The Bounty: A Novel (7) (A Fox and O'Hare Novel) - book cover
Humor & Satire
  • Publisher : Pocket Books; International Edition
  • Published : 27 Sep 2022
  • Pages : 336
  • ISBN-10 : 1982186372
  • ISBN-13 : 9781982186371
  • Language : English

The Bounty: A Novel (7) (A Fox and O'Hare Novel)

FBI agent Kate O'Hare and charming criminal Nick Fox race against time to uncover a buried train filled with Nazi gold in this thrilling adventure from #1 New York Times bestselling author Janet Evanovich and Steve Hamilton.

Type A special agent Kate O'Hare and international criminal Nick Fox have brought down some of the biggest bad guys out there. But now they face their most dangerous foe yet-a vast, shadowy international organization known only as the Brotherhood.

Directly descended from the Vatican Bank priests who served Hitler during World War II, the Brotherhood is on a frantic search for a lost train loaded with $30 billion in Nazi gold, untouched for over seventy-five years somewhere in the mountains of Eastern Europe.

Kate and Nick know that there is only one man who can find the fortune and bring down the Brotherhood-the same man who taught Nick everything he knows-his father, Quentin. As the stakes get higher, they must also rely on Kate's own father, Jake, who shares his daughter's grit and stubbornness.

From a remote monastery in the Swiss Alps to the lawless desert of the Western Sahara, Kate, Nick, and the two men who made them who they are today must crisscross the world in a desperate scramble to stop their deadliest foe in the biggest adventure of their lives.

Readers Top Reviews

Portland BethKind
I love this series. She can't write them fast enough for me! This one will keep you guessing. Well written and entertaining.
Janette OglesbyPo
Another awesome book, please keep it going! The characters, the plot, the hijinks all rock! I so enjoy these books
Patty WildermanJa
I swear these books just get better and better. This one was especially great. The adventures the group embarks on were dangerous and intriguing. Nick and Kate are off to save the world again. One con at a time, except there is no con this time. This time is a matter of national security. When Nick comes face to face with his father he will be forced to make a serious decision…..arrest him or help him. But this mission may end up being the last mission they make, as everything is at jeopardy…their careers…their lives. This books danger level was a ten! They were running for their lives the entire book. It was an adrenaline rush from the very beginning. There were plenty of twists to keep you going. I was on the edge of my seat the entire book. I absolutely love the characters in this series. Nick and Kate have such great charisma and make a wonderful team. I especially love when Jake gets to join in the fun. He is so amazing and daring. I can’t wait to read more!
Patty Wilderma
The adventures of the Fox, O'Hare, Jake and Quentin group are always entertaining and ironically educational. The Bounty is no exception and is a wonderful read. I was truly sad that I finished the book and hope the next book comes out very soon!
Patty Wi
I greatly enjoyed the first 5 books in this series. They were funny and silly light reads. This book still has information about sites that I would like to visit, including Paris, London, the alps, and the mountains in slovakia. And, it still has some entertaining moments (I like the scene on the train). But, for me, the constant life or death struggles are rather tiresome. I know that they'll find a way to escape....wading through page after page when they build the tension only to have something turn up at the last moment got old after the 5th or 6th time it happens. I wish there was more silliness and that some of the secondary characters from the first books were involved. And, on a more technical level, I was having trouble picturing exactly what they were doing in some of the situations (like, some action happens at the Eiffel Tower, and I can't quite picture who was where or how they got from point A to point B, despite having been to the eiffel tower). I'm not going to get back to Europe any time soon, so it was entertaining to see the sites through Kate and Nick's eyes. But, it read more like a Dan Brown novel than the other Evanovich ones.

Short Excerpt Teaser

"The target is approaching the Vatican."

It was something Agent Kate O'Hare never thought she'd hear, at least not outside a movie theater.

As she stared at the video monitor, Nick Fox leaned down next to her, so close she could feel his breath on her neck. Cologne, hair product, pheromones. Whatever the combination, it tried to have its usual effect on her, but she kept her focus.

"Do you really think this guy is as good as I am?" Nick asked.

"Maybe better," Kate said. "You're the one who got caught."

Nick laughed that off. Even if he was "retired" from the business, he was still loving every minute of this trip to Italy, especially this chance to watch a master thief at work. He had once been a world-class thief himself, and had barely avoided a lifetime stay in the federal ADX Supermax prison. He bartered for his freedom by agreeing to help the FBI run semilegal cons and takedowns on the worst-of-the-worst, technically out-of-reach criminals. Kate tracked him for years and finally brought him down, only to be told by the deputy director himself that her next assignment was to be Nick's full-time handler, minder, wrangler, manager, babysitter, whatever you wanted to call it. Nick didn't go to prison in leg irons. He accepted the full-time shadow employment offer from the United States Department of Justice.

Nick was six feet tall, with soft brown hair, intelligent brown eyes, and a boyish grin that brought out the laugh lines around his eyes. He had the agile body of a tennis pro, lean and firm. He was smart, sexy, and playful, and if Nick had once been a world-class thief, he was still and always would be a galaxy-class kisser. From the beginning, it was all Kate could do to keep a professional distance. It was a goal she had thrown out the window on more than one occasion, and even now she wasn't sure what to call their official "status." In Facebook terms, it would have to be "It's complicated."

Tonight, Kate was six thousand miles from her Los Angeles cubicle, officially on loan to Interpol. She was part of a small international task force assisting the Vatican Gendarmerie's Gruppo Intervento Rapido, the Rapid Intervention Group, who were acting on dark web intel that the museum complex was being targeted for a nighttime break-in. Her job was to provide Nick Fox's expertise to the RIG, and make sure he acted like an angel. As exciting as that assignment might sound, she actually felt more like the trainer who brings the gorilla onto the movie set for the big action scene. No one even notices the trainer until the gorilla starts tearing everything up and stealing all of the food from the catering table.

Nick had been on his best behavior so far. He generously led the team through every phase of a high-level professional infiltration, taking them step by step through everything he would do if he were in the mood to break into the Vatican City Museum and steal something incredibly rare and incredibly valuable. The inspector general of the Vatican Gendarmerie was a serious, no-nonsense man named Lorenzo Vitali, a former commander from the Italian Carabinieri. He was essentially half policeman and half soldier, who had answered a higher calling to take over security at the Vatican. He'd been skeptical of everything Nick Fox said, until Nick walked him around the city's perimeter, pointing out every possible point of "surreptitious entry."

"You have just over six hundred full-time residents living in this city," Nick had said. "Yet every day, you open the gates and admit how many people?"

"On a busy day," Vitali had said, "over twenty thousand."

"Signore Inspector, you are tempting me back into a life of sin."

"We have one of the most advanced security systems in the world, Mr. Fox."

Nick had smiled. "That's an interesting first response, Signore Inspector. You didn't say you have a hundred highly trained and heavily armed guards. You didn't say you have a sniper positioned on every roof. You said you have a system." Nick leaned in closer to the inspector and said, "I spent my entire professional career absolutely in love with systems."

Nick and Kate were now stationed in a small room on the third floor of the museum complex, in front of a large bank of video surveillance screens. As a precaution, Pope Francis had been taken by helicopter to the summer residence at Castel Gandolfo, twenty miles away. Forty-two members of the combined Gendarmerie/Interpol force were closely wa...