The Hunger Games (Book 1) - book cover
Growing Up & Facts of Life
  • Publisher : Scholastic Press; Reprint edition
  • Published : 03 Jul 2010
  • Pages : 384
  • ISBN-10 : 0439023521
  • ISBN-13 : 9780439023528
  • Language : English

The Hunger Games (Book 1)

In the ruins of a place once known as North America lies the nation of Panem, a shining Capitol surrounded by twelve outlying districts. Long ago the districts waged war on the Capitol and were defeated. As part of the surrender terms, each district agreed to send one boy and one girl to appear in an annual televised event called, "The Hunger Games," a fight to the death on live TV. Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives alone with her mother and younger sister, regards it as a death sentence when she is forced to represent her district in the Games. The terrain, rules, and level of audience participation may change but one thing is constant: kill or be killed.

Editorial Reviews

Praise for The Hunger Games"A violent, jarring, speed-rap of a novel that generates nearly constant suspense. . . . I couldn't stop reading." --Stephen King, Entertainment Weekly"I was so obsessed with this book. . . . The Hunger Games is amazing."--Stephenie Meyer, author of the Twilight saga"Brilliantly plotted and perfectly paced."--John Green, The New York Times Book Review

Readers Top Reviews

AHLilly Heartjing
My teenage sister recommended this to me so I thought I'd try it. I loved it so much that I read it in one day straight, and then went and bought the next 2 and read both of those in a day each. This is teen fiction done at its best. I've ended up having great conversations with my sister about propaganda and all sorts of things she'd never really thought about before. making these things accessible to teenagers whilst having writing and a story that appeals to all ages is a rare gift :)
K.AAHLilly Heartj
I know my title above has nothing to do with the books, but it is why I bought them in the first place. I only came across the films last year, I was very late to the party in that regard but I fell in love with the films instantly and I watched them often. A few weeks ago at work I found myself singing verses of "the hanging tree" so much so that 2 others in the office were also joining in and it made me want to watch the movies again they were just that good. Then the pandemic got worse and last Monday was my last day at the office, I desperately needed something to do and of course watched the movies I thought of only a few weeks prior. It hit me then that I never even read the books, normally I read the books first as they hold so much more information than the films so instantly I bought all 3 on Kindle and it's kept me occupied. They are fantastic! I had the advantage of the films being fresh in my mind so when I read the books from Katniss's point of view I was already picturing what was going on when she was receiving things like shocking news for example (spoiler alert) when they are drawn back to the quarter quell. When you read the books you are seeing things from her perspective only but from the film you are seeing how it's been manipulated and brought about. So for me I was able to picture everything at once which made it more of an enjoyable read. The books hold so much more information than the films showed, don't get me wrong the films are brilliant but you always get more from a book. The books and the films show realism, even if it's fiction there are things written and shown that are relatable to everyone. The author is fantastic at portraying this. It merely depends on your own life and what you've faced as a person, if you found yourself relatable/similar to Katniss's character and I don't mean the fictional parts I mean the realistic ones like dealing with poverty, enduring grief, crippling fear. (I could go on but this review is already long enough) you may act differently to her character or you may sympathize with her and when I read the books I found that I sympathized. Beforehand I was indifferent. It was only after reading through first person I got an understanding of what kind of person she is. Suffice to say for me I gave the rating 5 stars, I read some of the lower ratings to get an idea of what I was getting into and many of them were so low, a lot of this was down to the miss-selling of books. (Covers were not portrayed right etc) I found them gripping and it took me two days to finish them, I'd happily read them again. I like where all books take you and that's away from wherever you are. So for two days I spent it in the Hunger games listening to Katniss tell her story and I recommend these books to anyone who wishes to escape for a little while. Stay safe everyone 🙌
Laura RK.AAHLilly
This story grabs you instantly and keeps you intrigued the entire time. I love how Collins artful writing makes you love the characters instantly. Katniss's great care for her younger sister Prim and even her tolerance of their cat gives her so much depth within the first few pages. I saw the movie first, but this book gives you so much more insight into the characters. (And, I can understand why they made a movie from the book!) The only thing that bugs me is when a story leaves you hanging because they want you to buy the next book... But, it is good marketing (and I'm a marketer, so I can't fault it too much). Definitely recommend!
Rating: 4.5/5.0 It seems I am the last one who read this book! LOL. Lots of hype generated about this book back when it was released. For no reason I never picked it up and always delayed watching the movies so I can read the book first. I guess now it is time to watch the movie. First thing I have to say the hype is not just a hype without any justification to it. The book is very well written. The story is very fast paced and enjoyable. I know many new dystopian books took an idea or two from this one. The only drawback I would say is that we did not get to know some of the other characters who participated in the Hunger Games, some characters were more interesting than others because they were more elaborated. Rue for example was a good defined character. It would have been nice to know more about foxface. The main characters were very well written. Have no complaints about them. The end of the story will make you want to jump into the sequel right away. I think this is a good book series to invest some time into. I hope book two and three will be as good too.
William D. WhiteC
Hi thank you for taking the time to read my review! My Rating: 5.1/5 (I know its more than posible but I just love it so much!) As a person passionate about reading, I know its hard to find a compelling book to read but this book nails it! Suzanne Collins makes me grip on to every word. Here is my summary (of the beggining so I wont say the whole book) of this. The Country of Panem is made up of 12 districts and a bustling Capitol and 74 years ago a rebellion against the Capitol made the goverment create the Hunger Games. A yearly event where each of the districts submit one girl and boy to go to the Capitol and fight in an arena to the death untl one victor survives. It is reaping day and Katniss Everdeen dreads this day all year, she lives in the Seam of District 12, the lowliest district. And hunts with her friend and hunting partner Gale Hawthorne. When Katniss's beloved sister is reaped she doesn't hesitate to volenteer. So Katniss and fellow tribute Petta Mellark's lives have changed now and theres no turning back because in the Hunger Games its life or death. So go read this book! Thank you for reading! I hope you found this review helful! Bye!

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