Bad Days for Bad Men: Smoke Jensen's American Justice - book cover
Action & Adventure
  • Publisher : Pinnacle
  • Published : 29 Nov 2022
  • Pages : 496
  • ISBN-10 : 0786049995
  • ISBN-13 : 9780786049998
  • Language : English

Bad Days for Bad Men: Smoke Jensen's American Justice

A man of the mountains, Smoke Jensen forged his steely brand of justice in the untamed, unforgiving wilderness of the American West. Bad Days for Bad Men presents two legendary adventures of the original Mountain Man by national bestselling authors William W. and J.A. Johnstone.

Smoke is determined to stay on the right side of the law-until he's jumped by six low-life robbers who steal his shirt and his identity. Tried for robbery and murder, Smoke's sentenced to hang in the morning. But come sunup, he's already after the desperados who've set him up. Smoke's going to hunt them down one by one. Because nobody frames the Mountain Man. Nobody who plans on staying alive, that is . . .

Smoke takes a contract to deliver three thousand head of cattle, but a renegade Cheyenne warrior uses an early winter blizzard to attack Smoke and his outgunned cowboys. Too bad it's only the first step in a journey built to test Smoke's mettle, because some people are hunting a payday of their own-for killing Smoke Jensen. Soon the streets of Laramie will run with blood . . .

Readers Top Reviews

Completely Satisfied
I read every Johnstone western I can find. The Johnstone series revolve a core of seriously good, honest men who just want to live a peaceful life and raise their families. But fate seldom gives them a pass. Smoke Jensen is the original mountain man. He travels the roads and trails to make a living but has developed a reputation as a lawman's gun man. This book has two stories that find Smoke pitted against some desperately bad men. Good reads from some seriosly good writers.
Smoke has just suffered the worst winter in Sugarloaf‘s history. When he goes to the bank to speak to Mr. Wallace about postponing his note, Mr. Wallace offers him a job. It seems the papers has put their $20,000 deposit that is on its way to red rock in the paper and Mr. Wallace knows every highway men in Colorado and beyond will be rooting for that money so he hires Smoke Jensen to guarded. This is how Smoke becomes acquainted with the outlaw and the state prisoner O2. Of course the good guy government stops him from robbing the stage but he just makes another plan to rob the bank. Unfortunately after O’Toole and his five government rob the bank they run across smoke making his way to Denver to see about leasing his land so he can save him and Sally’s home. everyone in Antioch saw the two Nolan Brothers in their bright striped red shirts and so when the gang runs across smoke they knock them out and take his blue shirt and traded for one of the red ones when the posse comes across smoke of course they think he’s one of the bank robbers who not only rob the bank but kill the bank manager. and of course True to small town law officials they don’t believe what’s motels them and unfortunately for smoke the telegraph so down and they can’t get a message out to red rock in the Marshall thinks he still a bonded man. When he was found guilty it all looks like it’s over for a smoke