The 6:20 Man - book cover
Action & Adventure
  • Publisher : Grand Central Publishing
  • Published : 12 Jul 2022
  • Pages : 432
  • ISBN-10 : 1538719843
  • ISBN-13 : 9781538719848
  • Language : English

The 6:20 Man

A cryptic murder pulls a former soldier turned financial analyst deep into the corruption and menace that prowl beneath the opulent world of finance, in #1 New York Times bestselling author David Baldacci's new thriller.Every day without fail, Travis Devine puts on a cheap suit, grabs his faux-leather briefcase, and boards the 6:20 commuter train to Manhattan, where he works as an entry-level analyst at the city's most prestigious investment firm. In the mornings, he gazes out the train window at the lavish homes of the uberwealthy, dreaming about joining their ranks. In the evenings, he listens to the fiscal news on his phone, already preparing for the next grueling day in the cutthroat realm of finance. Then one morning Devine's tedious routine is shattered by an anonymous email: She is dead.

Sara Ewes, Devine's coworker and former girlfriend, has been found hanging in a storage room of his office building--presumably a suicide, at least for now--prompting the NYPD to come calling on him. If that wasn't enough, before the day is out, Devine receives another ominous visit, a confrontation that threatens to dredge up grim secrets from his past in the army unless he participates in a clandestine investigation into his firm. This treacherous role will take him from the impossibly glittering lives he once saw only through a train window, to the darkest corners of the country's economic halls of power . . . where something rotten lurks. And apart from this high-stakes conspiracy, there's a killer out there with their own agenda, and Devine is the bull's-eye.

Readers Top Reviews

J. SechiJude Livings
I only David Baldacci book I can say I did not like. I couldn’t put it down. Couldn’t figure out where all the murders were leading. I kept on reading, intrigued, waiting for the story to unravel. And it ended without knowing why they were killed and who by. Incomplete. Not happy
Every morning, Travis Devine rides the 6:20 train to a job he hates, a freshman financial analyst at the powerhouse investment firm Cowl and Comely. One morning, his coworker Sara is found dead in a supply closet. Although an apparent suicide, Devine suspects something more is afoot. The Sara he thinks he knew wouldn’t kill herself. It isn’t long before Devine finds himself down a rabbit hole of intrigue, conspiracies, and deceit. This is quintessential Baldacci – lots of players and lots of misdirection: bad guys who are really good guys, good guys who are really bad guys, and bad guys that are even worse guys. The action is non-stop and the body count keeps ticking upward as Devine races to uncover what happened to Sara, what’s really happening at Cowl and Comely, and clear his own name of any wrongdoing. This story is fun and fast-paced, but there are times that it definitely strains the bounds of believability. Although so far The 6:20 Man is a standalone novel, this book has the makings to be new series for Baldacci, so I won’t be surprised if we see Travis Devine again in the future.
kathleen g
The past and present collide for Travis when Sara, his ex-girl friend is found hanging in their offices on Wall Street. A West Point grad and ex-Army Ranger, he's now using his MBA to do work which is less rewarding in some ways but, he thought. safer. Not so much. The NYPD thinks he should be a suspect in Sara's death but more dangerously, the USG wants him to investigate shady dealings at the firm. There's action, there's conspiracy. there are topical issues. It's all a bit over the top and might be a tad familiar readers of the genre but Travis is likable. Thanks to netgalley for the ARC. A good travel or beach book.
Rebecca FullerDoug Y
The 6:20 Man introduces readers to Travis Devine, a former Army Ranger now trying to survive the soul-crushing world of investment banking in New York City. He has a past he regrets, and his penance is working in a corporate world that he hates. He gets drawn into a murder investigation of a colleague he had a relationship with, and suddenly his world is turned upside down as secrets are revealed. This seems to be the first book in a new series for the author. Travis is a solid character who tries to do the right thing even when it might be the wrong thing. He's likeable, smart, tough, and capable of defending himself and those around him. Red herrings abound here, and Travis has to constantly adjust to new information. I have two rather large quibbles with this book, both of which reduce the rating for me. First, two of the characters are specifically labeled as Christians, but neither believe or act remotely like any of the true Christians I know. In the same vein, tossing political agenda items all over the book will immediately rip me out of the story and is not appreciated. Overall, a decent novel with a good protagonist. Not family friendly due to profanity, violence, sex, and adult themes.
Diane Saul
Travis Devine puts on a suit and takes the 6:20 train every day to a job he hates. A job he took as self punishment for his guilt over a death while he was serving in the military. His boring job takes a turn when he receives a mysterious e mail. From there the story takes off. Multiple deaths, with the police looking at him as the guilty party. The firm he is working for has some shady dealings and Travis is recruited to find proof. The book revolves around Wall Street and the world of finance. Travis isn’t sure who to trust. There are so many twists in the plot I didn’t figure out what was going on until the author revealed it. This is definitely a page turner. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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