Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World - book cover
Death & Grief
  • Publisher : Harper Wave; 1st edition
  • Published : 21 Apr 2020
  • Pages : 352
  • ISBN-10 : 0062913298
  • ISBN-13 : 9780062913296
  • Language : English

Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World

Instant New York Times Bestseller!

The book we need NOW to avoid a social recession, Murthy's prescient message is about the importance of human connection, the hidden impact of loneliness on our health, and the social power of community.

Humans are social creatures: In this simple and obvious fact lies both the problem and the solution to the current crisis of loneliness. In his groundbreaking book, the 19th surgeon general of the United States Dr. Vivek Murthy makes a case for loneliness as a public health concern: a root cause and contributor to many of the epidemics sweeping the world today from alcohol and drug addiction to violence to depression and anxiety. Loneliness, he argues, is affecting not only our health, but also how our children experience school, how we perform in the workplace, and the sense of division and polarization in our society.

But, at the center of our loneliness is our innate desire to connect. We have evolved to participate in community, to forge lasting bonds with others, to help one another, and to share life experiences. We are, simply, better together.

The lessons in Together have immediate relevance and application. These four key strategies will help us not only to weather this crisis, but also to heal our social world far into the future.

Spend time each day with those you love. Devote at least 15 minutes each day to connecting with those you most care about.Focus on each other. Forget about multitasking and give the other person the gift of your full attention, making eye contact, if possible, and genuinely listening.Embrace solitude. The first step toward building stronger connections with others is to build a stronger connection with oneself. Meditation, prayer, art, music, and time spent outdoors can all be sources of solitary comfort and joy.Help and be helped. Service is a form of human connection that reminds us of our value and purpose in life. Checking on a neighbor, seeking advice, even just offering a smile to a stranger six feet away, all can make us stronger. During Murthy's tenure as Surgeon General and during the research for Together, he found that there were few issues that elicited as much enthusiastic interest from both very conservative and very liberal members of Congress, from young and old people, or from urban and rural residents alike. Loneliness was something so many people have known themselves or have seen in the people around them. In the book, Murthy also shares his own deeply personal experiences with the subject--from struggling with loneliness in school, to the devastating loss of his uncle who succumbed to his own loneliness, as well as the important example of community and connection that his parents modeled. Simply, it's a universal condition that affects all of us directly or through the people we love-now more than ever.

Editorial Reviews

"One of our most beloved surgeon generals, Murthy has a big heart and a big message. We have a massive, deadly epidemic hidden in plain sight: loneliness. It is as harmful to health as smoking and far more common. And as his gripping stories of the science and suffering make clear, we can do something about it. Together is fascinating, moving, and essential reading." - Atul Gawande, author of Being Mortal

"Vivek Murthy reminds us that our national conversation about medicine has been too narrowly focused on hospitals, doctors, and drugs-and not enough on the human connections that sustain us. Together stands with Atul Gawande's classic Being Mortal." - Malcolm Gladwell, New York Times bestselling author of The Tipping Point, Outliers, and Talking to Strangers

"Profound, empathic, and ultra-savvy about the plight of disconnect and the power of human connection, this book is a balm and an inspiration. Together offers a convincing diagnosis of a public health epidemic of loneliness in our time, and is also a well-articulated etiology, prognosis, and treatment plan based on kindness and caring for each other." - Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of MBSR and author of Full Catastrophe Living and Meditation Is Not What You Think

"Some books enlighten, but others stun. Together is a stunner. It made me rethink much of what I believe about physical health, public policy, and the human condition. By revealing America's epidemic of loneliness-and then offering an array of remedies for the condition-Murthy has done a great service, and made Together the most important book you'll read this year." - Daniel H. Pink, #1 New York Times bestselling author of When and Drive

"In Together, Vivek Murthy has put his finger on an important and under-recognized health hazard. By identifying loneliness as a key factor underpinning so many mental and physical illnesses, he opens the door to acceptance and offers much-needed solutions. We need Murthy's book now...

Readers Top Reviews

Supriya ChoudharyKin
Loved this book.Amazing examples. Simple language, yet profoundly abstract concepts made very easy. Changed the way I look at connections 😃.
Samit Ghosh
In our current technology driven age the importance of fostering meaningful human relationships at all levels of our circle - family, friends, work colleagues, neighbors is highlighted in a very insightful age. The problems of loneliness which are at the root of most of our physical and mental challenges is analysed and simple solutions recommended. It is book which helps us to be better human beings by building supportive and joyful human relationships.
Jessie Hopkins
This book was amazing! We've all probably heard how humans are social creatures and thus need social connections but how many of us have thought of just how dangerous loneliness can be? Dr. Murthy shares years of extensive research into how loneliness can affect our mental, emotional, and even physical well-being. He shares amazing and heartbreaking stories of people from across the world who experienced loneliness. Some discovered methods to form needed connections or find the support they craved, while others unfortunately couldn't and suffered alone. He discusses how loneliness originates and why it can be so difficult to reach out for the assistance we need. This book taught me so much and the programs that people have created to combat loneliness left me in awe and wondering how I could apply this to my own life. And considering what this year has been for us all, this book could not have come at a more perfect time. I strongly recommend this book for EVERYONE! We can all learn and benefit from Dr. Murthy's hard work and research into the healing power of human connection.
Michael J. Rocha
This books' message is my compass for 2020, amidst the uncertainty, COVID-19, and everything else that is pulling us apart. Please pay particular attention to pages 279-280 where Dr. Murthy writes a letter to his 2 young children stopped me in my tracks. He is speaking to all of us and all of our children. We are here to help one another. We are here to listen to one another. We are here to make the world a better place for our kids, who we ultimately will leave this world to carry the torch. I am fortunate to have met Dr. Vivek Murthy​ multiple times and his genuine concern and heartfelt message resonates on every page. This book is exactly what we all need. What we all need right now. A deep bow to a colleague that shares an oath that we all take as physicians to ease suffering and bring peace.
Amit Bhuta
Having lost seven friends to suicide and being suicidal in the past for many years, this book really resonates with me. I felt like Dr Murthy was speaking to me and understanding all my past struggles and sharing with me what so many didn’t understand during that dark time of my life. I’m so grateful that this book was written and read by the author. It was soothing to me that he was able to share multiple stories of what people have gone through and how they were able to overcome their tough times. I know this book will save many lives, especially during this time in history. If you are feeling down and life seems less perfect than it once was, I would highly recommend reading this. It may just change your life.