing. So...not the best of the bunch, more like the last bite of broccoli before we get to dessert. And boy, I hope dessert is good.

Short Excerpt Teaser

Chapter One ONE

Grady had asked the question three times, and Sophie still didn't have an answer. All she could do was stare at the crumpled note she'd found waiting for her in her bedroom, hoping she'd somehow misread it.

Keefe couldn't…


A sound bubbled up her throat, something between a laugh, a cry, and a groan.

This was Keefe.

He definitely would.

"How long ago did Keefe leave?" she asked, glancing between Grady and the tiny gnome standing near her canopied bed.

Grady shrugged.

Flori shook her head, making her plaited hair rustle like windblown leaves. "I didn't see him-but I was out in the pastures, waiting for the new patrols to arrive."

Sophie sighed.

Sandor was in the process of frantically amping up Havenfield's security because she'd burned down one of the Neverseen's storehouses a few hours earlier, and everyone seemed to think that meant she'd officially started the war they'd been teetering on the brink of for years-but she couldn't worry about that at the moment.

"Is Sandor still outside?" she asked, hoping he'd gotten a report about Keefe from one of the other guards.

Grady blocked her. "Listen, kiddo. I know what you're thinking-"

"I doubt that." Even she wasn't sure if she wanted to clobber Keefe, lock him up somewhere, or wrap him in a huge strangle-hug and tell him everything was going to be okay-though the last option seemed the least likely.

"Keefe will be fine," Grady promised, carefully steering her away from her doorway. "He's very resourceful."

She locked her knees. "If you knew what he's planning, you wouldn't be saying that."

Silence followed, and Grady wouldn't meet her eyes.

"You talked to him while he was here, didn't you?" Sophie guessed, tapping her temples when he stayed quiet. "You know I can find out what you're hiding."

"Not without violating the rules of telepathy," Grady reminded her. "But to answer your question… yes, I did talk to him-and he didn't say much. He was obviously still afraid to use his voice."

Something sour coated Sophie's tongue, and she tried not to think about the fear she'd seen in Keefe's eyes after he'd accidentally given his first command. Or how empty and hopeless she'd felt when the command turned everyone numb.

"That's why he's running away," she murmured.

Part of the reason, at least.

Keefe's letter had also implied that he'd manifested other scarier abilities-but he didn't tell her what they were. All he'd said was that it was too dangerous for him to be in the Lost Cities and he was planning to hide among humans-which was why Sophie had to find him.

"How long ago did he leave?" she asked in a tone that hopefully made it clear she wouldn't let Grady shrug away the question again.

He glanced out her windows, where the clouds were slowly turning pink with the sunset. "At least an hour ago, so it's too late to stop him-but it'll be okay. I think he actually has a solid plan this time."

"Oh really? So you think he'll be able to survive on his own in the Forbidden Cities?"

She'd hoped Grady's mouth would fall open when he heard Keefe's destination.

Instead, his lips set into a grim line.

"Wow," she mumbled. "You really did know what he was up to, and you still let him go. I know Keefe's never been your favorite, but-"

"I never said that," Grady interrupted.

"You didn't have to. You call him ‘That Boy' and glare at him all the time."

"Not all the time."

His smile was probably supposed to soften her mood.

It didn't.

"Okay, fine. Sometimes your friendship with Keefe… makes me a little nervous," Grady admitted, dragging the toe of his boot through the flowers woven into her carpet. "He has a gift for getting in trouble-and you do that more than enough on your own. But he wasn't his usual overconfident self today. He looked tired. And terrified-"

"And that didn't seem like a sign that maybe you should stop him?" Sophie cut in.

"Hey, we both know there's no stopping Keefe Sencen once he makes up his mind."

"Um, last time I checked, you're still a Mesmer," Sophie felt the need to point out, even though she wouldn't have wanted Grady to use his ability that way.

It was easier having someone to blame.

Then she wouldn't have t...