Profiles in Courage - book cover
Politics & Government
  • Publisher : Harper; Later prt. edition
  • Published : 18 Mar 2003
  • Pages : 272
  • ISBN-10 : 0060530626
  • ISBN-13 : 9780060530624
  • Language : English

Profiles in Courage


With a foreword by Robert F. Kennedy and introduction by Caroline Kennedy

John F. Kennedy's enduring classic resounds with timeless lessons on the most cherished of virtues-courage and patriotism-and remains a moving, powerful, and relevant testament to the indomitable American spirit

During 1954-55, Kennedy, then a junior senator from the state of Massachusetts, profiled eight American patriots, mainly United States Senators, who at crucial moments in our nation's history, revealed a special sort of greatness: men who disregarded dreadful consequences to their public and private lives to do that one thing which seemed right in itself. They were men of various political and regional allegiances-their one overriding loyalty was to the United States.

Courage such as these men shared, Kennedy makes clear, is central to all morality-a man does what he must in spite of personal consequences-and these exciting stories suggest that, without in the least disparaging the courage with which men die, we should not overlook the true greatness adorning those acts of courage with which men must live.

As Robert F. Kennedy writes in the foreword, Profiles in Courage "is not just stories of the past but a book of hope and confidence for the future. What happens to the country, to the world, depends on what we do with what others have left us." 

Editorial Reviews

"It is refreshing and enlightening to have a first-rate politician write a thoughtful and persuasive book about political integrity." -- New York Times Book Review

"A book that deserves reading by every American." -- Springfield Republican

Readers Top Reviews

Hr.Leslie J.Maidment
A magnificent book. The men described here helped to forge the future course of the nascent republic. They were not afraid to follow their innermost convictions unlike the current crop of republican politicians - profiles of cowardice - unable to confront and stand up to the flawed policies of the current incumbent in the Oval Office.
I have always wanted to read this book. I am finding it enlightening in it's content. The people that are chronicled in the book are mostly ones not readily known to the public, but important none the less. Many of today's leaders would benefit in following some of the principles and actions portrayed in this reading. It is a shame most will not, and continue on their blind path of political character.
Having grown up during the Kennedy Era I was always a fan of his speeches for there insights and frequently delivered humor. In spite of the many references to Profiles in Courage, I had never read it. Although purchased months ago, I am completing it just as the impeachment trial of Donal J. Trump begins in the Senate. What appropriate timing! The book focuses primarily on the Senate and those in congress who have to make the decisions that the rest of us live by. Considerable time is spent in the Forward to the book on the multiple considerations our representatives have to take into account in deciding their vote. As well as the pressures brought to bear by their party, their State, and their constituents on them, both to vote a certain way, or because they voted a certain way. His book emphasizes that courage takes many forms and it generally boils down to the character and integrity of the individual, whether right or wrong in the view of history. Ironically one of the major profiles involved the Impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson, the first test of this feature of our Constitution. It reads like it is taken from today’s papers. Spoiler alert, he was acquitted. It would do well for all Senator’s to review this book before the trial begins (tomorrow, as of this writing). Will they be a profile in courage? History will judge.
If you have not already read this book, you should. It is well written, interesting and informative. President Kennedy wrote this book when he was a United States senator. A large portion of the book is Kennedy's musings on being a United States senator. He discusses the challenges of balancing lawmaking and representing his constituents. The rest of the book highlights several United States senators, and how they made unpopular decisions because they felt that they were the morally correct decisions to make.
Frank Donnelly
"Profiles In Courage" is an excellent work of historical non fiction, authored by a then Senator Kennedy in the 1950s before being elected president. It is primarily about eight United States Senators who made courageous choices in the face of controversy. There is a lot of background and other persons ncluded in these stories. As an amateur history student I completely loved this opportunity for reading and study. I purchased both the Kindle and the audiobook. I loved both of them but for distinctly different reasons. Within the audiobook there is a forward narrated by Caroline Kennedy, the president's daughter. The rest of the narration is done by the president's son. I would not have missed this chance to listen to these narrations and was quite moved by the experience. HOWEVER the AUDIOBOOK is ABRIDGED. Perhaps I should have known that. I will assume that it was my fault that I did not. There is so much more information in the Kindle that I would not have wanted to miss out on. As is normal for me I did parallel reading as I worked my way through this book. I was happy to discover a biography authored by a then young Theodore Roosevelt about Senator Benton. I am ambivalent about Senator Benton, but that is not the point. I learned so much background information that I felt I had conducted a virtual 100 into level course on American History. It was a completely fulfilling reading, listening, and study experience. Thank You...

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