Texarkana (A Perley Gates Western) - book cover
Action & Adventure
  • Publisher : Pinnacle
  • Published : 30 Nov 2021
  • Pages : 352
  • ISBN-10 : 0786049065
  • ISBN-13 : 9780786049066
  • Language : English

Texarkana (A Perley Gates Western)

From the Greatest Western Writers of the 21st Century, William W. Johnstone and J.A. Johnstone, the 6th blazing adventure featuring Perley Gates, a new hero in the Old West who's carving out his own legacy in the violent American frontier. He's as honest and good as his heavenly name, so when an unholy trio of cutthroat rustlers turn a routine horse drive into an epic showdown between good and evil-with a little divine justice from gunfighting legend Perley Gates…


At first, the job sounds easy: lead a small herd of horses across the Arkansas–Texas border to the Double-D ranch near Texarkana. No problem-at least not for a man like Perley Gates. In fact, he's looking forward to the 150-mile journey with his old sidekick Possum Smith and young Sonny Rice, and doesn't expect any trouble along the way. Unfortunately, trouble has a way of finding Perley Gates. This time, it's a trigger-happy trio of horse thieves who take one look at old Possum, young Sonny, and the low-key Perley, and decide they're three very easy targets. But in the Old West, nothing comes easy. Except death…
So begins one hell of a showdown. On one side are the forces of evil itself, with notorious gunslinger Spade Devlin gunning for blood. On the other side are a few good men, a town under siege-and a merciless angel of vengeance named Perley Gates…

Readers Top Reviews

Loretta Miles Tollef
A fun Western with heart, this book is bound to please those looking for a traditional Western where the good guys always win.
NM Reader
A fun Western with heart, this book is bound to please those looking for a traditional Western where the good guys always win.
Perley Gates is one of the best antiheroes when it comes to westerns. Texarkana by William W. Johnstone and J.A. Johnstone is the latest adventure, where the task is simple. Just deliver some horses and the job is done? Oh no, there will be rustling, gunfights and a range war. Perley steps in another cow pie. The story is wonderful, the action is great and I laughed my way through this book. I must thank @kensingtonbooks @netgalley #Pinnacle for giving me this advance copy and @williamw.j.a.johnstone for writing it. #NetGalley #Kensington #Texarkana #WilliamWJohnstone #JAJohnstone #Western #WhatIamReading #LibraryOfAbibliofob #eARC #PerleyGates
Perley Gates is a young man who is humble and willing to help whoever is in need. Texarkana is the sixth Perley Gates western that fans will enjoy from start to finish. In the novel, Perley is riding with two ranch hands to deliver horses to a ranch called the Double-D. On the way, Perely and his men almost lose the remuda when bandits attempt to seize them. When the trio arrives at the Double-D, it seems like all is going well and the three can return to their ranch in Texas. However, as usual, Perley decides to help those at the Double-D when trouble comes calling. Perely and the other cowboys run down the gang who brought death and destruction to the ranch, but a couple of them got away. Those men and their leader bring more trouble later when on the trail their paths cross with Perley and his men. There is plenty of action in the story and romance as well. One of my favorite traits of the character of Perley Gates is his unassuming nature and humility. He doesn’t tout his ability with a gun. He lives his life with his brothers on their ranch. The other character in the book that I enjoyed is a man named Possum. Possum gives sound counsel to Perley and just shakes his head when Perley seems to step into trouble without even trying. While each book can be read as a stand-alone, readers might want to read the previous books in the series. The titles are The Legend of Perely Gates, A Reason to Die, Bullets Don’t Argue, Shot to Hell and Red River Vengeance. I recommend visiting the website to see all that is available for many hours of enjoyable reading.
Vanessa D
He is always getting into shoot outs that he didn't want. Always tries to do right, is a good friend.