The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros - book cover
Politics & Government
  • Publisher : Liberatio Protocol
  • Published : 18 Jan 2022
  • Pages : 224
  • ISBN-10 : 163758332X
  • ISBN-13 : 9781637583326
  • Language : English

The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros

As heard on The Dan Bongino Show!

George Soros' web of influence is documented and exposed.

No one else in modern politics has anywhere near the power and influence of George Soros, both domestically and internationally. Backed by the tens of billions of dollars he's accumulated throughout his career, Soros has his hand in influencing the media, activist groups, colleges, presidential elections, global elections, local U.S. politics, and much more. Soros has earned himself a reputation as a "boogeyman" character on the right, and nowhere else will you read such an extensive documentation of his influence as in this book.

Editorial Reviews

I've written a lot about George Soros, and my eyes were opened by this book. - Dan Bongino, Host of The Dan Bongino Show and Unfiltered With Dan Bongino

Soros has been demonized, criticized, and ostracized by the political right; now he has been explained, and in so doing exposed. Matt Palumbo shows he is worthy of his position as Dan Bongino's acolyte in "The Man Behind the Curtain." Get this book, read this book, act upon the book. - Former Trump Presidential Campaign CEO Steve Bannon

This is a deep, important study of one of the most influential men of our time. The degree to which Soros has infiltrated virtually every aspect of public policy is alarming and should cause great concern for every American. - Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich

Readers Top Reviews

General BrettAllieGN
For years I knew Soros was BAD, but I never knew he is SO bad. This writer did an excellence job detailing Soros's background and action. One reviewer stated Soros has a "god' complex and I agree with assessment . What is so sad as of yet no one has ever stood up to this gentlemen. This man is just flat out evil. I encourage anyone who want to understand the TRUE costs of Soros's actions to read this book.
Could be also named “Soros in facts and in his own words”. Invaluable source to begin understanding one of the most sinister and powerful individuals in modern times. As a destructive force Soros is second to none, and Palumbo’s book provides initial glimpse into his motives and actions.
The billionaire Soros has spent much of his vast fortune trying to influence politics in the US and across the world. This is a man who has cheerfully admitted to being "selfish and self-centered" and who wrote in his book The Alchemy of Finance that "I fancied myself as some kind of God.". He became a US citizen in 1961 and was soon making vast boatloads of money trading stocks. In what came to be called Black Wednesday in 1992 Soros sold short 10 billion pound British pounds. Economic turmoil resulted, leading to the fall of UK's Conservative party. Soros admitted "I was taking money...(from) British taxpayers". Today Soros only has a mere 8.6 billion. He pays almost no taxes, due to the fact that his other 32 billion has been plowed into his personal charity, the Open Society fund, which is also the source of much of his power and influence in the world. For example, using the tactic of donating to politics through a PAC instead of his own name, Soros became the "largest individual backer of Biden" for the 2020 campaign. Soros influences the culture through money given to universities around the world, always in support of progressive causes. Among his many causes, he has fought to curtail law enforcement, and end the death penalty, any restrictions on abortion, and gay conversion therapy. He promotes his ideas also to the media, especially through the Center for Public Integrity, whose board includes a dozen journalist luminaries, among them well known people in there NYT's, the Wall St. Journal, Harvard, Simon and Schuster, ABC news, and various magazines.. The Black Lives Matter movement benefited by his huge checks written by Soros. After the death of George Floyd Soros actually donated a flood of money - $220 million. Soros also heavily paid for anti police candidates, such as San Francisco's Chesa Boudin, whose term in office has seen a spike in crime.
Christopher Mason
Read it in less than a day! Well worth the time to gain such valuable information. Kudos to Palumbo!
Author has done a great job researching all Soros has done and is doing to destroy America's principles of democracy. He funds many candidates and initiatives that are anti-free speech and who want to defund the police and don't care about property and personal safety as well as due process of the law. It makes sense that he doesn't appreciate the American Ideal of a fair opportunity for all and the right to be rewarded for your hard work and creativity. He made most of his money through arbitrage and market manipulation - rarely creating anything but anarchy. He started his work in Europe and we will end up like them if we don't watch out. They have no national identity and would have a hard time protecting themselves. Additionally, because they are so socialistic, they don't have companies like we do that drive the world economy like America does. They don't get rewarded for hard work and being innovative. My final thought is that he doesn't engage in the democratic process of talking through issues. His candidates and foundations are completely arrogant, like he is, and just want to force their beliefs on you without listening to what you have say.

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