The Love Song of Ivy K. Harlowe - book cover
Literature & Fiction
  • Publisher : Entangled: Teen
  • Published : 01 Jun 2021
  • Pages : 330
  • ISBN-10 : 1649370490
  • ISBN-13 : 9781649370495
  • Language : English

The Love Song of Ivy K. Harlowe

Ivy K. Harlowe is a lot of things.

She's my best friend.

She's the center of attention.

She is, without fail, the hottest girl in the room. Anytime. Anyplace.

She has freckles and dimples and bright green eyes, and with someone else's energy she'd be adorable. But there is nothing cute about Ivy. She is ice and hot metal and electricity.

She is the girl who every lesbian wants, but she has never been with the same person twice. She's one-of-a-kind but also predictable, so I will always be Andie, her best friend, never Andie, her girlfriend.

Then she meets Dot, and Ivy does something even I would have never guessed―she sees Dot another day. And another. And another.

Now my world is slowly going up in smoke, and no matter what I do, the flames grow higher. She lit that match without knowing who or what it would burn.

Ivy K. Harlowe is a lot of things.

But falling in love wasn't supposed to be one of them...unless it was with me.

Readers Top Reviews

Jessica RamoutarSusa
"Love Song should be dedicated to all those who've idolized their first crush, taken a drunken leap of faith, and admitted their feelings only to have them brutally shred your imaginary love story because they've known about your feelings all along and do not reciprocate" Ever feel like a book should come with a warning label because it hits right in the feels? Love Song touches such an intimate part of life, that awkward phase where you're stuck in a rut with no clear direction and you begin to question your life decisions while fighting the overwhelming feeling of being lost and empty. "What are you supposed to do when it turns out nothing is what you thought it was and everything you'd been planning is totally for nothing." Andie was such a hot relateable mess as she self sabotages all her potential relationships. It was equal parts painful and insightful watching her try to move on but being unable to because of her unrequited love for Ivy. Ivy was such an interesting character to me because I feel like everyone has someone like her in their life. They are too cool almost to the point of untouchable, incredibly selfish, and self-centered but you love them anyway and couldn't picture your life without them. Love Song features: Behind the scenes of a strip club Lesbian/ polyamory relationships An emotionally bereft main character Dynamic and comedic girl squad Love Song at its core is about powering through rejection, despite how hurtful it may be and not being afraid to take chances. It forces readers to digest an uncomfortable truth- as much as you may have your heart set on someone, love is a two-way street. Another powerful takeaway from Love Song is the reality that not everyone finds a grand love story like the ones written in books, sometimes life deals you some pretty crappy cards and you realize, maybe it’s ok not to fall in love? Thank you to the author, Entangled Publishing, and NetGalley for providing me with an arc. Trigger Warning: There are scenes depicting alcohol consumption, drug use, and overdose.