The Violent Storm (A Will Tanner Western) - book cover
  • Publisher : Pinnacle
  • Published : 22 Feb 2022
  • Pages : 336
  • ISBN-10 : 0786047437
  • ISBN-13 : 9780786047437
  • Language : English

The Violent Storm (A Will Tanner Western)

Will Tanner is no ordinary lawman. He's a force of nature. But when he's outnumbered by rustlers, outgunned by outlaws-and stalked by a killer fresh out of jail-he's in for the fight of his life…

Johnstone Country. Forecast: Deadly.

There's a storm brewing in Oklahoma Territory, and this time, it's deadly serious. Local cattle ranches are being targeted by Texas rustlers-and the only man who can keep it from turning into a bloodbath is U.S. Deputy Marshal Will Tanner. The newly married lawman hates to leave his beautiful bride Sophie, but duty calls-for better or worse. In Tanner's experience, it's usually worse.

An unexpected confrontation with outlaws is just the bloody beginning. Then an escaped convict catches wind of the fact that Tanner killed his brother. Now Will's really in the crosshairs.

Tanner knows he's riding straight into a perfect storm of vengeance and slaughter, with only one way to end it-a hailstorm of hot lead.

Live Free. Read Hard.

Readers Top Reviews

Will Tanner, Deputy US Marshal, when not hunting, arresting, or escorting prisoners, spends a good many hours putting illegal whiskey sellers out of business. In this book, Will discovers a store illegally selling liquor to Indians. After further investigation with his friend, and after a small battle, Will burns the illicit liquor store to ashes as an example. Later, upon arriving at his home office, he's given the task of escorting a prisoner. But as usual, not all is as it seems, and Will is dragged into playing detective to prove the prisoner innocent. This book was very interesting, and I look forward to reading further adventures of Will Tanner.
Will Tanner US deputy marshal is back in The Violent Storm by William W. Johnstone and J. A. Johnstone. This one is one of the better ones in the series it has been a little up and down through the adventures. Still it's a western and I like those. The storyline in this book has many strange twists and that makes it entertaining to read. There are all kinds of crime going on in the territories and Will has to go back and forth to fight evil. At the same time he has to deal with the fact that he's newly married and she doesn't like to be left alone. He also have the opportunity to leave the service and go back to his ranch but is unvilling to do so. This has most of the ingredients you want in a good western and I thank @kensingtonbooks @netgalley and #Pinnacle for giving me this advance copy and @williamw.j.a.johnstone for writing it. #NetGalley #Kensington #TheViolentStorm #WilliamWJohnstone #JAJohnstone #Western #WillTanner
Thanks to and Kensington Publishing for the advance ARC copy for my honest review. One of my favorite niches in the Western genre is the lawman novels, with 'The Violent Storm' it checks off every box, as to what you would want in Western Lawman yarn. Arguably, the seven book Will Tanner series, is the best of the new series published by the William W. Johnstone's estate. It helps although it's ghost written, the spur winning writer has left his finger prints all over the writing, you can't hide his writing style, being a fan of his, got every release either in my library or on my Kindle and well done Chucky. Will Tanner a rancher, he came to the aid of a U.S. Deputy Marshall, that's how he became one, he's unassuming, tough, honest, cunning, you don't want him on your trail and he works out of Fort Smith, for Judge Parker "The Hanging Judge". In 'The Violent Storm', he travels into Indian Territory with the help of Tribal Police, he shuts down illegal whiskey sales, investigates cattle rustling eliminating the problem, even the border of Texas won't stop him from arresting outlaws he pursues, he's cunning aiding him to outsmart a hired killer and like he's married to Sophie. Definitely do read this one, it's great escapism in what's going on in todays World and check out Spur Award Author Charles G. West's books. If you haven't yet.
Will Tanner is a U.S. Deputy Marshal responsible for any trouble that occurs in Oklahoma. In the past, Will hasn’t let the boundaries of one state to another prevent him from seeking and apprehending law breakers. When Will is sent to find out more information about cattle rustling, he is pretty sure he already knows who is responsible for the thefts. However, before he can get to the area where the cattle are being taken, Will spends time with a man he met in his earlier travels. Spending the night with his friend Merle should have been a quiet one, but as it turns out it was almost the last night of Will’s life when a couple of men set upon him and Merle with deadly intent. When Will reaches Atoka and meets with Jim Little Eagle, who is the lawman for the Indian nation, he finds out that some men have decided to illegally sell whiskey to Indians. Due to limitations of power, the two men need to work together to confront the operation and stop the illicit actions. All of that leads to a short, intense battle and one man being captured and put in Jim Little Eagle’s jail so Will can continue on to find out about the cattle rustling. From this point on, it seems that Will is fighting one battle after another. Will meets with some folks who are friendly and others he attempts to bring back to Fort Smith and justice. The story seems focused more on the interactions between Will and other characters whom readers have met in earlier stories of Will Tanner. There are occasional intense moments in the story where action, danger and even humor break up the conversations. The novel’s ending is one which brought a smile to my face, and I wonder if it will lead to new characters being present in future tales. If you haven’t read any Will Tanner books, that isn’t a problem. You can pick up the book and enjoy. Perhaps, when finished, audiences will then go back and enjoy the adventures of the U.S. Deputy Marshal starting with Will Tanner-U.S. Deputy Marshal, then A Stranger in Town, Powder Burn, Evil Never Sleeps, Dig Your Own Grave and Pray for Death.