Texas Ranch Target (Cowboy Protectors, 2) - book cover
Literature & Fiction
  • Publisher : Love Inspired Suspense; Original edition
  • Published : 25 Apr 2023
  • Pages : 224
  • ISBN-10 : 1335587713
  • ISBN-13 : 9781335587718
  • Language : English

Texas Ranch Target (Cowboy Protectors, 2)

Somebody wants her dead…
But they'll have to go through him first.

After his client is murdered, security expert Brett Harmon plans to lie low at his family's ranch-until he comes across an injured woman in the road. With only Brett's business card in her pocket and no memory of her attack, Jaycee Richmond turns to her rescuer for answers. But when their search reveals a deadly connection, can Brett protect her from a killer she can't remember?

From Love Inspired Suspense: Courage. Danger. Faith.

Cowboy Protectors

Book 1: Kidnapped in Texas
Book 2: Texas Ranch Target

Readers Top Reviews

Jaycee Richmond is accosted on the way to warn Brett Harmon about his recent client’s murder. Unfortunately, this attack results in her having Amnesia. This one was one fast paced thriller! Brett’s security service has gotten a bad rap after the murder the killer is after Jaycee. I found that both main characters were very relatable and the storyline very plausible. Love Inspired books are shorter than most, so be ready for some steady action and a fairly quick read. Ms. Vaughn ramps up the novel with a thrilling conclusion that I did not see coming. She definitely kept me guessing who the offender really was! I have enjoyed several of the author’s novels and am slowly making my way through her backlist. Her suspense always has lots of actions, plot twists, and a stunning conclusion and a struggle to puzzle out who the culprit really is. This author can definitely supply you with a well written suspense fix! I received a copy of this book from the author and I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 255, Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
Melissa Pettersen
Texas Ranch Target by Virginia Vaughan is book #2 in her Cowboy Protectors series. Brett Harmon's career has taken a hit when one of his celebrity clients dies while on his watch. He decides to lay low and heads to his family's ranch which he shares with his 3 other cousins. On his way to the ranch in Jessup, Texas, a woman runs into the road and he barely is able to make a stop. Jaycee Richmond is being chased, but she doesn't know from whom. She doesn't even know her name. After being chased down on the freeway and almost murdered, the trauma has caused her to lose her memories. All she knows is someone has attempted to kill her multiple times now. Brett finds her and discovers that she has no id on her, but she has his personal business card in her pocket. Not knowing who's after her and how she is connected to him, Brett & Jaycee start investigating why her life is being threatened. Meanwhile the more she discovers about her former life, she's praying to God that she gets her memory back. She wants to know who she is & who is behind this nefarious murder plot. OMS!!!! I've always stated Virginia Vaughan is one of my favorites. She writes the most amazing faith based romantic suspense stories around. This one did not disappoint my expectations. It was so intense and interesting to see how Jaycee & Brett finally put all the pieces together. I felt like I was on a rollercoaster and I was never getting off. I also loved the family aspect of it. I like the idea of 4 cousins inheriting their grandfather's ranch. I can't wait to read about Tucker and Caleb. I also am holding out hope that another Cowboy Protector is added to the list. I feel he deserves some love too. If you want a book that will keep you guessing the whodunit and how all the pieces finally fit together then I think you'll really like this one. I know I did despite no epilogue, but I was still smiling, crying, and filled with joy at the end. Can't wait for book #3. I was given a copy of this book, but all opinions are my very own.